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crotty32 10:16 Tue Oct 26
Travel to Genk covid rules
Hi,I'm probably a bit docile but does anyone know the current rules about traveling to Genk,thanks in advance

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One Flew 12:48 Thu Nov 4
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
The only cost you should have is the non-collected from East Kilbride £1.99 day 2 test that helps you fill your return to UK PLF.

My day has been Uk, France, Belgium, Holland, Belgium dealing with work and far less of a challenge than Burnley away.


tnb 12:10 Thu Nov 4
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
Went to Spain in the summer and both my girlfriend and I did the day 2 tests (which had to be PCR at the time, and fucking expensive). No one ever contacted us to find out the results and I’m pretty sure they didn’t have the admin manpower to be checking individually that they were negative.

Before that in the ten day quarantine time my girlfriend also went back and her day 5 test result came back after her day 8 was due and that came back after the whole thing was over - at which point someone from test and trace phoned her to remind her to isolate until the result. No chance. Since then I know people both in PCR and LFT times who have travelled back and not even done the tests and heard nothing from anybody.

The whole thing is just designed to check that you’ve purchased a test, which you have to submit the code for to finish the UK passenger locator form. No one actually gives a shit what the result is or even if you do the test at all.

Oh and a week and a half after flying back, we both got texts and emails saying we were a ‘close contact’ of someone positive. When we didn’t complete the relevant online form within an hour, we got multiple further texts and emails basically making us out to be an irresponsible menace to the fabric of society - she was asleep after a night shift, and we were both double vaccinated so didn’t need to isolate anyway, plus even if we did the ten days were up. And it could only have been the flight (with no one sitting next to us, and everyone wearing masks the whole time) which is an experience many others who had flown over the same period had. Tell you what - if you think we’re spreading the plague, maybe tell us in time eh?

I filled in the form in the end just because I was sick of the hassle, and at the end they had one of those surveys. I rated everything as low as possible and added extra comments saying how the contact bordered on harassment. Did I ever hear back? Did I bugger.

COVID is real, and bad - but the response has been a fiasco, and I don’t blame anyone for having doubts based on what they’ve seen. As ever it just gets turned into a money making scheme for the government’s pals.

VirginiaHam 7:24 Wed Nov 3
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
Yes; sorted for the Christmas trip.

Joe C 7:21 Wed Nov 3
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
“Also have to pay for a day 2 test, and you can't board without it”

You can’t fill in the PLF without it, but it’s a piece of piss. Just buy the cheapest one and get the code. And yes you can get DIY ones, I did one last week after getting back from hols

VirginiaHam 6:32 Wed Nov 3
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
I've just flown to the UK from the US.

The UK requires (from here) vaccination certificates plus passenger locator form. The PLF is fucking annoying, goes on forever and asks stupid questions. Also have to pay for a day 2 test, and you can't board without it. Mine turned up after we'd gone back to he airport. No trace by UK.

Could be worse.

Can you buy DIY C-19 tests? I can here, for $25 and it works very well.

AKA ERNIE 6:32 Wed Nov 3
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
Norf wasnt asked once for test results all th way here
Hotel only wanted nhs pass

⚒️ 6:25 Wed Nov 3
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
Just reading this thread has given me a headache.

Fuck knows how people can be bothered to jump through so many hoops to watch a game of football.

AKA ERNIE 6:10 Wed Nov 3
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
Nhs pass is getting checked every bar

Norflundon 5:17 Wed Nov 3
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
Anyone not vaccinated actually got there yet I’m with AKA says under 48hrs no need for a test but need to be sure as going early in the morning won’t have time if we get there

AKA ERNIE 4:09 Wed Nov 3
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
Here no problem hasselt cracking place
All that bollox about quarantine if you do pcr is bollox

AKA ERNIE 5:33 Tue Nov 2
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
No test if under 48hrs
Test if longer like me
No tests out there if double jabbed staying over 48hrs
Plc needed and two day test when back

bigst 3:24 Tue Nov 2
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
That is correct for people going under 48 hours. You also need to fill in the belgian passenger locator form here...


hammer205 2:35 Tue Nov 2
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
Can some one clarify whether you need to do a test before going out there?

I understood a test wasn’t required if double jabbed and spending less than 36. Hours in the country

AKA ERNIE 8:05 Mon Nov 1
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
Cant fucking wait get to hasselt 2pm weds going to be a right laugh.
Pcr test done and plf all filled out

Norflundon 6:55 Mon Nov 1
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
I got them on Friday I’m going to the game on Thursday…clever bollox

Syd Puddefoot 6:08 Mon Nov 1
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
We’ve managed to blag some in their end on Friday
Just need to shake this fucking flu off now!!!

You've been done son, game's on Thursday!

Norflundon 6:06 Mon Nov 1
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules

chedylan 2 9:13 Thu Oct 28
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
Do you all have tickets already?

We’ve managed to blag some in their end on Friday
Just need to shake this fucking flu off now!!!

bigst 2:42 Mon Nov 1
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
Bit of info posted by backhouse21 on KUMB...
I just got a reply from the embassy after emailing them. The info on the UK Government site is apparently not up to date. Basically, no test needed before I leave, but I need to do an Antigen test when I land at the airport and wait 30mins for the result. Not bad.

the straw 1:59 Fri Oct 29
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
MATE who I was gonna go Belgium with next week has had a nightmare as he's only getting his 2nd jab today and you need to have it done at least 14 days in advance.

AKA ERNIE 12:38 Fri Oct 29
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
Gov website says if staying over 48hrs need pcr test then no test in belgium or quarantine followed by 2 day test when back in uk.
Also have to fill in passenger locator form

AKA ERNIE 11:00 Fri Oct 29
Re: Travel to Genk covid rules
Cheers thought so but will have pcr on tuesday and before ysterday that meant you didnt need a test out there

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