WHO Poll

Keep dreaming 11:43 Sun Oct 20
Would you dare to have surgery in your..

Ive got a prolaps in my neck, causing terrible pain in my arm.

I've been told surgery is the only option, but a lot of people has advised me not to.

Where else to seek advice then the pit of wisdom of who.

Now, what would you have done? Surgery, wait it out, or chiropractor?

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Keep dreaming 12:01 Tue Oct 22
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
Thanks for your advices and experiences.

Hopefully I'll get the necrological exam done in a week or two. Only then I will known what the experts thinks. The GP's advice don't count this time either.

If I stop posting bollox on here in a few months, you probably are rid of me at last.

Mr John 8:10 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..

In a not so similar vein (excuse the pun), has anyone had 'the snip'? I'm considering it but found out recently that you only have a local anaesthetic, and I cannot stand the thought of being awake while some chap takes a scalpel to my golden nuggets.

Gavros 8:08 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
Good advice there Stubbo.

Stubbo 8:01 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
I would suggest seeing a top top level physiotherapist in the first instance. Someone like John Green or Kevin Lidlow. I've had friends see both and they both describe the experience between that and seeing a "local" guy as like chalk and cheese.

If they think they can't help, they'll know a genuine top level consultant to refer you to for a proper opinion, rather than the scalpel jockey at the local NHS hospital, who you can then have a frank discussion about the benefits and risks.

It might cost a few hundred quid initially and maybe a bit more overall but you'll be getting the absolute top level advice from people qualified to give it as opposed to a few mates and some know nothings with at best anecdotal evidence on a football message board.

No point fucking around with your health on this kind of thing or crossing fingers and hoping for the best.

Both the above physios can be found via a Google search.

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:26 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
The build up suggested bollocks, willy or bumhole.

You have bought me here on false pretences.

Good luck fella, hope you get a great outcome.

Razzle 4:20 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
Glue factory here we come

Gavros 4:06 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
Was going in for knee surgery and the anesthetist with about ten minutes to go says "do you want this injection? It'll really help with the pain post op but there's a 5% chance you'll lose all nerves in your leg?"

goose 4:03 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
i had spinal decompression & discectomy about 6 months ago.
L4/5 and L5/S1 so different end of the spine but same risks.

signing the consent form will scare the life out of you but dont worry they can work wonders these days!!

BRANDED 2:43 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
I had a heart op for Supraventricular tachycardia.

Sorted it out been happy since.

mr so & so 2:39 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
i had decompression surgery at L4 L5, to fix 3yrs of sciatic pain. so its pretty much related to you diehard. it worked for me. you get your life back. so its a yes from me.

diehardhammer 2:07 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
well if the "only option" advice came from a doctor then yes go for it

Or perhaps give the chiropractor a try to see if it makes any improvement to the pain if you're nervous of surgery?

Worst Case Ontario 1:48 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
I have dared, and all things considered it worked out fine.

I was having bizarre tingling in my hands, causing me to lose function in both of them. Two ECG tests dispelled the suspicion of carpal tunnel. An MRI then revealed it was a tumour near the top of my vertebrae. I was told it was surgery or nothing, and that the problem would only get worse.

The surgery involved cutting the back of my neck wide open and cutting all the muscles and limgaments there completely in half, breaking apart my top few vertebrae, scooping the tumour out, and then putting me back together with screws and rods.

A year and a bit in a neck brace ensued, followed by as much in physio.
I have a fortunately faint scar there now. It does tighten up more when it's cold or damp out, and I'm not quite the athlete as before, but I tell you what - I can use my hands like normal again, and the pain is so mild now compared to then;
I took and take no painkillers other than over-the-counter Aleve (not sure if that has a different trade name(s) over there).

Those who have advised against are cowards.

Russ of the BML 10:10 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
You have been told surgery if the only option.

There's your answer.

joe royal 9:21 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
Vodka and DF110s worked for me.

arsegrapes 1:41 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
What’s the two bobs got to do with it?

Alfs 1:37 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
arsegrapes 1:10 Mon Oct 21

They don't use leeches anymore so the OP should be okay.

arsegrapes 1:10 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
Was offered surgery to reduce inflammation of the facial nerves when a teenager, considered it until a GP neighbour advised me of the high risk of paralysis.

Keep dreaming 12:06 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
Oh man grumpster. I can't live with this shit, it's a constant burning pain with no rest at all

Keep dreaming 12:05 Mon Oct 21
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
Mike, yes. Advisors against knows fuck all about it.

Grumpster 11:59 Sun Oct 20
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
Probably worth doing.

I had a car crash in 97 and now have a couple of bones facing the wrong way in my neck, which have basically meant back and neck pains every day since, sometimes crippling. Also like you, when it's a bad day it fucks up my arm as well.

Got used to the pain and neck spasms and so never had it operated on, which is a bit stupid really.

Mike the Hammer 11:50 Sun Oct 20
Re: Would you dare to have surgery in your..
I had a small fatty lump behind the lower part of my ear removed in an op. Local anaesthetic, though was a bit disconcerting to feel the pull as the lump was getting removed. Took a total of 30 mins for what was anticipated as a 10 minute surgery.
Healed with no problem and a small scar remains.

You have a choice of having painkillers forever or surgery. Was it mainly non-medical types who have never had that surgery who advised you against it?

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