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Wils 6:51 Wed Jun 9
Booing of Ireland taking the knee
Hungarians didn't mess about. Going to be an interesting Euros if these players/teams don't back down.


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twoleftfeet 9:02 Sat Aug 7
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
We would beat both these sides.

Capitol Man 8:51 Sat Aug 7
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
Certainly upped the volume of the high pitched whining though eh millhouse.

collyrob 8:50 Sat Aug 7
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee

eswing hammer 7:57 Sat Aug 7
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee

Great, you won’t be missed.

twoleftfeet 8:32 Sat Aug 7
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
Racists 😂😂

Has taking the knee eradicated racism or even caused one racist in the UK to change their mind?

master 8:09 Sat Aug 7
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
Did it during the friendly today during bubbles, so nobody is gonna boo at that moment.

eswing hammer 7:57 Sat Aug 7
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
Fantastic bit of booing before the charity shield today the canned cheering almost never drowned it out , it’s a free world ( or it was! ) l shall never set foot in any ground again whilst this kneeling nonsense continues !

Cabbage Savage 6:31 Sat Jul 10
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
Alex G 6:25 Sat Jul 10

Maybe the holy ghost of James Brown the God Father will come to wemblee and mayk them all angel and take them to hevon?

Alex G 6:25 Sat Jul 10
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
I wonder what the reaction will be if England are victorious tomorrow and then the entire squad and staff take the knee before lifting the trophy....

Kaiser Zoso 10:40 Wed Jun 16
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
Hammer and Pickle 8:31 Wed Jun 16

Good to see people ignoring the never ending mindless attention seeking drivel this cunt spews out non stop

master 10:28 Wed Jun 16
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
Take the knee Italy. Dirty fucking racists.

Hammer and Pickle 8:31 Wed Jun 16
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee

Sound like you're really ready for action, girl!

Which school are you going to strike first in your defence of the white male?

Mike Oxsaw 7:37 Wed Jun 16
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
A lot of people like/need to be told what to do.

They, of course, will never admit it, strutting around like big decision makers in life, but they need all of those decisions to be limited by a framework that somebody else has set up and to which they can refer if they make any fuck-ups.

Wils 7:31 Wed Jun 16
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
A good example of why those not yet fallen under the influence woke need to take a stand. This is the totalitarian mindset that is en train in the West. It is directly related to the knee taking (BLM) and booing the knee in football grounds is one of the few times we will be in a position air opposition to it. A lot more difficult for ordinary people to tackle it in the below context.


Prevent officers probe school history lessons for far-Right links
Move prompts fears the counter-terrorism programme is being used 'for malevolent and ideological purposes'

School history lessons have been probed by Prevent officers over fears ideas about Britain’s past could fuel far-Right extremism, The Telegraph can reveal.

The counter-terrorism programme has been used by Derby City Council in response to the Black Lives Matter movement to audit how history is being taught in local secondary and primary schools.

Prevent officers feared certain readings of British history could cause "biases and misconceptions that may underpin far-Right extremism", documents obtained by The Telegraph reveal.

A report by counter-terrorism staff expressed hopes that schools "developing the history curriculum" could "provide a more rounded view of history" to curb right-wing extremism, and welcomed a "diversity of topics" spanning slavery and colonialism.

The internal report following the audit of schools also welcomed teaching which provided an "alternative view of history compared to the dominant white, male, heterosexual one".

Swiss. 7:05 Wed Jun 16
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
Scurf Face

At least they are not taking the knee to the UK aristocracy like you do.

They got rid if that shit a long time ago.

Hammer and Pickle 5:14 Wed Jun 16
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
That’s a nice imaginary idea you’ve got of some foreigners you don’t like Pointy.

Run away and play, there’s a good little fellow.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 4:42 Wed Jun 16
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
There's not much you Poles don't know about taking the knee to totalitarian regimes, is there Pickled.

The German, the Russians, the EU.

Seems like you aren't really happy unless you are grovelling to some lot or another. This 'woke' stuff is a huge opportunity for you chaps.


Hammer and Pickle 4:35 Wed Jun 16
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
Fight the power Wils.

Have you got your Wetherspoons all booked up for the tour? Make sure your entourage stays lean and keen - we have some truck drivers on here who might be willing to help out with logistics and stuff.

Wils 4:08 Wed Jun 16
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
I should add that post will of course be laughed at as hyerbole by many that are already on board.

But to others who read it and recognise being made feel uncomfortable at work by being asked to sign up to things like 'unconscious bias' training or told to by emplooyers they have 'white privilege' (all part of critical social justice theory) or what your kids are being taught in school, you may get help from below organisations...


Wils 3:59 Wed Jun 16
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
Hammer and Pickle wrote...

Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
How is it going to become more sinister and what exactly is it we are supposed to be resisting?

You're resisting the slide into totalitarianism. This isn't just a nice gesture about being nice. This is coercive. The old "You are with us or against us" line. In this instance not being with us is being racist. It shifts the default of innocent til proven guilty, to guilty until proven innocent. It's not longer 'ok' to not be racist, you have to be participating in anti-racism or you are racist.

As I said further down the thread, we have seen this before. Ideologies capturing institutions to the point they must all display the flag and if they don't they will be punished. This is the early 20th Century all over again, Each step of the way people just go along with it for a peaceful life thinking if they keep their head down they will be left alone. But each step things get normalised and the ratchet turns up.

These wokes will not be satisfied. They will keep coming and, using fear, will keep people conforming and bring them along with them. It will not stop unless peole make stand.

Mike Oxsaw 3:43 Wed Jun 16
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
There is one - and ONLY one - way to show the world how much YOU hate racism.

YOU have been told.

Them's the facts.

Hammer and Pickle 3:40 Wed Jun 16
Re: Booing of Ireland taking the knee
How is it going to become more sinister and what exactly is it we are supposed to be resisting?

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