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GroundhoppingFC 7:06 Sat Jan 5
West Ham vs Birmingham video
Congrats on the victory West Ham, hope you get a good draw in the next round.

I am a groundhopping youtuber, who is currently trying to comlete all 92 football league grounds whilst recording my personal matchday experiences. I made a video of today's game, and I woukld greatly appreciate it if you could check it out:


Don't forget to like and subscribe!

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

DiCaniosLefty 4:10 Tue Jan 8
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video

We've had a WHOicide, CasualKen, and no one has said a word about it. No boooing, no send off, NOTHING.

World/country, dogs etc.

You'll be back Ken

Syd Puddefoot 5:26 Mon Jan 7
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
Could have been worse then.

"Vlogger, 14, 'traumatised' by Chelsea steward row"


CasualKen 10:08 Mon Jan 7
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
Good video fella, forget the utter pricks on here. You’ve probably done more grounds than most of them already. Most on here wil be bellends born in Essex or Kent who haven’t fucking clue about the club or the east end or how to welcome someone with good intentions. I couldn’t give a fuck what they say about this, I’m done with the site. Absolute cess pit like the ground. Good luck with the rest of your travels geez. Be lucky

Westham67 2:17 Mon Jan 7
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
I was cunted off too in the days of the black font Anons

bigst obvioulsy saw the video and chose call a15 year old by a cunt and with an agressive tone saying he is every thing that with football today

Lily Hammer 2:13 Mon Jan 7
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
I’m still surprised he got in, considering this match was supposed to be a bit more controlled with regards to needing a booking history.

If we do get Millwall at home, the ticket office better sort its act out.

BRANDED 2:09 Mon Jan 7
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
Thing is, he came on here without checking. Or if he checked he thought he'd get away with it. I remember the first day I posted and I was cunted instantly. Its just part of life. Assuming the World is nice is never a good thing.

Westham67 1:58 Mon Jan 7
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
bigst calling a 15 year old boy a cunt is both disgusting and embarrassing

ironsofcanada 12:39 Mon Jan 7
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
Sydney_Iron 12:31 Mon Jan 7

If you think the "Is it something I did" post was in any way legit, you might want to be careful who else you believe on the internet. The kid is internet savvy, he had already played along with a Nigeria scam joke before that.

Stupid thing to argue any more about, no offence taken or given I hope. Night.

Sydney_Iron 12:31 Mon Jan 7
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
ironsofcanada 12:05 Mon Jan 7

Internet abuse is hardly unique to WHO, but I don’t think he came on here expecting it? Nor are there that many forums these days that have as much freedom as WHO, so this may have been a surprise to him he got cunted! Hence his question of “Is it something I did” And I still fail to see how in any shape or form he has mugged me or anyone on WHO off, you seem to suggest it’s by posting on this thread? So keeping his post near the top of the forum, he’s mugged you off as well then!

And No im not concerned for him, if he’s old enough to go to football matches on his own, he’s old enough to take a bit of piss taking in his stride on the internet! I don’t think he will be supporting West Ham though.

BTW, the yewtree comment was taking the piss; this is WHO after all…….

lowermarshhammer 12:30 Mon Jan 7
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
Groundhopping, firstly and most importantly, lose the bumfluff asap. That's just the best advice I can give you mate.

I won't cunt you off though other than that because I think hats off to anyone under 16 in this day and age with enough get up and go in him to have set himself this mission and be getting on with it.

Travelling the country by yourself at that age should be a fantastic life experience.

My only hope would be that you don't hide behind your camera too much and that you interact a bit more with the people who you come across on your travels.

Ask a few questions of the locals. You'll meet plenty of characters that way especially at the non league grounds.

Good luck to.you and don't forget this forum is full of sad pisstaking cynical middle-aged cunts who'd love to be young like you again.

gank 12:19 Mon Jan 7
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
I see di_kezio is grooming children again, this perv cunt needs putting away

ironsofcanada 12:05 Mon Jan 7
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
Sydney_Iron 11:42 Sun Jan 6

He has been doing this for over a year. He has seen abuse before on the internet. WHO is not that unique. He was courting any kind of reaction, that is how youtube works, including abuse. ie. "innocently" saying early on "why the hate?"

I am not standing up for him or condemning him. Just telling you, you don't need to worry about him. (yewtree was really strange place to take this)

He has mugged you off, if you think the stuff has bothered him, in that you have bumped his thread and gave some more WHOers a chance to look at his stuff.

Sydney_Iron 11:42 Sun Jan 6
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
ironsofcanada 11:09 Sun Jan 6

Not sure what you’re on about? It’s ME who finds it amusing he has posted this on WHO, and how the fuck has he mugged anyone off???

Good luck to the lad, hope he gets to all the grounds in the next few years, but he will maybe look back at his favourite game, ground, day trip and then shudder at the thought of that lot on the West Ham website, many of whom took the piss, abused him and asked if his Mum had shagged Luis Suarez (which still makes me laugh after watching his youtube clip)

He wasn’t to know but coming on here saying things like “I am a groundhopping youtuber,” was always going to get one reaction, not sure why your so vocal on standing up for him, bit over the top and yewtree with the praise etc!!!

Wonder how he funds his trips, can’t be cheap for a 16 year old trying to visit every ground?

Mex Martillo 10:11 Sun Jan 6
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
Sold, I am sure he is about to switch to the glorious Hammers, he saw the entrainment in our fantastic home and now with us all sweat talking him it is the obvious next step.

bruuuno 8:53 Sun Jan 6
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
Terrible wardrobe choices

Percy Dalton 8:39 Sun Jan 6
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
Northern Sold
I was going to add exactly the same in my earlier comment.
Looks further away from the pitch than ever.

mallard 8:30 Sun Jan 6
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
Worse than that, he's UNDER 16 !!

Alfs 7:05 Sun Jan 6
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
Cyberbullying a 16-year-old kid. WHO just gets better and better.

Northern Sold 7:02 Sun Jan 6
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
Cheers Hopping... nice to be reminded why I will never set foot in that Cesspit.... in all seriousness well put together an d some nice camera work... well done... on a off note what team do you support??

Hammer and Pickle 6:17 Sun Jan 6
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
ironsofcanada 3:23 Sun Jan 6

So you don’t agree WHO is an imaginary desert planet populated by knife-wielding psychopaths and gigantic worms that produce a phychotrophic drug allowing dudes in tanks of orange gas to travers the boundless reaches of space in gigantic craft in the blink of an eye?

You don’t?

ironsofcanada 3:42 Sun Jan 6
Re: West Ham vs Birmingham video
Any Old Iron 3:38 Sun Jan 6

Why do you keep giving him attention then?

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