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one iron 4:03 Thu Apr 21
river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
the boat will leave from blackfriars pier. at 9am sharpe,it will not wait for people being late.,please arrive at 8-30 am,this was set to leave tower pier/the charlie/, steve shawzy boat nearest underground stn blackfriars 3 min walk away district and circle lines.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

On The Ball 10:26 Sat Apr 30
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.

Cabbage Savage 10:23 Sat Apr 30
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
who is jean?

muskie 5:55 Thu Apr 28
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
Was Chas related to Avis by any chance?

Avis, now there was a serious nonce.

Ooops shouldn't speak ill of dead.

chav_corner 1:03 Tue Apr 26
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
I know both Bill and Greg.The issue they are arguing about is nothing to do with me,I dont know anything about it it so keep out of it.The people that run this site shoud ban that idiot Crossed Hammers.That is all.

one iron 10:51 Mon Apr 25
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
Greg,you have made your point,i saw it ,i believed you, .But now this has n0 legs.I would never put down a person who could not respond, but we all are diffrent. when all this went on you was not with your mrs, you was with jean. but i understand you are friends. the only person thats enjoyed all this that berk crossed hammers, he loves all this the prick..i find him night night. we used to ban shit like him, but like i said we are all diffrent, this sites getting two many keyboard warriers. who hide behind silly names.

Eindhoven Hammer 9:36 Mon Apr 25
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.

The issue here is you can’t say a bad word against Chas as he clearly thought it was the done thing to ring someone’s wife up and talk absolute filth. My son’s Mum wouldn’t have entertained that clown if he was the last person on Earth.

Eindhoven Hammer 9:32 Mon Apr 25
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
I didn’t speak out of turn, people misunderstood what I’d said. Getting back to your mate, I told you earlier that I’d rang and texted him. The only person he wanted to see face to face was my missus. Thankfully, she told him where to go. At least a few people on here now know that your mate wasn’t the lovely geezer that other’s portrayed him as.

one iron 12:51 Mon Apr 25
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
chl, ripped off 2 years covid then cancer, he paid for the boat money was held, like the tickets, for the next trip,this shit needs to stop .show some care, Greg if that was my family it would have been done within 48 hrs,why now. text and phone calls you said you made, man to man was what was needed, let it go.Greg i helped you years ago when you spoke out of turn to the wrong people, i cant help you now.

⚒️ 12:36 Mon Apr 25
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
The issue here is surely the despicable way in which he hounded Greg’s wife?

COOL HAND LUKE 11:36 Mon Apr 25
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
Dear oh dear...

Sounds like this incident was knocking on for nearly three years ago..? Regardless of the rights and wrongs, it does raise the question: WHY did you not address it to a full conclusion at the time?

Are we saying that 'everyone' got ripped off, and EH was the only one (out of 100+ fans) to kick off about it?

⚒️ 11:51 Sun Apr 24
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
Still, mustn’t speak ill of the dead!

Eindhoven Hammer 9:38 Sun Apr 24
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
Bill: Why upset a family who have never done anything against you?

So what did Chas do then? The utter bile that came out of his mouth towards my wife, who he’d never met but decided to troll her on social media and then bombard her with filthy messages. Now, I’ll ask you. What would you say if he done exactly the same to your wife and upset your wife and boy(s) when they got to find out about it?

Leonard Hatred 1:43 Sat Apr 23
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
One Iron

To be fair, you did ask him to "tell his tale".

one iron 12:34 Sat Apr 23
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
Greg, why upset a family who have never done anything against you. let it ride mate, cant see what you have to gain, some tales best not told, hope you and the family are well.

Son of Sam 11:51 Sat Apr 23
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
Manuel 8:14 Fri Apr 22

Eindhoven Hammer 10:44 Sat Apr 23
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
My wife, myself and son, I meant.

Eindhoven Hammer 10:39 Sat Apr 23
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
Bill, I called him and texted him. As mentioned below, got the messages still on my phone. Some of the stuff he was saying to her was degrading. I even told you some of it and I still think you don’t believe it. My wife, myself and I know the truth and we couldn’t care less what anyone else says or thinks.

one iron 9:16 Sat Apr 23
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
greg, you and me pot and kettle comes to mind. why did you not pull him when he was alive,not now mate ,its to late, let the dead rest.

AKA ERNIE 8:25 Fri Apr 22
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
Knew chas well and he was always a great bloke from what i saw
Ive known bill since i started going to away ames in 1975 aged 7, grew to knew him well over the yrs and he along with chas and dennis would always do anything to help out fellow hammers.
As for personal grievance its certainly best to keep that off an open forum.
As for crossed hammers hes a yid not west ham

Manuel 8:14 Fri Apr 22
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
devonshire - What a load of wishy washy, cliched bollocks that is. If you were a wrong'un, then you were a wrong'un, and that will be your legacy, end of. You don't get a pass on that just because you're dead.

alan devonshire 8:01 Fri Apr 22
Re: river boat to chelsea sunday 24/4/22 departure change.
My Mum and Dad brought me up to never speak ill of the dead, they were good East End people

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