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maverick180 12:16 Fri May 6
Utter disgrace
Just single handedly destroyed our best chance of silverware for a generation
To be sent off for the exact same offence in 2 out of 3 games in a row in the same competition is unforgivable
Never wanna see the cunt in a West Ham shirt again

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

wd40 11:35 Wed May 11
Re: Cresswell
Well you need some wisdom put your way as it appears you have none .
It appears you never add anything to any conversation or threads apart from.....

owner's out /moyes out /need 4 new players etc etc Jesus we hear on every football phone in show from every fan who's club are below 5th every week .

So your saying what i posted is untrue ? sorry i had to ask but you never explained what you disagreed with
and never put across a alternative view across , your reply just come over sounding a bit uneducated and thick.

Go on try to make a little proper comment on things to make your posts a little more interesting.

But don't forget to take time to phone talk sport today demanding new owners ,6 new players and the old chest nut a new ground! and bore us all to death !

Your just Not a true supporter .


Hammer-ed 5:30 Wed May 11
Re: Cresswell
maverick180 I think out of the coaching staff, this would have been Psycho's bag when it come to on on one situations. I seen in his past glories that he run along side attacking player and carry out a foot tackle, or run ahead of them and "square" them off from in front of goal, thus holding on a goal scoring chance.

Either Psycho didn't teach Cresswell this or Cresswell didn't pay attention from what he was taught by Stuart Pearce.

Manuel 8:53 Mon May 9
Re: Cresswell
wd40 7:56 Mon May 9

Oh look at you, the voice of reason. Such wisdom you bestow upon us all.

Here's an idea, YOU have your OPINION, and let others crack on with theirs. That's it!

GSB love your fucking type, that's for sure!

wd40 7:56 Mon May 9
Re: Cresswell
Been a great season
Supporting a Club is all about wanting them to turn up in every game along side great moments and bigger low's.
That's it!

If your seeking anything else my advice is pack it in.

Swap this season for many in the last 50 years.

OneAll 5:22 Mon May 9
Re: Cresswell
Don’t hold it against him we all make mistakes , was shit in the first leg and there support got them through the second , but most excitement as a hammer since the game cup final let’s push on get 6th and enjoy next year again

Mad Dog 10:52 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell

Losing a player, when you're not a defender who scores is NOT worse than getting sent off after 20 minutes for something you got sent off for 2 games ago and completely end the tie as a competition.

daveyg 10:44 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
Can not in anyway play against City.He'll get pulled apart by Foden and Silva.

Norflundon 3:55 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
On a playing front he single handed fucked any chance we had of winning a trophy. Fornals mistake was worse in the first game for the opener but conceding a goal you can come back from like we have so many times but to get sent off killed the tie
To be fair I said in January the bare minimum to win a trophy or come top four was to sign 4 players a striker leftback central midfielder and centrehalf. Those four positions have wrecked our season as Antonio cresswell Soucek have all been pretty woeful since Jan in the main although Antonio has had a couple of cracking games especially against Seville and Lyon, cresswell and Soucek have been pretty awful and the fact we have nobody to replace them sits with the manager not the players themselves

maverick180 1:40 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
To be fair to Cresswell, if Moyes and our coaching staff haven’t given him any coaching on how to deal with one on one situations since his first sending off against Lyon then they’d be just as guilty as him

Lertie Button 1:28 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
If he doesn't who does - lack of options, no faith in kids ect
You know what I'm fucking sick even thinking about it

maverick180 1:00 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
I think back to the Villa league cup game where we lost and Di Canio missed a penalty
I think our next game was Villa in the league
You could tell Di Canio was desperate to make amends, sometimes he was trying too hard and it just wasn’t working out for him, but he did end up scoring the equaliser and you could see how much it meant to him
If Cresswell plays then I hope to see the same amount of passion, albeit playing in a completely different position
But I just don’t think he has the same mentality

marty feldman 12:59 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
I suspect he will play today .and will be targeted by the opposition like he always is now . Just hope we get away with it .

maverick180 12:55 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
if he plays then obviously I hope he plays well
But this bloke now worries the shit out of me

Sven Roeder 12:51 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
Cresswell has done well for us over a long period but I think if you looked back to the summer apart from the long lost striker then left back was the next position most had identified as being in need of an upgrade.
The only positive of the last few weeks is that need has become absolutely critical.
I dont have a problem with Cresswell remaining as a back up for another season but he cant be starting if we are serious about progessing.

LAF 12:51 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
If Moyes picks Cresswell today, next game - or in to next season, and he takes the field wearing the claret and blue of West Ham, I’ll back him all the way - and so should everyone else who claims they are a true supporter of this club.

maverick180 12:47 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
I’d agree with you if I thought he had the mentality to make amends
But we should’ve seen that in the first leg against Frankfurt, but he was dreadful
If he plays then I hope I’m wrong
But it really wouldn’t surprise me if you see him put his hands all over one of their players in an attempt at saying ‘this isn’t a sending off in the premier league’

ludo21 12:38 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
I would play Cresswell today for the simple reason that he should be fresh(er) than the others and hopefully ready to step up and make amends for Thursday.

We need as many points as possible in the last three games... I've been one of Cresswells biggest fans this season but there is no doubt that his performances have tailed off.

maverick180 11:11 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
Actually I take that back
Roberto probably takes the crown for that

maverick180 11:05 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
Our performance in the 2nd leg of the Lyon tie was arguably our best of the season
Cresswell was very lucky to get his place back after that performance
You would’ve thought he would’ve had a point to prove in the home against Frankfurt
Instead he was miles out of position for their first goal, leaving Fornals to deal with it
And then I lost count of the amount of times he got caught in possession in his own half when he had the opportunity to get rid of the ball
Nobody played particularly well in that game but he really was the worst one
His last 3 performances in the europa league are the worst 3 consecutive games I’ve ever seen from someone in a West Ham shirt
I’m sure someone is gonna say I’m talking rubbish, but if you think about it, 2 sendings off and an absolute dog shit performance in the one where he didn’t, really is as bad as it gets

daveyg 10:59 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
I love his free kick against Everton but what was it his 3rd in the league ever,anyone would think he's Warde Prowse.
If Jens Petter had gone on and scored Cresswell would of been shot mentally anyway. It was a mistake to play him. He's defended poorly for 2 years or more.
That's his job and in the team for it. I'm sorry but it's not good enough. He can not be in the tem any longer. End of.

maverick180 10:58 Sun May 8
Re: Cresswell
No he hasn’t
Both Rice and Moyes have for their incidents
Which further indicates he’s not getting it into his head that you can’t defend with your hands all over the opposition

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