WHO Poll

Moncurs Putting Iron 11:05 Mon Aug 19
For me, personally, WHO is.....
Finish this in one or two Sentences

for example

….A sort of social media for people that don't like or cant do social media. The closest comparison is those big button mobile phones they market for the elderly..

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

bruuuno 12:34 Fri Aug 23
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
Moncurs Putting Iron 4:20 Tue Aug 20
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....

What are you in about, WHO had always been like this.

Ridikzappa 10:32 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....

Ridikzappa 10:31 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
Think I touched a (drunken) nerve there Pickle


Ridikzappa 10:31 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
Think I touched a (drunken) nerve their Pickle


Hammer and Pickle 10:28 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
The claim is I am you, fuckwit.

Reckon the poster might agree he posted in haste there.

Ridikzappa 10:21 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
One has to laugh at Pickle’s comments instantly being derided by a fellow WHOer.


Too Much Too Young 8:24 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
That just proves the previous 2 (TWO) posters are one (ONE) and the same.

Hammer and Pickle 8:20 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
You’re not one div.

Ridikzappa 8:07 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
Out of interest, does anyone know how many active WHO users/members there are?

Too Much Too Young 7:47 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
Has and always will be the font of all uncensored KNOWLEDGE

COOL HAND LUKE 6:46 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
...a fair reflection of the times. Hence we have quite a lot of political stuff right now... it's a passing phase, we will major on other issues soon enough.
A place where many feel abke to talk about, or at least allude to, things that concern or upset them, without too much PC interference. A release valve.
And of course, everybody has their bad baby tucked away - WHO is a place of manifestation; a place where the bad babies can come out to play, and be tucked safely away again whenever we choose ti return to 'real life'.

Strangely though, there was mayhem when WHO was down for 24 hours... says it all I guess...

ironsofcanada 2:05 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
Nagel 1:26 Thu Aug 22

I disagree generally but you make some points I agree with.

I think the internet and a backlash against attempts to control what is said on the internet has increased actual extremist views on all sides. Part of your point. Unfortunately or not, that pandora's box is well open.

I think you can be international organisation sceptical without being an extreme nationalist though. We have seen how these organisations have worked for a number of years, some people want to go another way.

I still enjoy talking politics, even if am not involved much anymore, so I won't ignore it. I understand if people want a mechanism or mod to do it for them but I can see "cricket" and "Lisbon" be thinking about something else a split second later.

Sarge 1:30 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
*sets the alarm for 3pm to check to see if Block has posted 'all mine'

Nagel 1:26 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
ioc, I don't think the internet has much to do with it.

It's just a time of political extremism, where normally moderate people feel obliged to take sides. There's a lot of extreme nationalism around, evidenced by Brexit, Catalan independence, etc. There's bigoted buffoons in the White House and No 10. There's woke/PC/SJWs all over the media annoying the hell out of moderates and turning them right wing.

One side will win (the right wing) and dominate for a few years, fuck things up royally, then after the backlash things will go back to normal for a while before the cycle begins again. It's all best ignored if you can.

ironsofcanada 9:48 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
Anyone have any theories as to why we are more political these days?

I think part of it is the attempted neutering of the discourse on the rest of the internet. Some people like to be more free and colourful in their description of their opponents, not my thing personally but it is certainly my thing that people have a forum to do it in.

ChillTheKeel 9:46 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
A multitude of centrist cunts.

Takashi Miike 9:32 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
too many arrogant lefty wankers

Queens Fish Bar 9:23 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
full of too many nasty far right pricks.

Keep dreaming 8:31 Thu Aug 22
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
A forum where the majority think abuse is the same as an argument, and where the minority are just whu fans having a place to vent their frustration, disappointment and happiness

ironsofcanada 5:51 Wed Aug 21
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....

ironsofcanada 5:51 Wed Aug 21
Re: For me, personally, WHO is.....
Nor it is new to be nasty or bitter

Probably more political.

Maybe the mods should enforce the forum categories and people who want to avoid politics can click on the Football Forum.

That would not hurting anyone, but then neither does scanning past the topics you have no interest in.

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