WHO Poll

riosleftsock 1:02 Thu Mar 26
What do (or did) you do for a living?
Are you working from home, how does it affect your ability to do your job?

What do you miss about being at work?

I work in building management and am still on site for now. But there's only a few of us left here in Harlow.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Bungo 1:38 Thu Mar 11
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
Big Pharma Overlord.

Keen for this Covid stuff to die down so we can get back to business as normal.

riosleftsock 5:19 Wed Mar 10
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
Claret Badger 4:16 Fri Mar 5

well that escalated quickly


I bothered to scroll back. It was worth it. AG

Claret Badger 5:06 Wed Mar 10
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
Claret Badger 4:16 Fri Mar 5

well that escalated quickly


bill green 12:10 Tue Mar 9
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
I've worked in IT since 86, contracting for most of the last 25 years, but that's screwed now.
Now doing blockchain - more like the old wild west when the internet started, loads of dreamers and idiots and a few who are gonna make a lot of money. I'll be one of the idiots.

Alfs 7:28 Mon Mar 8
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
No surprise that Swiss is the ONLY poster who mentioned his remittance. Though £750 per day seems a lot for a Bar Assistant, I have to say.

Alwaysaniron 11:36 Mon Mar 8
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
Waste broker

Buy and sell other peoples rubbish. In some ways very similar to the West Ham board!

nychammer 2:35 Mon Mar 8
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
Worked from home for a year now. Don't particularly like it but in reality I've been lucky. Very lucky. Feel for all those who lost out over this virus.

Pi Alpha Nu 2:17 Mon Mar 8
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
Storeman / Van driver at The Royal Botanic Gardens Kew.
Took the job at the end of 1992 after being made redundant. I thought I do this job for a few months until I found something better I'm still there over 28 years later.

norwaytips 1:05 Mon Mar 8
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
Not working at all, though I have done a little recording work. I was semi retired, but a professional musician for about 46 years and was still working regularly, up to the lockdowns.
Hoping to start again soon.

Jasnik 11:37 Sun Mar 7
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
Strangest year . all round .. whole year working from home never expected that to happen.

blindman 11:28 Sun Mar 7
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
Haha. Yep - Over the years I think I've heard and seen (pun intended) every blind man joke. Obliged to laugh every time, though, if I want to sell the fuckers some blinds.

jfk 10:58 Sun Mar 7
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
You seem to take pleasure in aggravating fellow Hammers.You’re a very odd individual.

Billy Blagg 10:24 Sun Mar 7
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
IT and self-employed. Worked right through all lockdowns (I have a contract with a big retail company so been really busy) but looks like IR35 is going to close me down.

Swiss. 10:19 Sun Mar 7
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
jfk 8:11 Sun Mar 7

Don't wet your knickers boy.

Peckham 9:46 Sun Mar 7
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
ag ag ag I nail albarnions

Cabbage read the post about Save WHO.

Cabbage Savage 9:44 Sun Mar 7
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
I nail albarnions into into empty space in trucks.

I also sell own kripto kurrency to Swiss.
He very keen on buying CabCoins he exspeks big price rise

jfk 8:11 Sun Mar 7
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
Swiss is without a shadow the biggest wanker on this forum,everything he says is complete bollocks. If he is genuine he’s the most untypical aggravating cunt of a West Ham supporter I’ve ever come across who deserves a slap.
I hope he’s a wind up.

paulon 8:01 Sun Mar 7
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
Met him in 2004 - face like a horse

Kaiser Zoso 7:52 Sun Mar 7
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?

paulon 7:49 Sun Mar 7
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
27th year working in/around professional football and the media

Including some proper LOW level stuff

John Paints Pants 7:30 Sun Mar 7
Re: What do (or did) you do for a living?
Anyone that promotes themselves as a €750 a day BA is a shit BA, even if they’re doing it privately.

If I billed any of my clients that, they would ask why I was sending the interns.

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