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LeroysBoots 6:54 Fri Sep 1
James Corden Rant
Love him or loathe him, this impassioned rant about West Ham is fucking spot on


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Council Scum 10:35 Mon Sep 4
Re: James Corden Rant
Is Corden a fan now then?

I remember a few years back when he was asked to name his favourite current player and he couldn't name one player in our team at the time.

The band jumping cunt can fuck off.

G-IRONS 9:56 Mon Sep 4
Re: James Corden Rant
I met him in Cardiff before the PNE play off final when he was in Fat friends and well before he became really famous.Top bloke,knowledgeable,friendly very shy but 100% West Ham.

Oneday 9:21 Mon Sep 4
Re: James Corden Rant
He didn't go to university, so you must have heard that wrong somewhere.

El Scorchio 7:13 Mon Sep 4
Re: James Corden Rant
Alwaysaniron 6:29

Yeah I would because I think he's a smarmy, plastic, insincere cunt.

Russell Brand, however, I do not mind. I actually think he's a proper fan rather than an opportunist, even if I don't think he's that funny any more.

That's 'jealousy' out of the window then.

Alwaysaniron 6:29 Mon Sep 4
Re: James Corden Rant
He's spot on with his comments. There are some fucking total tosspots on this site though that regardless of what he said would just slag him off. Jealous pricks the lot of them.

ray winstone 1:59 Mon Sep 4
Re: James Corden Rant
Yeah, just like that muggy cunt Winstone.....

El Scorchio 1:02 Mon Sep 4
Re: James Corden Rant
Plastic cunt.

Supported Man United until he went to university. I actually think he carefully 'picked' West Ham to support for 'kudos' as a choice for his career. Can't take anything he says about the club seriously

Swiss. 12:46 Mon Sep 4
Re: James Corden Rant
I quite like him and he's Karaoke Carpool is quite original.

His comments are spot on as well.

cholo 10:51 Mon Sep 4
Re: James Corden Rant
I'm not a fan of his but he was bang on.

brick_lane_batty_boy 10:25 Mon Sep 4
Re: James Corden Rant
I'm sure it's a good piece.

I just really can't stand the bloke.

The fake sincerity and the we buy any car adverts in that really humble voice he does send me over the edge.

twoleftfeet 1:06 Sun Sep 3
Re: James Corden Rant
He was spot on, anyone on here who berates him is a fool. He nailed it!

Cundy is a massive tool but he was also spot on.

We are in interesting times!

j.a 12:53 Sun Sep 3
Re: James Corden Rant
Agree with most of it. I feel he is a tad optimistic about the signings of Zab and Hart though. At best, they are a gamble.
They have as much chance of turning out to be shit, as they do a success.

FruityBoots. 11:49 Sun Sep 3
Re: James Corden Rant
He is absolutely spot, he really does sound as deflated as most of us feel. He sounds like such a different person from his TV presenter persona that is so OTT. probably just the same with Russell Brand if you just sat and talked about football with him.

Sir Alf 3:19 Sat Sep 2
Re: James Corden Rant
Hard to like Cundy but I found myself thinking his comment - about West Ham being turned into a franchise and owners who are focused primarily on making money - to have more than a grain of truth in it?

zico 2:52 Sat Sep 2
Re: James Corden Rant
Just listened to it and he is bang on. Plenty of people on here have commented on Bilic's treatment of Rice and Oxford after a mistake which was disgraceful really, and I agree about Henrnandez not being a lone striker. If you play two up then we haven't got a strong enough midfield especially if Noble plays in a two!!

Incredible how fans can see it but a bloke on more a week than most make in a year doesn't see it...

Lee S 1:29 Sat Sep 2
Re: James Corden Rant
I had a season ticket for the best part of 20 years but live in New Zealand now. What's where you live got to do with anything?

Regardless of what you think about Cordon, you can tell from the way he speaks that he is a fan and has a fair bit of Footballing knowledge. More than some on here probably.

Easy to say now, but I have not been convinced by the buys we made. Hernandez, is the only one significantly better than what we had.

For another year, the owners have laid out less than 30m net, Inc wages. Whilst, the Season Tickets continue to sell, they will continue to mug everyone off. They will blame Bilic no doubt.

Serious Drinking 1:29 Sat Sep 2
Re: James Corden Rant
I'm not really a fan but found him quite articulate about the current situation and in agreement with him.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:25 Sat Sep 2
Re: James Corden Rant
Willtell 11:10 Fri Sep 1

Don't be a cunt Willtell. He stumbles as the ball is coming to him - without the stumble he can pass it straight back to Ogbonna or give it to Collins or Hart.


It was a ricket. That's all. It doesn't make him useless, it doesn't say much of anything. But to deny it was a bad mistake is to be entering an alternative reality.

lars 1:08 Sat Sep 2
Re: James Corden Rant
Can't argue with any of his comments.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:05 Sat Sep 2
Re: James Corden Rant
Eerie Descent 10:54 Fri Sep 1

I know you like to have a pop at me, but if you look at my posts all I have said is that Rice made a ricket and that he was replaced when we were losing at half time by the best midfielder in the club. So to use this as a reason why Bilic is useless is ridiculous. For all we know he was told he was only going to get a half anyway.

I haven't said Rice is shit. In fact I think he's far from shit. Nor did I say he was lazy.

I haven't said Ayew is any good (in fact I think I was one of the first on here to point out his cowardice and hiding and got soundly berated for it, probably by you). Fernandez wasn't even on my radar and I've never thought Noble was that great and he is now well past it. Though to be fair I would never, ever accuse him of shirking or hiding from responsibility.

So I'm at a bit of a loss to see what I said that was shit.

southwoodford 12:02 Sat Sep 2
Re: James Corden Rant
Spot on. This man knows his club.

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