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cup of tea 12:13 Wed Mar 6
The Chernobyl Diaries
Flicking through some SKY channels last night I came across this film. Actually watched it all when I didn't think I would last more than a few minutes. Actually enjoyed it even though it was obviously OTT in terms of the script and acting (or lack of it!)

After the film I watched some Youtube videos about the disaster which I remember well even though I was quite young - 1986 I think. Some experts saying the area (Chernobyl/Pripyat) could not be inhabited for 20,000 years!

I then read you can actually go on tours there via Kiev and I now actually fancy it in a morbid sort of way (as long as I don't grow 3 arms and legs from radiation exposure!)

The eerie look of the ferris wheel and discarded personal belongings like children's toys and personal photos lying around only adds to the gravity of the disaster and makes it more interesting.

Would any of you do a tour? Surely it has to be safe in terms of where you can and cannot go and the length of time you can stay? I think reactor 4 where the disaster happened is encased in concrete now.

Maybe I am a sadistic/morbid cunt but I am seriously thinking I would like to go ....

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

greenie1 1:24 Tue Jun 25
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
Thanks Dan, will do.

Dan M 12:51 Tue Jun 25
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
Have a look at The Real Chernobyl (currently on Sky On Demand). It takes scenes from the drama and splices them into real testimony and archive footage. Includes Bruykhanov's son, one of the "divers" that opened the sluice valves and the blokes that filmed the roof footage.

13 Brentford Rd 11:03 Tue Jun 25
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
Without human intervention wildlife is flourishing there now.

On The Ball 11:03 Tue Jun 25
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
They decided that everyone doing silly accents would distract from what was going on. I think it helps not having to think about Trevor from Eastenders doing a shit Ukrainian accent.

greenie1 11:02 Tue Jun 25
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
Yeah, that's what it needed, a few Scots with Russian accents. LOL.

Far Cough 10:54 Tue Jun 25
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
greenie you mean like that famous "Russian" Sean Conneryvic in Hunt for Red October?

greenie1 10:46 Tue Jun 25
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
Watched the first episode last night. Thought it was OK. Why doesn't anyone on the miniseries have a russian accent? acting was average.

mashed in maryland 6:21 Tue Jun 18
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
Google says in 1985 average monthly salary was 190 a month, minimum wage was 70.

A car cost 5-10k rubles.

claret50 9:52 Tue Jun 18
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
*5 pounds

claret50 9:51 Tue Jun 18
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
And for their heroics they were offered an annual stipend of 400 rubles, don't know how much a ruble was worth back then but today's exchange has 400 at £5.00

Joe C 9:19 Tue Jun 18
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
The bit at the end of the episode where the three divers were in the water, their lights were failing and their Geiger counters were going mental as it fades to black was amazing drama - I realised I was holding my breath when it finished.

Incredible that two of them are still alive too and not a huge amount is known about them - they basically saved most of Europe

mashed in maryland 9:14 Tue Jun 18
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
Oh fuck off Gav hahahaha

Gavros 12:42 Tue Jun 18
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
I know i sound like a poof, but i literally had to get up and walk out of the room when that bit on the roof was on.

tnb 12:25 Tue Jun 18
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
That scene on the roof is frankly unrivalled in any TV show, film, whatever. Of all time. Particularly if you watch the short real footage which is out there. The attention to detail was amazing.

There's been an awful lot of talk online about supposed inaccuracies, often with a wilful misunderstanding of the choices which dramatic writers have to make. In so many ways the realism on the HBO/ Sky show was painstaking, so I can forgive them a few shortcuts. But unfortunately it seems that the Soviet-friendly propaganda machine is still working well. With regards to Forbes, the fact that a possible thematic link with current criticisms of Republican climate change denial (right or wrong) hardly seems irrelevant, nor that party's current Putin love in.

'The Chernobyl Diaries' is a different thing though, isn't it?

claypole 10:07 Mon Jun 17
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
Good documentary on bbc 4 about the new dome they have put over the exiting sarcophagus at Chernobyl.

lowlife 10:01 Mon Jun 17
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
Mad dog - that scene is talked about in the podcast. Mental, the level of lies and deceit is astonishing.

Westham67 9:51 Mon Jun 17
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
Oop wrong wind up on the wrong thread

Westham67 9:50 Mon Jun 17
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
Netanyahu is an inverted neo nazi toward the Palestinians

mashed in maryland 9:46 Mon Jun 17
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
AnotherDay_SameShit 1:21 Mon Jun 17

Always found the event interesting, and so do loads of others.

AFAIK it's not been dramatised before.

There's been a fair few documentaries but after a while they're all the same.

Seeing it dramatised gives it a new perspective and its almost universally agreed that in this case it was done very well.

I don't see a problem with this.

If you don't like it just don't watch it.

Toe Rag 9:00 Mon Jun 17
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
Wipe your knob on the reactor.

Queens Fish Bar 8:47 Mon Jun 17
Re: The Chernobyl Diaries
Anyone know how I can watch this without a Sky account?

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