WHO Poll

Agent Scud 2:37 Wed Aug 28
Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
Looks like I'm going to be moving to the Nottingham area end of the year/start of next year.

Was looking at properties around Beeston/Long Eaton. Are these areas any good looking for somewhere fairly decent?

I need somewhere to cultivate my burgeoning misanthropy but would like decent links to the M! and the city itself for beer reasons.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

13 Brentford Rd 5:19 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
The birds to blokes ratio refers to permanent population post war (not Inc students) It was still relevant up until the 90s but not so sure now.

Mr Kenzo 4:46 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?

Gavros 4:39 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
"My cousin also went to Uni there and said there was apparently a 6:1 girl:guy ratio so swings and roundabouts"

its usually claimed to be 3:1 but in any case its a total load of bollocks.

crystal falace 4:30 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
Sure i read Nottingham was right up on the list for a lot of crime categories when it factors in crime/number of people in the city.

My cousin also went to Uni there and said there was apparently a 6:1 girl:guy ratio so swings and roundabouts

Lee Trundle 4:28 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
Rumour has it that it was BRENTY who introduced the "Pineapple" style hair cut to Nottingham in the 90's.

And the rest is history.

Mr Kenzo 4:24 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
Did you ever do Johnny METGOD's hair ?

Gavros 4:24 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
THE park is lovely are but it was bloody expensive even when i was here nearly 20-odd years ago. Also houses get targeted by burglars from the meadows.

Nottingham is really bad for burglaries, worst place in the country for it. It also has a serious homelessness issue in the city centre.

Having said all that the Variety Club in Radford was the best sunday piss up of all time.

13 Brentford Rd 4:20 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
I would definitely live in either in The Park, Mapperley Park or in one the surrounding villiages if I moved back which I wouldn't now.

Lee Trundle 4:13 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
Tell I lie, I do know a bit about Nottingham. It has the UK's only HOOTERS there.

God know how they've survived if the place is packed out with the likes of GAVVY and BRENTY though.

13 Brentford Rd 4:10 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
Didn't realise you lived up there too Gavros.

I used to do Gary Charles hair when he played for Forest, nice bloke. A few from the club used to come to our salon Inc Alf Inge Haaland and Frank Clark the Manager, a few other players and coaching staff as well. Met Cloughie a couple of times too, once in the street when he said " alright young man" in a very Cloughie way which I still remember fondly and once he was just sitting behind the counter in his family's news agents chatting to anyone who walked in, legend. Met John Robertson & Viv Anderson too. You can bump into them just by going out for a drink as it's a small city and they are friends of friends, sat and had beers with them.

Willtell 4:08 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
Ag ag ag! Gavros and self-awareness are strange bed fellows...

Gavros 4:07 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
if you dont know anything about an issue, its best you stay quiet.

which for you means staying quiet a lot.

Lee Trundle 3:26 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
Can't say I know too much about the place but I'd be avoiding West Bridgeford and Sherwood if I were you.

penners - ag!

Gavros 3:24 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
Also West Bridgeford is very nice.

Mate of mine used to rent Gary Charles' house off him there.

He had a very nice fridge.

Gavros 3:19 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
But out of the way.

If i were looking to move back there id be looking atound sherwood.

penners28 3:06 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
Buster is I think. Drop him a whomail?

Agent Scud 3:03 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
Cheers all.

Quiet is good as I'm a grumpy old bastard these days so a bit of peace on a day to day basis is welcomed.

13 Brentford Rd 3:01 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
.....Long Eaton is virtually Derbyshire though still only 15 - 20 mins from Nottm City centre by car.

MaryMillingtonsGhost 2:58 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
Was up in Keyworth at the weekend.
Very nice area, if a little quiet.
Worth a look, imo.

13 Brentford Rd 2:54 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
I lived there for nearly 20 years until 2012 when I moved back to London.
Property is ridiculously cheap, if you can afford it live in The Park area . The surrounding villiages are lovely too and only 10 mins or so drive.
Beeston, & West Bridgeford are nice if a bit boring.

BRANDED 2:47 Wed Aug 28
Re: Any Nottingham based Hammers on here?
Buying or renting?

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