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teddyp 8:16 Sun Jan 31
What was that?
Moyes, what was that? Defending on mass against a Liverpool B team. Disgraceful

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jakehammer 9:08 Wed Feb 3
Re: What was that?
Tom, I expect nothing at all. I'm old school west ham, not some candyfloss munching newbie. I expected nothing under the cearns/pratt's. Brown was no better. The Icelandics were a breath of fresh air until that too turned to shit, followed by the know nothing parasites, taking the piss out of us all.
As west ham I expect nothing, occasionally having a run in the league and a tickle in the cups and winning a cup or three on the way. When they do that then I'm a very happy hammer indeed.

terry-h 11:12 Wed Feb 3
Re: What was that?
He's probably on for a longer term contract and he will not utter a bad word about the midget in charge.

ChillTheKeel 11:08 Wed Feb 3
Re: What was that?
It's nothing to do with the squad on this occasion and everything to do with the odd cunt's pure defeatism before a ball was kicked.
I don't get his mentality given what he's achieved this season. Why is he so terrified of ambition and success?

I remember when we were riding high in the Prem under Fat Slob and then came his 'over-achievement is dangerous' bollocks to which we inevitably slid back down the table.

Tomshardware 9:57 Tue Feb 2
Re: What was that?
Jake, where do you expect us to be, top 3?

jakehammer 9:54 Tue Feb 2
Re: What was that?
Yes, I do agree with you to a point side. You are absolutely spot on regarding the pruning back of the team by the parasites.
Someone said earlier about Moyes's negativity when we come up against the big teams and they were spot on, Moyes is very negative in his mindset as I see it. He's not adventurous and makes odd substitutions much of the time.

Side of Ham 10:45 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
With a squad that’s been cut back and the start we had he’s getting recognition... we played a game yesterday over half way through the season and could have climbed above the current champions.....if he had a better squad I don’t think we’d be so pissed off with his subs as the team he picked was the best one we can put out and it’s knackered.

jakehammer 10:34 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
Yet there are the usual suspect who seem to think that Moyes is some kind of messiah.
I'm still waiting to be convinced by him, especially regarding the weird substitutions he makes at times.
In Moyes I don't trust, well not yet anyway.

Nick QQQ 9:06 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
We did bottle it though

wanstead_hammer 9:04 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
toadinthehole 7:15

Hahaha. Like it.

ChillTheKeel 8:58 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
That said, if we do happen to go on to knock the Mancs out the cup then I'll take that shit yesterday all day. But Moyes needs to stop being such a poof when it comes to taking on the bigger clubs.

ChillTheKeel 8:55 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
Some people don't expect the manager to wave the white flag in a pre-match interview and then watch his starting 11 play accordingly.

Sorry to invade the safe space of the happy clapping helmets.

Tomshardware 8:28 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
I don't know what some people expect, sometimes you are 2nd best and can't do anything to stop the talent of players like Salah.

toadinthehole 7:15 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
people saying stop being negative have no clue. This is the criticism and expectation that comes with being a top club in the league.

losing to our title rivals like that was pathetic, next game is a must win or our title hopes are gone.

normannomates 4:05 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
west ham 67
Spot on mate.

normannomates 4:03 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
factory seconds 3.50

Very good observation

normannomates 4:02 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
bruuno 10.02


factory seconds 3:50 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
we are the inverse west ham. we competantly put away the teams we should while not really turning up against the big boys.

Westham67 3:38 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
Pathetic thread we are West ham we lose games

normannomates 3:27 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
We didn't turn up and lost our first game for a long while to the reigning champions..
FFS get a grip you fuckin melts

joyo 2:07 Mon Feb 1
Re: What was that?
One defeat in 9 against a quality side and all the doom and gloom merchants are out on force!
Still in 5th place and the knicker wetter like moaning Mike pissing themselves... Fickle fans?!

bruuuno 10:02 Sun Jan 31
Re: What was that?
I agree he needs to go. He’s made a mockery
Of the club and the fans. Sack him before we become embroiled in yet another relegation battle

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