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Pub Bigot 3:15 Sun Dec 5
Yesterday was a huge boost to confidence and our form changing hopefully; however, we've got a problem with injuries.

Zouma, Ogbonna, Cresswell and Johnson are all on the sidelines and with the run of games we have coming up, it couldn't have come at a worse time.

Hopefully, none of the injuries picked up yesterday are long-term, but if they are, we might struggle.

So, are we going to drop off a cliff, or can we continue pushing on despite our threadbare defence?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

ludo21 1:57 Wed Dec 15
Re: Injuries
Wouldn't want us to touch Martial with a barge pole... he's the very definition of a foreign mercenary in my book, plus he's fucking useless.

As an aside, the last few years has shown that getting players who have performed well in foreign leagues is no guarantee that they will perform well in the premier league. Haller, Anderson and to some extent Vlasic have shown that. We need to go after players who are either unloved at their clubs (as with Lingard, Zouma, Dawson etc..) or top performers at a lower level like Bowen, Cresswell etc..

Obviously there are exceptions to the rule, we got lucky with Soucek and Coufal.

The common denominator is work ethic and character. That is clearly what Moyes sees as the most important element. Pretty sure Martial doesn't fit with that but in Moyes we trust!

Russ of the BML 1:11 Wed Dec 15
Re: Injuries
Fifth Column 7:43 Fri Dec 10

Spot on.

Syd Puddefoot 1:09 Wed Dec 15
Re: Injuries
Mattie Mulshun 8:54 Fri Dec 10


Alex G 1:02 Wed Dec 15
Re: Injuries
Mike Oxsaw 7:59 Fri Dec 10

I've got to disagree with that. We haven't got the budget to spend 80 million on world class players to take us up a level. What we have to do is identify the players underperforming at their current clubs who we can bring in at a reasonable price and then give a new lease of life to.

Lingard was a reject at Man U last season but Moyes got the best out of him. Zouma was a reserve at Chelsea but came in and was doing a great job till his injury.

Martial is an interesting one. On his day he is fantastic but doesn't always look in the right mindset. Man United fans I know say he's always looked at his best when he's clearly been identified as the main man. He currently won't get that at Man U, but he could be that for us.

CanningTownWA 12:36 Wed Dec 15
Re: Injuries
Martial is a good call on loan, he could do a Lingard for us

The Hammers 4:33 Wed Dec 15
Re: Injuries
Aubameyang very likely to leave Arsenal in January.

Mike Oxsaw 7:59 Fri Dec 10
Re: Injuries
Not sure we should even be looking at "rejects" from the Splitter Six - gives the impression that we're still on a lower level than them.

Fifth Column 7:43 Fri Dec 10
Re: Injuries
A motivated Martial on a 6 month loan would be worthwhile. An unmotivated Martial on a big long term contract would be a disaster.

twoleftfeet 7:29 Fri Dec 10
Re: Injuries
Anthony Martial.

Worth a punt in January?

13 Brentford Rd 5:08 Fri Dec 10
Re: Injuries
Apologies Crassus. I'd seen someone else, maybe it was in this thread say we should include a first dibs clause.
I got a bit carried away.

Mattie Mulshun 8:54 Fri Dec 10
Re: Injuries
I wonder what Tom Bradshaw would have thought of the current injury crisis?

1899–1900 Thames Ironworks F.C. season

"Thames Ironworks managed to steady the ship with a 0–0 home draw against New Brompton on 11 November. Only a week later, the teams met again in the next qualifying round of the FA Cup, and after another 0–0 draw, a replay went Thames Ironworks' way 2–0. The win set up a tie against arch rivals Millwall. The clearly ailing Tom Bradshaw, whose health had steadily been deteriorating for some time, was rested for the next two games, in preparation for the tie against Millwall.

The Irons' 9 December FA Cup game at home to Millwall attracted their biggest attendance of the season with 13,000 Londoners making the tie. Tom Bradshaw, got the only goal in a 1–2 defeat that would be his last game for the club. On 25 December, after lengthy illness, Bradshaw died. His cause of death was recorded as consumption. The disillusioned Thames Ironworks team would record seven successive defeats but a further five wins and four draws would be enough for them to avoid bottom place."

When men were Men

Crassus 5:49 Wed Dec 8
Re: Injuries
Cheers mate
Brenters you tart, the report said, as I repeated, that City were interested in a first refusal and to be kept informed clause subject to that arising

Side of Ham 5:44 Wed Dec 8
Re: Injuries
Brenty Crass only said he'd read it somewhere so it's hardly numpties packing Rice off there.......

13 Brentford Rd 5:23 Wed Dec 8
Re: Injuries
Numpties on here already packing Rice off to Man City just so we can sign a CB. Would rather we used the youngsters or Kral if we are that desperate.

If Rice leaves we are half the team and will be mid table.
It's that simple.

ludo21 5:09 Wed Dec 8
Re: Injuries
We don't want any clause that makes it more likely Rice will leave...

Crassus 4:41 Wed Dec 8
Re: Injuries

As I said below, I rate Ake, perfect for us in every way should it be possible - the interesting bit I read was the Rice clause

And don't forget that there is a world cup on the horizon, may just be a factor in the elite's so called 'squad players'

We shall see but I'd rather him than Tarkowski

pdbis 3:56 Wed Dec 8
Re: Injuries
Can see some youngsters getting game time during the hectic schedule. Dawson and Diop must not play tomorrow.

Side of Ham 11:34 Wed Dec 8
Re: Injuries
Hahaha at Nagel, even with his bit part role at City he still has a better chance of experiencing the whole occasion as well as medals......I'd be very surprised if he left them mid season is all......like you say City may have a replacement set up....but it's club & player that have to agree his step down from them, and as much as I love what is happening at the moment for us this is still to be our only second season of being good I've ever known the rest as being one offs or promotion seasons. A lot of players at clubs like him will look to how good we'll be without Rice there as well as they will (like it or not) see us as having to sell at some point.

Nagel 11:24 Wed Dec 8
Re: Injuries
You do realise that City paid £50m, £57m and £62m for their other 3 CBs? £40m is just how much they can choose to pay for a 4th choice player, so it's nonsense to consider him a failure for not taking their place. 4th choice was what he was bought to be. Unfortunately that's also why they don't need to sell him on the cheap or loan him out, unless they've already got their eye on a new player.

slartibartfast 11:07 Wed Dec 8
Re: Injuries
Nagel, it's not long ago that Ake was a mainstay in a relegated Bournemouth side with one of the most porous defences in PL history.

The transfer to City was a bit of a surprise and can't be really said to have been a success given the transfer fee (40 million pounds!) and impact he's had - 4th choice cb at best with just 22 appearances in 18 months. He certainly is not an upgrade on Ogbonna, who is among the best left sided centre halves in the league.

Bearing in mind he'd cost upwards of 30 million and wages would likely be as much if not more than Zouma's, I don't think it's the no-brainer you imply.

Lato 11:07 Wed Dec 8
Re: Injuries
To get Ake even if it were on loan for the rest of the season would be great.

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