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Nutsin 7:41 Tue Dec 28
Seems like every week we get a bad VAR decision.

I thought a foul outside the box was not a reviewable offense unless it’s West Ham of course.

Anyway here’s an article in it.


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Pedro 1:06 Sat Feb 5
Var worked perfectly fine in euros and in Europa league so far.

I am not a fan of var but it’s not helped by fact our officials are worst in the world

Crassus 12:49 Sat Feb 5
No issues with VAR
It works well in Europe

It is awful here and look no further than Mike Riley, should be used to apply fact over interpretation, the only fact that matters to him is his interpretation

It’s there for clear and obvious errors, not 58 fucking re-runs

Sven Roeder 12:32 Sat Feb 5
I understand the rule change to ignore accidental hand ball in that situation but think you could argue he controlled the ball with his outstretched arm rather than it being 'accidental'.
Reckon if a ref saw that anywhere else on the pitch they'd give handball

That said happy to see Man U go out and increase our chances.
Amusing that C Ronaldo missed a normal time pen as did the bloke Ralphie has been picking ahead of Lingard in the shootout.

Manuel 9:57 Sat Feb 5
I remember that Fulham incident. Okay, so still open to some interpretation if the ball strikes the arm first.

onsideman 9:56 Sat Feb 5

onsideman 9:56 Sat Feb 5
Our disallowed equaliser against Sheff Utd a voucher of years back would also be given now because although the ball hit Declan's arm directly from the defender's attempted header it wasn't intentional and Snodgrass rather than Rice was the scorer

onsideman 9:50 Sat Feb 5
Manuel 4:28 Sat Feb 5

In that instance it is not automatically disallowed however it is MUCH more likely to be disallowed as it is far less likely that the handball would be adjudicated as accidental. One of the disallowed goals that led to the rule change was that one for Fulham against Spurs last season. In that case a defender attempted to clear and hit the ball at speed against a Fulham player's arm and the ball dropped to another Fulham striker who scored. The handball was entirely accidental but it hit the arm directly. That would be given now

Dicko75 4:41 Sat Feb 5
I actually think it’s getting a lot better. And more of the big game changing decisions are made on the basis of fact than before var was used.

Manuel 4:28 Sat Feb 5

onsideman 1:21 Sat Feb 5

It's not complicated if you keep up with the rule changes. I know they changed it to if the assister accidentally handles it it won't be pulled back, or is it not as black and white as that? What if it hits the hand/lower arm first is that still allowed?

Westside 1:53 Sat Feb 5
One of my biggest complaints that I've always had about it, is that it can't be implemented at all levels of the game. You can't have VAR at an U14's game, for example.

So what? No DRS when I'm given out lbw on a Saturday afternoon to a ball which pitched 2 foot outside leg stump. No Hawkeye in the local tennis club mixed doubles semi final. No TMO in the local rugby match,

I think VAR is crap, but saying it's not in every game of football, is ridiculous. I think goal line technology has been excellent though. Don't get that in your under 14 game.

joyo 1:36 Sat Feb 5
Stupid rule,funny it happened to mancs,but clear handball,ok was accidental but he gained an advantage so shouldn't stand
Was great watching then go out on penalties

onsideman 1:21 Sat Feb 5
What Syd said. It's really not complicated

Syd Puddefoot 1:18 Sat Feb 5
Not intentional - Check.

Came off another part of the body before striking the hand - Check.

Not the goal scorer - Check.

No handball, goal stands

Some of you guys need to keep up with the rule changes

simon.s 12:14 Sat Feb 5
Funny that it was the Mancs, but should never have been allowed. And when I see that cunt Wilder I’m reminded of the Snodgrass goal that should have stood.

Pedro 12:00 Sat Feb 5
Odds on Man Utd getting an iffy pen

Funny they moan about var after their offside goal against us

RM10 11:54 Fri Feb 4
Commentators non stop about the handball, only Man U, fuck everyone else

ATBOG 11:47 Fri Feb 4
referee shenanigans. they can point to something like this if they're ever accused of favouring the top six. bent cunts

only1billybonds 11:42 Fri Feb 4

Pisses on the 'big clubs get help from bent refs' arguement.

Also,the cup is rigged in the big clubs favour.

Did look nailed on to get chalked off though.

El Scorchio 11:37 Fri Feb 4
It’s fucking funny it happened to Man U, but that’s an unbelievable decision not to disallow that Boro equaliser

Helmut Shown 7:16 Fri Jan 14
We've had a couple of VAR decisions go our way for a change, but against a couple of nondescript teams. Are the referees banking these for later when they give penalties for Salah or Kane dives and can say that West Ham have had their share of positive VAR decisions.

Lee Trundle 11:32 Thu Jan 13
VAR is turning really crap?!

It's always been really crap!

I'm not at all surprised with how it's all turned out. But now it's here, and pretty much everyone wanted it here, it's here to stay.

One of my biggest complaints that I've always had about it, is that it can't be implemented at all levels of the game. You can't have VAR at an U14's game, for example.

Yet somehow this has surprised Shearer who was saying the other day that "we should not be using VAR in this game if we can’t use VAR in every FA Cup game".

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