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eastend joker 10:57 Sat Apr 28
Frank Lampard snr
been to quite a few "q & a nights normally hosted by Tony Gale with the usual guests Bonds ,Brooking ,Cottee etc ,all very entertaining but i find it strange that to the best of my memory Frank has never featured in these ,a stalwart of the Club and scorer of one of our most famous goals ever .

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wanstead_hammer 9:23 Mon Apr 30
Re: Frank Lampard snr
Sven/miike and kirok1 have pretty much got it spot on.

And yeh, Snr was always a bit of a surly sod considering he was raking it in from all angles.

Will keep an eye on the nightingale turn out.

Oh dear 8:31 Mon Apr 30
Re: Frank Lampard snr
Frank Snr probably doesn't do these things because he doesn't need the money, he is a very wealthy man.

He'll do the 80's squad reunion because it would very noticeable if he was not there.

side effect 2:35 Mon Apr 30
Re: Frank Lampard snr
I found it very strange he was never subbed. I wanted sing.

Come on come on
Hurry up Harry sub him
He's playing like a c.

By Sham 69.

Regarding his dad as others said is stone rich and dosent need to. Also believe they hate hating west ham .

I stopped going 20 years ago and want to hate them but i still got wound up today so once West Ham is in your blood thats it and there's no way out.

jfk 11:44 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
Lampard snr owns streets Upton Park way he's stinking rich and not the approachable type.

eastend joker 7:39 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
simon he has ,but the rumour is he wants to turn it into flats .

icwhs 12:56 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
The players doing the circuit need the money it generates.

Frank Snr doesn’t need the money (due to jnr) looking after him.

Nor does he need the agro.

simon.s 12:43 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
I think snr has taken over the nightingale in Wanstead.

kirok1 12:38 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
Lampard carries extra timber at West Ham. Training methods were antiquated and he himself slagged them off after getting to Chelsea. The irony of it being his father and uncle who ran these methods seemingly lost on him.
He WAS slagged off by fans, usually after another underwhelming performance where others were removed before him. But, as others have stated, some hated him anyway.
However, he ramped this up a thousand fold by taking any and every opportunity to slag off the fans and the club over the entirety of his Chelsea career.
It’s why I was so surprised by his measured, thoughtful and balanced view of the stadium incidents v Burnley and the whole situation with regard to the board.
Fans ARE unforgiving, particularly if you’re perceived as lazy. He was. He upped his game at Chelsea and did become the player he had the potential to be. But what he never seems to acknowledge is that the reason he wasn’t fulfilling that potential at UP was not the fans but his Uncle and Father.
As for Frank senior. Bit of an arsehole and a grouchy bastard. Not entirely surprising that he doesn’t want to sit up on a stage and tell how he saw his brother in law fuck over a legitimate club legend and then get him sacked for mouthing off to the boss...

Northern Sold 12:19 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
Different culture he said... We had bacon butties for breako so he said...

Sven Roeder 12:16 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
The horses mouth

"I owe him everything. If it wasn’t for Claudio (Ranieri) , I wouldn’t have had the career I had. I wouldn’t still be playing, probably.

"He changed my career. I was at West Ham and I was a youngster who didn’t know the continental style and the way to live my life."

Vexed 12:15 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
jfk = fat Frank's mum

Willtell 12:05 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
Di dhe really admit that Sven? I've never seen or heard that. Do you remember where you got that from?

Sven Roeder 12:00 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
I think most West Ham fans saw the potential in Lampard ... a midfielder with an eye for goal ... but thought he needed to work more and dedicate himself.
The Fat Frank nickname had a basis in fact
He was too comfortable at WHU and has admitted himself he only dedicated himself when he had to at Chelsea.
Which is failure of our club which certainly still applies.

Northern Sold 11:58 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
Now now miike stop getting nasty you will be booing me next and trying to get me subbed to KUMB ..... Oh and I was not at the villa game where he broke his leg so can't comment if people cheered or not...

Takashi Miike 11:55 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
ring leader? please stop talking bollocks for just one day

Willtell 11:55 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
Because Miike there was a general feeling that Lampard would only make it because of favouritism from fans. They resented him like so many do today with Noble.

OK not quite the same thing but there are loads of fans that see what they want to see to prove their point. And how right was Redknapp about all those players?

Northern Sold 11:54 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
The booing I remember was if a sub was made at jnr was not brought off...then it would start...

Northern Sold 11:52 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
Where we used to sit/stand in BMLjnr used to get shit loads... Oh he had his backers as well... But plenty of people that used to go mental if he was not subbed.. One bloke we nicknamed capt Birdseye was the ring leader....he used to come in spitting his pasty everywhere just the mere mention... Never known a player ever with more divided loyalties than jnr... Oh I was pro incase you are wondering.....re his old man he loved a pound note in a brown bag every bit as much as Arry did...

jfk 11:52 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
The fact of the matter is Chelsea (to the tune of 11 million quid)saw something that we never and he was hounded out of the club he loved.im sure if he was asked now he'd say he's West Ham at heart.
He's won fuck knows how many trophies and another great player we let go that went on to bigger things with at the time half a dozen others.

Takashi Miike 11:51 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
what reminder, some silly cunt at a Q&,A asking dopey questions? im referring to what actually happened at games

Willtell 11:45 Sun Apr 29
Re: Frank Lampard snr
No it wasn't. He was already labelled Fat Frank and I just couldn't understand some of the chants about him. I thought he was brilliant and I give you this reminder of how WH fans can be cunts at times...


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