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AKA ERNIE 11:28 Tue Mar 12
next yrs season tkt details out
On official site bands 4 and 5 stay same price
deadline May 17

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Jaan Kenbrovin 1:49 Wed Mar 13
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
North Bank 5:07 Tue Mar 12

Not much difference from the last season at the BG

Season 2015/2016 renewals with 5% increase calculated
(Adult) (O65) (Y/Adult) (U16) (U10)
Band 1 £924 £462 £462 £285 £110
Band 2 £861 £431 £431 £255 £110
Band 3 £798 £405 £405 £240 £110
Band 4 £651 £326 £336 £200 £110
Restricted view £735 £363 £363 £230 £110
Disabled £435 £237 £237 £140 £110

Still, with the extra capacity available I’d have thought there no need to increase it for at least another season.

bruuuno 1:28 Wed Mar 13
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
Stubbo is right, rice can push us up a level. He will end up going and will generate a lot of transfer kitty.

The fact that we’ve paid fuck all for our stadium also gives us an advantage over our rivals


penners28 1:05 Wed Mar 13
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
Spurs, with possibly one of the worlds best strikers, challenging for the title each yr, in the champs league and with an actual football stadium?

No wonder they are more expensive...

Rio or Anton or Les 10:36 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
I`m Band 4 £555 up 11%.
Not happy with that but its still cheap Premiership football.

Spuds season ticket in the new stadium behind the goal ...... £1600 fact!
Just saying like.


Sven Roeder 10:23 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
Keep our best players and buy more of the same. That’s the way forward
Stop buying oldtimers, crocks and taking chances on free transfers
If that costs net £25m or net £250m then so be it.

If that’s too hot for Sullivan & Gold sell up and spend some more time with your statues , dildos and helicopters

Stubbo 10:19 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
Selling Rice is inevitable. As was selling Bale, and Modric for Spurs.

We'd all love that not to be the case but realistically it's going to happen and when it happens it needs to be the catalyst to drive us forward again.

Side of Ham 10:07 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
We was told the move was to help us become a big club, to do that who should be our benchmark and how years has it been that they’ve been the benchmark as that tells you how long we may have to spend more to get near them.

Athletico Easthamico 10:02 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
You were doing OK until you mentioned selling Rice.

Stubbo 9:56 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
As for another 4m in ticket sales...its totally worth doing. If we can match that raising another 4m in corporate, 4m in retail, we suddenly have almost 40m net spend available instead of 25m

The club needs to maximise all it's revenue options to try and compete and ticket sales is as much a part of that as anything else.

I understand that we shouldnt be "benchmarking" Spurs or Chelsea, but if we want to compete with them its a case of what comes first...the success or the revenue to achieve the success.

The fan base really needs to wake up to the realities of the club's budgeting...the income and expenditure is what it is, and other clubs simply aren't spending fortunes just given to them via rich owners sticking their hands in their pockets for free. Theyre selling players and their net spends arent dramatically different to our own.

The stadium move is a plus for the club in attracting players. We can offer a maxed out 60k plus home stadium, in a regenerated and modern feeling part of London. That is frankly more attractive to a new South American superstar than what was a bit of a shithole looking objectively (all be it it was our loved shithole) in the heart of an absolute khazi of an area.

Our club's major step forward is likely to start when we sell Declan Rice...unpalatable as that is. 100m cash injection to be spent on 3 or 4 players. If something similar can be achieved with a couple others (Diop, maybe someone like Diangana in a few years) then that's when we can really hope to move forwards.

As long as player sales are reinvested in the playing squad then we'll start to compete.

Stubbo 9:43 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
25m comfortably the lowest spend in the PL? Honestly that really isnt the case!

Over the last 5 years only 8 sides have averaged a net spend of more than 25m, of which we are one.

We should be aiming to REDUCE our net spend through more intelligent player acquisition and better player sales.

We're terrible at selling players for profit and if we're to move forward this should be our focus to generate revenue in the market.

If we manage to flog Fernandez, Byram, Hugill, Chicharito, Obiang, Sanchez, Perez, as well as losing Carroll from the wage bill we'll likely have circa 65-70m to spend, without losing anyone that has a tangible impact on the quality or depth of the current first XI squad.

We need to get better at selling players and picking up undervalued types like Balbuena and Diop.

Sven Roeder 9:05 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
That’s T May not drop in season ticket renewal

Sven Roeder 9:04 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
Defeat by big three figure number beginning with 1 according to Ch4 news pundit spying on the lobbies.

Leeshere 8:32 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
9% increase on my ticket is a bit strong. Give it 5 years and there will be plenty of empty seats if that price increase continues.

Krap not Pu 8:21 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
Basically we the fans are paying the price for the the clubs fcuk ups on the hiring front.....my season ticket is to rise £76 ....which is a fair slap to me. However , if all 52,000 season ticket holders were similarlay drained that is only a total income to the club of a short £4mil ....which is not even sufficient to pay for lame ducks such as either Winston Reid or even the lesser spotted Jack Wishere....utter bollocks !

MaryMillingtonsGhost 8:01 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
Chelmsfordhammer 7:58

Cheers fella, I honestly couldn’t remember.

chelmsfordhammer 7:58 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
Marymillington, the rumour was just before the window opened, well after the demo at the Burnley game.

Queens Fish Bar 7:55 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
19/20 18/19 %

1966 . 1200 1100 9
Band 1 975 900 8
Band 2 865 800 8
Band 3 655 600 9
Band 4 555 500 11
Band 5 320 300 7

Are they figures?

Pub Bigot 7:48 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
Isn't worth thinking about if we did challenge. Imagine an FA Cup win and run at Europe! They'd see that as carte blanch to skyrocket renewal prices.

Extra £55 for me.

penners28 7:42 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
I think its the price comparisons which do it for me. We are always going to be cheaper than london teams challenging for the title and in the champions league each year?

we need to be benchmarking against teams like palace

MaryMillingtonsGhost 7:26 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
Chelmsforhammer 7:03

Was the rumoured £25mill spend before or after the agg at the Burnley game? Something certainly changed that day.

Penners28 6:52

Totally agree with the last paragraph

North Bank 6:58

I think I remember reading that the move ONLY generates an additional £8mill per year, which does of course beg the question why did they bother?

Of course, it could have something to do with the prospect of a cut-price stadium to flog as part of the deal when the cunts do finally sell.

Side of Ham 7:07 Tue Mar 12
Re: next yrs season tkt details out
There's just as much reason to spend a certain amount to keep what decent players we do have, so they feel the club is trying to match their ambitions by surrounding them with quality players.

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