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Chrisnutjob 7:44 Tue Apr 12
Greatest band ever imho.Whats your memories of them.

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Swiss. 1:57 Thu Apr 14
Re: Rush
yngwies Cat 8:23 Wed Apr 13

No mate in the 70s I was listening to Bowie, Ferry, Rare Groove and Funk. Later Ramones, early punk etc.

'm cool not a fucking Yes, Genesis loving pathetic cunt.

zebthecat 10:33 Wed Apr 13
Re: Rush
Bungo 2:00 Wed Apr 13

I actually went to see Queen and Adam Lambert (not my choice I will add).
I had very low expectations but they were superb. They don't try to pretend that Adam Lambert is a Freddie replacement because he isn't. He has some stage presence but nothing like Mr Mercury and he also doesn't the same vocal range especially low down. Their version of who wants to live forever (which I never liked) was superb and Adam Lambert owned it.

Never got Rush (or Genesis and Yes) despite loving a lot of prog. The three of them pleased the musician in me as they were all fantastic players but the music never got me.

yngwies Cat 8:23 Wed Apr 13
Re: Rush
Swiss. 7:09 Wed Apr 13

Can't hear you mate, you need to down your Boney M and Nolan Sisters down...

Swiss. 7:09 Wed Apr 13
Re: Rush
If you were a spotty, D&D playing, nerdy teenager with latent homosexual tendencies you'd be into Rush. Or Kiss.

David L 2:54 Wed Apr 13
Re: Rush
Agreed Bungo.

That Adam Lambert is a huge embarrassment to Mercury's memory.

They also miss the dynamism and stage presence of John Deacon LOL

Bungo 2:00 Wed Apr 13
Re: Rush
Frankly as an ENORMOUS Rush fan, I'll be happy if they leave it as was now.

Too many bands lurch on, often after the death of a member, and rarely recapture what they had. Knowing when to stop seems to be a massive challenge for many.

I'm gutted that the final Rush tour didn't make it to Europe, but still better missing that than seeing a sort of Queen+ some bloke or the recent geriatric Genesis tour that you wish you hadn't bothered with.

Fo the Communist 1:24 Wed Apr 13
Re: Rush
Happy to stand corrected, DaveL

Alwaysaniron 12:34 Wed Apr 13
Re: Rush
"Greatest Band Ever" Might be a slightly subjective view"

I'd lay off the LSD if I were you!

David L 12:01 Wed Apr 13
Re: Rush
Fo - as you said, that was a great interview, but I think it was before Peart died. Lee just said he couldnt ever see them touring again. I could be wrong though.

SecondOpinion 10:57 Wed Apr 13
Re: Rush
I can't even think of one song they have made, but great story OiOi

ak37 8:41 Wed Apr 13
Re: Rush
Thought they were deee-cent in Trailer Park Boys.

munkyfunk 8:35 Wed Apr 13
Re: Rush
Love my 70s rock prog but just cant get on with rush. Tried many times.
Permanent waves usually or a spotify rush playlist.

dm 11:48 Tue Apr 12
Re: Rush
great run of albums from 2112 to Signals
It is a matter of regret that I never made the effort to see them live

yngwies Cat 9:42 Tue Apr 12
Re: Rush
I think it was my first gig back on the Signals tour.

Love them .. Unique

Iron Duke 9:38 Tue Apr 12
Re: Rush
I wouldn’t say I was a massive fan, but they’ve done some good music. Subdivisions is my favourite.

Fo the Communist 9:36 Tue Apr 12
Re: Rush
The interview Geddy Lee gave Dan Rather some time after Neil Peart's death is a great watch, Such an intelligent, multi-faceted, grounded chap. Lee, that is, not Dan Rather.

oioi 9:34 Tue Apr 12
Re: Rush
I wasn’t into Rush music at all but they were very nice chaps.

Matthew Holmes 9:19 Tue Apr 12
Re: Rush
Thought this might be striker transfer news.

Leonard Hatred 9:16 Tue Apr 12
Re: Rush
I used to listen to Rush when I was a pretentious 17 year old, but I grew out of it.

ray winstone 8:56 Tue Apr 12
Re: Rush
Who would have thought that a bloke who spends most of his life in Wetherspoons would turn out to be a philistine.

Leonard Hatred 8:50 Tue Apr 12
Re: Rush
Horrible, self indulgent, wanky music.

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