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ornchurch ammer 12:58 Sun Sep 2
How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
First game today after being away on holiday and it was like I took a time machine to the start of last season.

Is there something in the water at Rush Green?
New manager, new players, same old fucking West Ham.

Plus, on the way back via Carpenters Rd the addition of more Stop Fucking Go boards. Is there no end to the way that they can ruin that fucking hole?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

camel-with-3-humps 8:01 Wed Sep 5
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
Pellegrini is toxic. That’s the problem.

After8 4:17 Wed Sep 5
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
We've spent upto 100 million after years of chronic under investment and irrespective of that spend, unless you fix a culture, you'll never progress.

There are issues with Oxford and Antonio. You have a player like Snodgrass openly criticised by the owners and we have a soulless stadium and 3rd world training facilities.

A fish rots from the head.

Sarge 3:20 Wed Sep 5
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
1) change the manager
2) best player suffers a season ending injury on international duty
3) new manager abandons 3 at the back............
4) ...............but pulls the wing backs back to full back when neither can defend
5) play no one with any pace or movement in the middle of the park (apart from the last 15 on Sat when Obiang came on)
6) Play your best (fittest) no 10 wide
7) keep picking Antonio.

and in terms of gifts that keep on coming for the loyal supporters - after two seasons of allowing it, all of a sudden don't allow fans to take their kids pitchside (well - as close as you can get to pitchside) to meet the mascots / potentially pick up an autograph or two 30 mins before kick off because they've got an upper tier ticket.

Trevor B 2:03 Wed Sep 5
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
Odd how he has been 'told' that, yet the manager has Holland training with the first team?

Boycie 1:58 Wed Sep 5
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
Academy manager has apparently been told none of them will ever get near the first team. So we keep shelling out on average foreign players who have no passion.

Sir Alf 12:14 Wed Sep 5
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
MrSnoogans 6:31 Tue Sep 4

That sounds plausible and could be a root cause for the gaps in our recruitment. The 4 or 5 agents we use ( Mackay, Silkman etc) didn't have athletic, pacey midfielders in their catalogue of available players? :-)

LeroysBoots 7:00 Tue Sep 4
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
Clearly the adage "you reap what you sow"...was tailor made for the cunts running our club.

The infrastructure has been fone on the cheap ever since they have been at the club

Our training facilities are fucking embarrassing

And when they get challenged they make a song and dance about spending 3 million upgrading Rush Green !

Yes 3 fucking million, Spurs prob paid that on lights in their car park !

We are a 2 bob club, always have been, run by small minded penny pinchers

jim@chickenrun 6:53 Tue Sep 4
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
Simple,its west ham...its what we do.

MrSnoogans 6:31 Tue Sep 4
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
Bob De Niro 12:58 Tue Sep 4

Just an example from that daily mail article that has just been released for a start.

'A threadbare infrastructure would be easier to accept if West Ham possessed one of the more fundamental requirements of Premier League success - a serviceable system to find and buy the best players.

'....et the same river of TV money has done pitifully little for the basic football fabric and infrastructure of the club he left behind.

When David Moyes made use of his manager's changing room at Rush Green last season, he was surprised to find 14 people also occupying it. He discovered that he was expected to share.

When the 'Beast from the East' struck last winter, Moyes had to take the players into the gym as there was inadequate undersoil heating at Rush Green. The gym wasn't big enough, so extra Astroturf was laid outside it as well.

They have a handful of scouts and no target lists,' one source tells Sportsmail. 'The transfer policy seems to stem from the same four or five agents calling [co-owner] David Sullivan and telling him what he needs.

'I've not come across a Premier League club like it for sheer lack of football infrastructure. The Premier League income affords them this way to try to buy their way out of trouble. The rest of Europe just laughs at this kind of thing.'

TeVaz 1:25 Tue Sep 4
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
Football these days seems to be all about pressing the opposition. We have neither the pace or fitness to be able to do this . Add that to the fact we spent too much on unproven or past it players and Bob’s yer uncle .

threesixty 1:03 Tue Sep 4
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
People keep saying player x cant defend. Player y cant cross, blah blah. And then those players go on to other clubs with other managers and do the very same thing we say they cant do!

Then we say, oh, they cant do it at this level! But then they go on to la liga or whatever and they bang goals in and manage to do it in top 6 clubs there but cant do it for a bottom 10 club in the prem?

Then you look at people like Glenn Murray who we would say isnt fit to grace our changing rooms and yet is banging them in in the same league as we are.


The players are good enough, its the management and coaching that is crap.

The coach is meant to ensure that the players perform in the right way. Its a specific man management role.

If you have a member of staff that isnt doing things right you create a system, a methodology, something that makes its impossible for them to do the wrong thing. And you keep at it until its drilled into them. So they wake up in the morning and all they can think about is "holding the line" or whatever youve drummed into them.

The coaches that come here seem to just think that the players are going to do things because they say .. 'do that'..

Thats the one thing that Moyes actually seemed to do. He was prepared to roll his sleeves up and drill those players into submission.

I really hope MP is that type of person. Because these guys will get paid regardless of whether the jog around or sprint. They dont care unless you make them care.

Bob De Niro 12:58 Tue Sep 4
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
''Because spending �100m on players doesn't suddenly reverse X amount of years of horrendous ownership''

Apart from the stadium move (even thought some like it) what else have they really done that badly to class their ownership as horrendous?

Pagey 12:49 Tue Sep 4
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
Spurs haven’t spent anywhere near that and they’ve been top four for a while now.

It’s all about mindset, professionalism and hard graft. We don’t have any of that. In fact it seems like whenever anyone joins West Ham, immediately the thought process is, “This is easy. What a touch!”

ornchurch ammer 12:49 Tue Sep 4
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
I'm not expecting top 4, I'm not talking about the other messes around the club that need to be sorted as true as that is, but the simple fact of bringing in 10 players that to date look no better than what they were supposed to replace.

To sort the whole club out from top to bottom and do a Man City we need to be looking to the Orient, and a lot fucking further than Leyton.

Willtell 12:24 Tue Sep 4
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
MrSnoogans 11:55

Perhaps Sam Allardyce was right when he said something like you need to spend over £200m (at lower prices over 4 seasons ago) to get into the top 4....

icwhs 12:11 Tue Sep 4
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
MrSnoogans 11:55 Tue Sep 4

MrSnoogans 11:55 Tue Sep 4
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
Because spending 100m on players doesn't suddenly reverse X amount of years of horrendous ownership and footballing decisions.

The club is operationally a mess, most championships clubs are run better than us in terms of high level decision making and infrastructure.

We have a new long term plan every two or so years which only involves spending a load of money on players, not spending 5m on a sport analysis and scouting infrastructure, which if done properly would pay for itself.

We have a Portacabin 5m training ground when the clubs we should be competing with are spending 60+ on new training complexes.

The goodwill/reprieve the board have suddenly got for spending a load of money on the summer is quite frankly baffling.

They get flak for the stadium but the board should be getting more flak for the amateur way the way the club is run.

terry-h 12:42 Tue Sep 4
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
The Telegraph reporting Pellegrini has gone home to Chile and given our non-international players a few days break from the strain of earning pots of money for producing bugger all to date.

It's a hard life for Premier League ponces nowadays.

Meanwhile Carroll and Reid are demanding a break from their medical treatment.

The last bit may or may not be true.

bruuuno 11:39 Mon Sep 3
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
I can’t believe anyone expected anything different

Sir Alf 4:02 Mon Sep 3
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
The 100 million will hold back the backlash against the manager and team until its too late :-(

There still seem to be many fans thinking that 100 million spent means by definition its just a matter of time until it all works out for the better.

We spent 100 million on a couple of a goalkeeper and CBs ( decent ) and the rest on a bunch of "fancy dan" midfielders :-(

Perhaps as someone says, the agents did not have any powerful, athletic central midfielders on their books that were available ? No other explanation ?

Mike Oxsaw 9:53 Sun Sep 2
Re: How can you spend £100 million on a squad and show no improvement whatsoever?
"What I find totally incredible is that for all that spending we never really strengthened our weakest position, central defensive midfield"...

Perhaps the agents we deal with didn't have that sort of player on their books, so we just had to take what was available.

It's what happens when looking after your mates takes priority over looking after your business.

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