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Queens Fish Bar 8:03 Sat Dec 19
Which is the best comedy film ever?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

angryprumphs 2:48 Wed Dec 30
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Always had a soft spot for Kingpin - Bill Murray is fucking brilliant.

cup of tea 2:22 Wed Dec 30
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Green Street

zico 2:09 Wed Dec 30
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Watched Without a Clue again this evening with Caine and Kingsley. Not the best comedy ever by a long shot but a very enjoyable humourous romp.

jack flash 4:00 Mon Dec 28
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
1.Life of Brian
2.Blazing Saddles
3.The Producers (the original with Gene Wilder)

There hasn't been a decent film of any genre made in the last 30 odd years let alone comedy

PwoperNaughtyButNot 10:26 Mon Dec 28
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
This is 40

Probably gets an annual outing in our gaff

wd40 9:09 Mon Dec 28
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Love lady killers
Good colour version out.

arsene york-hunt 3:21 Sun Dec 27
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
The original Lady killers was brilliant.

The remake of 2004 was an abomination.

northbankboy68 12:50 Sun Dec 27
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
The Brexit story

The_Phantom 12:22 Sun Dec 27
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Can we officially declare Life of Brian the winner ?

Far Cough 9:27 Fri Dec 25
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Mad Dog, Clouseau as a dentist pulling the wrong tooth was side splittingly hilarious

nychammer 9:17 Fri Dec 25
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Has to be the carry on movies. Cheesy and dated and clearly on a budget, but they got away with a lot for their time they probably would not now.

Mad Dog 9:06 Fri Dec 25
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Does your dog bite??

And trying to storm the fortress i remember being particularly funny

Far Cough 7:29 Fri Dec 25
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Any of the Pink Panther films:

Cato trying to get access to a 1st floor window by standing on Clouseau's shoulders with no success

Clouseau: Cato let me stand on your shoulder

Cato: That won't make any difference

Clouseau: Of course it will, I'm taller than you, idiot


claret on my shirt 7:22 Fri Dec 25
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
porkies and the dick scene and following inspection, don't think i have ever laughed harder,

Lily Hammer 6:33 Fri Dec 25
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Black comedies matter.

mallard 6:00 Fri Dec 25
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Great film Lertie, but is it classed as comedy?

Lertie Button 5:51 Fri Dec 25
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
In Bruges

Manuel 4:19 Fri Dec 25
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Watched Bad Santa last night, seen it before. I'm gonna say that it's not really THAT funny. It's very tacky and the bad language is well ott, could never watch it with young kids. Many better Christmas films out there. Bad Santa 2 is probably better.

As you were.

Joe C 3:28 Thu Dec 24
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Love that film Soldo

“They think I’m crazy!”

“And Asian”

Mad Dog 3:28 Thu Dec 24
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
I was actually disappointed with that one. Love taika waititi stuff usually. Had a few hilarious moments, and wasn't a bad film. But wasn't as good as I built it up in my mind to be.

His best is still what we do in the shadows
Then thor ragnarok
Then jojo rabbit.

Northern Sold 3:19 Thu Dec 24
Re: Which is the best comedy film ever?
Loved Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Ricky Baker: I'll never stop running!

Paula: Yeah, and I'll never stop chasing you - I'm relentless, I'm like the Terminator.

Ricky Baker: I'm more like the Terminator than you!

Paula: I said it first, you're more like Sarah Connor, and in the first movie too, before she could do chinups.

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