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13 Brentford Rd 9:52 Wed Jul 31
BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
"Unseen & rare footage"
Should be interesting!


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JimmyT 3:15 Tue Aug 13
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
Just watched the documentary on iPlayer.

Thought it was brilliant. Deller is a fantastic artist and his selection of clips documenting the time was spot on.

I completely buy into his analysis: essentially, the house and rave scenes were the final music-led youth rebellion this country has seen.

I thought it was very interesting seeing the reactions of the kids in the classroom. Rebellion in the age of social media and in the age of a bland music industry dominated by huge multinationals is dead it would seem.

Music is just another business today. Very sad.

13 Brentford Rd 12:49 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
I know a lot of casualties from the scene. I was always sensible, one pill per weekend or sometimes went out on nothing and was still one of the last left standing. People didn't believe me.

Northern Sold 12:41 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
Now THAT was a Boozer

Don Ravioli 12:04 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
I didn’t like warehouse either.
Powerhouse was much better.

Northern Sold 12:01 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
Never a pill popper so was never my scene.... seemed a lot of grief and hassle just to gurn for 6 hours solid stoned off your head... music was ok'ish... much preferred the earlier Acid Jazz stuff and the Manc' baggy scene

Toe Rag 10:18 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
So instead of a proper documentary on the scene it was just a vehicle for his social commentary on the late 80s?

It’s not exactly difficult to trace the people involved and I’m sure they would be happy to be interviewed but then that wasn’t the point in the programme I guess?

fraser 10:13 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
Wasn't a fan of the Warehouse, though did end up there quite a few times

Next Centreforce party November 16th at the Oval space, slip back to '89 the last one there was excellent. Robert Owens played.

ChillTheKeel 9:50 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘

13 Brentford Rd 9:17 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
No he didn't mention drugs once.
Quite ridiculous that it claimed to be a documentary, it wasn't.

Haz 8:48 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
I must admit that I wasn't that impressed with the documentary.

However, I've just finished watching a doc on Sky Arts called PUNK. It's well worth the watch.

lowermarshhammer 3:55 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
The kids in the classroom would have learnt a whole lot more just by watching the vid for Weekender


Gavros 12:37 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘

Gavros 12:37 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
Fucking not at all from what i saw. plenty of 'marist theory says' bollocks though.

Frankly i thought it was shit.

Toe Rag 12:31 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
Did they mention E at all in this heap of shit documentary?

bruuuno 12:13 Wed Aug 7
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
13 Brentford Rd 1:30 Tue Aug 6

I’ve never tried smack nor want to but I’d imagine it’s the perfect thing for a comedown.

I know a few fellas that got into it after they moved to London from university. Very different from your stereotypical smack heads they started off using it after clubbing

B.ferguson1980 10:13 Tue Aug 6
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
Some good clubs in the early Ninety's in London Flying yellow Book the Gas club Puscha

B.ferguson1980 10:11 Tue Aug 6
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
All Dayers

B.ferguson1980 10:11 Tue Aug 6
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
13 Brentford Road Downham Tavern All days with Tony Wilson were great

Too Much Too Young 9:15 Tue Aug 6
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
I had a terrible night at a do if Effingham 89/90...just on the A3 / M25 juction. Think it was an Energy do.

Tripping off ones tits, its raining and there's green lazers shooting out from the stage through the rain.. frankie knuckles Tears is playing. It is radio rental visual's

I'm sat under the stage and keep hearing the DJ calling out peoples names being called to the stage. I also see people jumping off the stage.

I twist it into ravers are being decapitaed on stage and the bodies are being thrown off.....and then sit there for 2 hours petrified my name is being called next.

Northern Sold 8:03 Tue Aug 6
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
Ha Ha

13 Brentford Rd 7:59 Tue Aug 6
Re: BBC 4 this Friday 2nd August - ACIEED πŸ€‘
Ha ha very good.

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