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, 5:51 Sun Nov 18
Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
I have been told that when Levy negotiated the build contracts there were no finish by a specific time clauses to penalise the contractors running over completion dates.

Not only is it looking like the old home will not be ready for use this year but to date the delay in moving back from Wembley has cost Spurs £200M.

They should have used Donald Trump to make the deal.

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Crassus 9:09 Tue Nov 20
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
Interesting post, and I too think they will be sold, at huge margin
Taking the pragmatic view and before I go further, I hate the cunts - a counter to your points
Arsenal built their ground just prior to the crash, were reliant upon the appartment sales to fund and did so before the expolosion of tv/CL money.which has increased player asset value - the Spurs development is not comparable
Were I old man Joe, I too may well want to tip up and see thr fruits of my labour, shake the hand of a few 'faces' in the city and dine once or twice with perspective buyers before heading back to the sun
Spurs are not, by any definition in bother and may just be about to get an unforseen leg up if it all comes on top for the top six competitors on FFP and yoot recruitment

geoffpikey 8:03 Tue Nov 20
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
One word.

The Carrick Deal.

And THAT'S how much this doesn't add up.

eusebiovic 6:45 Tue Nov 20
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
Joe Lewis

That is all

Admiral Lard 6:36 Tue Nov 20
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
It is extraordinary that 12 years ago the Emirates, at a cost of C£390M, financially emasculated Arsenal to such an extent that they failed to win the premier league or make significant progress in the Champions League.

No doubt they have paid off the loan and perhaps heading toward better times.

The fact that Joe Lewis had to spend 4 weeks in London which, is something he never does, rather points to a dissatisfaction with his prodigy, Dan Levy

Lewis is an old man now, around 80 YO, he loves the Bahamas and does not get to see TH very often

he is no richer than any of the Arsenal board (C£6B) and this debt will not be what he's after at his time of life.
My money is on a Tottenham sale before the end of the season, though my preference would be to see them go bust

Just saying

epsom 3:42 Tue Nov 20
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
Russ of the BML 12:00 Tue Nov 20

fair point..

Gavros 12:08 Tue Nov 20
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
Their POPCORN offering will be significantly better than ours.

Eggbert Nobacon 12:05 Tue Nov 20
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
same tubs and everything


Eggbert Nobacon 12:03 Tue Nov 20
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
yngwies Cat 8:27 Mon Nov 19
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
Maybe, but I bet we make more on shifting popcorn, then those fuckers

unlikley they use the same company and same stalls etc at Wembley that we do

they do have a nice cheese room in the new gaff though

Russ of the BML 12:00 Tue Nov 20
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
epsom 7:28 Mon Nov 19

I don't believe people 'think' they will go into administration. It's more 'hope'.

Cheezey Bell-End 10:12 Mon Nov 19
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
It may well be the best football stadium in the world etc, but it's still in Tottenham.

David L 9:30 Mon Nov 19
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
Dont forget to add all their income from the fucking Harry Kane NFL shirts.....

Hammer and Pickle 9:16 Mon Nov 19
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
Big in money terms, yet small in the cock department, are Spurs.

Crassus 9:09 Mon Nov 19
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
Unless I read that funding link wrong, they pay fuck all back until they move in, and have a five year finance facility, from global lenders, at what appears a good rate

According to reports, they have sold season tickets at the new cost, for the incomplete stadium, so will have the postive cash flow from that too as well as the Wembley revenues

Add the working funding facilities, their owners personal wealth, the new tv money, CL money, transfer spend, squad value, huge supporter base - do I need go on?

Spurs have always been and always will be, a vastly bigger club than West Ham - Fact

Now I really don't like the cunts but that is bye the bye,They are not going pop, are on top of the situation and are only getting bigger when in what will be the best football stadium on the planet

11MDE 8:41 Mon Nov 19
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
It'll cost them a fortune in window cleaners at the giant green house.

My sources tell me Levy is now trying to install another 3,939 seats before they can even consider moving in.

Trevor B 8:34 Mon Nov 19
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
I'm surprised that Levy didn't have this covered, he's usually very astute with his business dealings. TBH knowing a few people in the building industry I thought that clauses regarding completion etc were industry standard.

yngwies Cat 8:27 Mon Nov 19
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
Maybe, but I bet we make more on shifting popcorn, then those fuckers

epsom 7:28 Mon Nov 19
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
Confused why people on here think Spurs will go into Administration.

Ok, the cost to convert the new stadium is higher than planned but take a look at their revenues now and when they eventually move back in to White hart lane.

As a comparison in 2016/7 Tottenham generated 306M, West Ham 180M (in the new stadium)

The move to Wembley last season will increase their revenue over WHL as they have more paying seats to sell plus new sponsorship and shirt maker. lets guess at 50M extra.

When they move to the new stadium at WHL, even more revenue and naming rights.

The first year in the new stadium and they will generate over 400M is my guess, which will be nearly twice as much as us.

They are in a different stratosphere of financial management and control.

Borrowing up to 400M on assets and turnover well in excess of that amount is not unusual.

What are our assets that we can borrow against?

The muppets running our club are the ones we should be worried about.

If i had an objective choice of who I would want running our club out of the two camps, guess who i would go for?

Spurs are a much better RUN club financially from top to bottom than we are.

Mike Oxsaw 6:51 Mon Nov 19
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
Be ready in time for them to play their first European Breakaway Super League match there. Oh!...

Russ of the BML 6:43 Mon Nov 19
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
As much as I want to have a dig I can't being myself to do it just simply based on the fact that the stadium is the absolute utter bollocks.

My only hope is that it bankrupts them. But it probably won't. And even if they have a few lean years.... That won't hurt them as that is what they are used to anyway.

My other hope of course is that they continue to be very lean and end up selling their stars and then can't get in good enough players to replace.

But whatever happens.... The bottom line is whatever team they have they will be playing in the best stadium in Britain and arguably Europe.

Which fucks me right off.

SUM A DING WONG 1:18 Mon Nov 19
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane

Northern Sold 9:29 Mon Nov 19

You mean, enough already?

arsene york-hunt 1:07 Mon Nov 19
Re: Cost of rebuilt White Hart Lane
WE can but hope that they go spiralling into administration. CUNTS

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