WHO Poll

LAF 7:26 Mon Feb 22
Fans Return: Effect on team?
With some hopeful news announced today that a gradual return to grounds is on the horizon if all goes well, how do we think it will help us on the pitch? I’ve suggested before that, perhaps our good run has something to do with it....not to take anything away from the team spirit and graft that’s emerging from this group of players.
So, do you think we have, at times, added to the tension and lacked patience as a crowd? Do we get on players’ backs too quickly, too often?
Has our absence permitted players to express themselves more?
Or is our crowd no different to others around the Prem?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

LAF 2:32 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
Ernie. Are you 12?
This is a discussion / debate platform. Don't try to shut folk down with your infantile bile.

AKA ERNIE 1:49 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
Block that was my point

threesixty 1:43 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
we need to get the cunts out!

actually sounds pretty good :-)

Block 1:41 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
Ern, every fan base has a bunch of cunts within it. We're no different.

AKA ERNIE 1:39 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
laf the only discussion is you think West Ham fans are cunts are trying to dress that up instead of having the bollox to say it

LAF 1:30 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
I see that Rednapp's comments on another recent thread are covering the same ground as here which suggests there is something to analyse here - not just with us but all teams. As we are in this unique and prolonged situation, it has become a relevant question to ask and to suggest that crowds do not have an effect - positively or negatively - is ridiculous. and even though some posters here have a blind spot on this (or deaf spot more accurately) others agree with me that we are poor, hostile, aggressive, impatient when things don't go wellI - notoriously worse than most teams. I'm hoping that this is a conversation that is being had down the corridors of WH. What can be done to keep fans "on side" when the chips are down? Would, for example, more rallying cries for our support being belted out over the tannoy help or are we too sophisticated to be manipulated by this?
Even though I think this, right now I do think fans would be loving the Czech lads endeavor, Declan's growing stature, all our CB's warrior-like spirit, Antonio's muscle and Benny's trickery on the ball.

ChillTheKeel 1:30 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
Maybe the players could wear earphones playing calming meditative music to block out any beastly criticism from the stands and ensure their safe spaces. Some of the post 96 Mavis's on here can follow suit.

Block 1:28 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
Imagine his reactions to some of the VAR decisions we've had , sold0 son.

Northern Sold 1:26 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
One of the mentalist things I ever saw was about 25 odd years ago a bloke at the front of the Chicken Run head butting the wooden front so much he split his head open... I think it was over a off side decision... bet he was a right laugh to live with...

Block 1:21 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
The culture of the squad has completely changed under Moyes, there's no excuses for not putting a shift in, e thankfully we do not have the Anderson or Haller types who just lumber around from time to time.

It's about time we had something to cheer about, and we'll be fully behind the manager and team, regardless if the owners are total shitcunts.

ChillTheKeel 1:20 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
What do you know about the terraces, new breed?

threesixty 1:19 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
I just think some fans use the terraces to vent their lives frustrations. When you see a big 50 yr old man cuss out a an 18 yr old kid with such hate, its like.. "what the fuck is wrong with your life man?".

No amount of bollocking a player makes them any better. It's counter productive. All it does it make them take less risks, play it safe and just be shit. Maybe be positive throughout the game and then have a go afterwards maybe?

I do get that our fans' anger is really a reflection of our board's incompetence over the years but it just doesn't really help the players out at all in my opinion.

RoyalDocksGK 1:09 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
how do we think it will help us on the pitch?

If we carry in playing like we have been, it'll only help the team the fans being there, if we see no investment into the team much like when we first moved to the OS with freebies and loans from accros Europe who were shite, then I can see it being the same problem.

Do we get on players’ backs too quickly, too often?

If we see performances like we saw with Haller this season, Anderson last season who look disinterested in doing anything for the team. Yeah the crowd have got on their backs. Too soon? No. Bit of effort will go a long way with players who wear our colours.

Block 11:09 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
It'll help.

To drive the players on even more,

Russ of the BML 10:44 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
Sir Alf 10:35 Tue Feb 23

Good post.

My own opinion is that fans will be so glad to be back there will be an initial bounce. For a start, the fans will want to let the players know how much they appreciate the efforts this season. Look at the way Soucek, Coufal and Rice have come on; the fans will want to let them know how much they love them.

People like Benrahma, Dawson and Lingard haven't even played in front of our fans.

So I think from the off-set it will be very positive. But, the points made so well will come back into play if the owners don't stay out of the media and don't invest properly to push us on from whatever position we end up this year.

Sir Alf 10:35 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
Rossal - agree and would say we have witnessed a car crash of a club in terms of recruitment, management and direction for 80% of the 11 years that GSB have been at the helm.

Moyes is putting a lick of shiny paint on the wreck of a car they provided. Why? Because it seems they ( Sullivan mostly ) has been forced to get out of the way and let someone who knows what they are doing run the football side of things. Gold needs to completely get off social media and Brady stop referencing West Ham in the nonsense she writes and we might start getting the owners to at least behave in the proper way.

But such is their need for adoration / appreciation at personal kudos that a decent run of form and improvements and dare I say European football and Sullivan particularly will want to take some if not the lions share of the credit. The media already drip feeding that somehow the owners getting a rough ride even though we are flying high. It is absolutely in spite of them.

So the emotions that have always existed watching live sport have turned toxic under the current regime who many fans ( most hopefully) had their expectations raised through the roof by a campaign of propaganda to make the ground move. Seeing a team in or around relegation trouble for 7 or 8 seasons out of the last 11 was sure to send fans over the edge. The owners thought success was just about buying the right players and yes it is a part of the equation but Sullivan's strategy has been proved to have been non-existent and just down to vanity signings via his agent mates. Total disaster.

So lets hope, as I say, GSB will keep their heads low and mouths shut and leave Moyes and team to run the football side. I have serious doubts they will.

Rossal 10:06 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
Yeah the thing that pisses me off is the media making out we are shit fans for giving them some stick after watching some of the shit we've been served up last 4 or 5 years

scott_d 10:04 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?

The club are partly responsible for our expectations with some of those false promises in the stadium move. But agree, that's not the fans fault.

scott_d 10:03 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
Same with every team.

The reason we get stick is becasue we have been fucking shit and the players we've had didn't give a shit about playing for West Ham, tell me what fans would be happy with that and singing and dancing in the terraces in the same circumstances?

Moyes has changed things for the better in that at least we know that we will work hard.

ChillTheKeel 9:58 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
The fans ARE the club you mong, despite the fact we have some absolute fannies following us these days, as this thread title proves.

BRANDED 9:56 Tue Feb 23
Re: Fans Return: Effect on team?
Sort it aaaahhhhhht Moyes you casaaaant

Yep. Should help.

To be honest if players and management can’t handle West Ham fan’s expectations they really shouldn’t be professional sports people.

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