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Athletico Easthamico 1:26 Fri Sep 14
Can you trust anybody?

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Sydney_Iron 5:39 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?
Reckon most of us can trust close friends and family, the exception maybe when money is involved………seen more than a few family’s tear themselves apart over an inheritance or people fall out over money lent, borrowed, stolen or paid in wages.

Day to day stuff like helping each other out, sharing a problem or going out of your way to help with whatever and just being there, in that respect most humans are pretty good, when moneys involved though a good few are utter selfish self obsessed cunts.

They say money is the root of all evil, ring of truth to that IMO.

HAMMERNH 5:22 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?
If there is event a hint of money anywhere near it, trust absolutely no one.

chevy chase 3:23 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?

jfk 2:04 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?
I'm 51 and still in touch with three schoolmates that know eachother inside out.we met when we were 11.fucking hell 40 years ago.
I'd trust two of them with my life.

bruuuno 1:58 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?
I’d trust an old school West Ham like norm

BRANDED 1:57 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?
Good question.

I would say that it depends what you're trusting someone with. If you're trusting your teeth with the dentist. Yes. Mostly. If you're trusting your life with the NHS. Generally yes. However, I mosly believe you've got to know as much shit as possible to be able to judge people and situations.
Would you trust yourself to cross a busy road while pissed?
Would you trust yourself to take a pill in a club handed to you by a stranger?
99% of the day I trust everybody and everything not to rob me or kill me or do me wrong. It works out well.

normannomates 1:50 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?
london E3 4.30

retro 1:47 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?
Dear mother took me out of the will because my sister helped her buy a more expensive house so she could live in the way she was accustomed to.So my shitty sibling and her arse of a hubby get it all.The house is full of pictures and paintings of them.There was one of me but it was long taken down.Dear mother told me to my face I was getting nothing.

I have nothing to do with any of them any more.

arsegrapes 12:27 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?
Bit of a generalisation that Rusta, my parents and sister, brother in law fucked me over for money, won't go over it on here, but I didn't speak to my parent for 10 years, now rarely but so my kids would know their grandparents, my wife's parents are dead. Haven't seen my sister or family for 30 years and they are not missed.

Hammer and Pickle 12:25 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?
Only reckoned he was a chip off the old block, steady on me old china.

only1billybonds 12:23 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?

No he's far from retarded. Why do you ask?

I'll refrain from using comments involving child rapists and karate instructors as i dont want the thread to get locked.

Hammer and Pickle 12:23 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?
Trust you, Sid.

Spandex Sidney 12:22 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?
I'm pushing 47, I can't even trust my John Thomas 100% of the time anymore.

Okay, some examples of people genuinely worthy of our trust, all of which should be soothing to WHO:

Teresa May with Brexit
Jeremy Corbyn in Number 10
Cliff Richard with Young Woody

Rusta 12:11 Sat Sep 15
Re: Can you trust anybody?
The only people in your life who you can trust 100% who don’t have any agenda whatsoever and will always want the best for you are your parents.

Hammer and Pickle 11:54 Fri Sep 14
Re: Can you trust anybody?
You want to trust me on one thing Miike?

Hammer and Pickle 11:50 Fri Sep 14
Re: Can you trust anybody?
Amazing command of the language there.

Takashi Miike 11:48 Fri Sep 14
Re: Can you trust anybody?
YOU'RE a cunt

Hammer and Pickle 11:47 Fri Sep 14
Re: Can you trust anybody?

Hammer and Pickle 11:46 Fri Sep 14
Re: Can you trust anybody?
You're boy's a bit retarded then?

only1billybonds 11:38 Fri Sep 14
Re: Can you trust anybody?
My boy (28) asked me a while ago why i never seem to get tje ump,get stressed and am always optomistic. I told him that i worked out a long time ago that once you accept that the human race is made up of 99% out and out cunts then this life malarky is a piece of piss.

So no,i dont trust people generally.

Westham67 10:16 Fri Sep 14
Re: Can you trust anybody?
I think this is a bit of gay question really ,its like are vulnerable to getting mugged off

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