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twoleftfeet 12:50 Tue Jun 21
Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
I have just been in my local Town and have seen a queue of elderly people and mothers with kids queuing outside a community fridge scheme, what has this country become when it’s own citizens cannot afford to feed themselves? Maybe I have been sheltered from this but seeing the queue was fucking heart breaking. This is not how our citizens should have to live.

The hundreds of millions we spend on illegal immigrants should be used to help the people that live here, get some of these left wing immigration groups down here and let them explain to these people why the welfare of immigrants means more than the welfare of our elderly.

This is not about race this is about charity beginning at home, until our own people can afford to eat and to heat their homes then no money should go elsewhere.

This has shocked me, sorry. Rant over.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Swiss. 8:43 Thu Jun 23
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 8:27 Thu Jun 23
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
ray winstone 5:04 Wed Jun 22

That's a bit strong coming from a man whose entire political philosophy is based upon the teachings of Carl Beech

Far Cough 6:32 Thu Jun 23
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
Alright Sheila that's enough

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:16 Thu Jun 23
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
I agree. I did my fair share of seasonal, shift based manual jobs in my youth while I was studying for my TWO degrees.

Shame. Just one away from the full R&B legacy.

Auntie Thermite 2:26 Thu Jun 23
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
"Don't blame me for the globalist scheme to displace the natives from European soil, I voted tory!"

Side of Ham 5:09 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
Plus Swiss you could get a house/flat on an average wage in maybe a half decent area….now they’d have to move to an ex mining town up North to stand a chance on an average wage.

Swiss. 5:05 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
stewie griffin 1:18 Wed Jun 22

I agree there's a lot more pressure especially through social media to be doing those top jobs and be a big earner. Truth is the majority won't be. I think in our day that was more acceptable.

ray winstone 5:04 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
13 Brentford Rd 4:19 Wed Jun 22

Straight out of The Daily Mail editorial, awesome.

Mike Oxsaw 5:00 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
Hot Marta was in hospitality, was she not?

Whatever happened to her?

Side of Ham 4:52 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
Fifth, B&Q is a job the youngsters will do so try again as it's a filler job, we are talking about jobs where they are trained up for the longterm like in hospitality etc......

nychammer 4:29 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
Should have seen some of the “shit” jobs I had to do at university to earn money. Worked in a butchers, Milk packing at a dairy, as a dustman, fruit picking, mind numbing factory work etc. it meant I didn’t have to put financial pressure in my family, rack up the student loans and meant that I now understand the value of an education and the decent job I now have.

A lot of Kids today don’t understand the value of money. God I sound old.

BRANDED 4:23 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
At least they can watch people cooking on their phones and tvs tho

Come On You Irons 4:22 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
I agree. I did my fair share of seasonal, shift based manual jobs in my youth while I was studying for my TWO degrees, and it didn't do me any harm at all considering I now earn a SIX FIGURE salary.

13 Brentford Rd 4:19 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
How many in the queue have mobile phones, 50 inch TVs, can't cook and live on takeaways?

BRANDED 4:15 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
Used to be blond bimbos working in pubs.

El Scorchio 4:02 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
I agree those jobs should be a sort of 'rite of passage' for teenagers. Teaches you a lot of basic skills you need as a working adult and equips you with a lot for going on in life afterwards.

While I didn't have a paper round which is the classic, I at various times from age 16-19 worked in a shop on Saturdays and in holidays, was a cleaner for a few hours after college, did a few admin jobs and also worked as local stage crew at a venue. Not great jobs which I enjoyed aside from the crew one having decent perks, not that well paid, but it gave me some pocket money to spend on things I wanted and got me used to the responsibilities of work.

My parents didn't have a lot so they couldn't subsidise me when I got to that age when i started going out and doing and buying things. If I wanted stuff, I had to work to get money to pay for it.

Lee Trundle 4:01 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
Do kids get themselves part time jobs still nowadays?

Everyone I knew either worked in a pub or at a supermarket when they were at college.

Pubs (the ones that are open) nowadays normally have eastern europeans working there, and supermarkets tend to employ a lot more older folk than kids.

I think what stewie has suggested has nit the nail on the head.

Fifth Column 3:55 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.

"They have no free will to...". Yes, yes they do. And by taking B&Q job it helped him move forwards in life and get used to earning money and taking pride in hard work and pushed him onto something else. A lot of kids won't do these jobs even as a stop gap.

Side of Ham 3:47 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
They have no free will to do the jobs that are low paid and not just stop gap jobs Fifth, and I don't blame them so they are not entitled brats they are just kids who know where the dead end is in this country...........just like those foreigners who come over to do those jobs we won't do ....their kids will not be doing what they've come over here to do......

Fifth Column 3:24 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.

OK I'll use a modern example. A kid I used to coach football to at U13s came over legally with his Nigerian parents. They basically left him with his uncle and went back to Nigeria. Uncle didn't want to know. Another of the coaches informally fostered him for a couple of years until the Council took him on. This was in a shit area of south London.

Most of the kids at his school or a large number of them anyway, were in crime, gang stuff, certainly wouldn't have been doing service industry jobs. He did OK at school, got a job on starting salary part time at B&Q, worked his arse off at that whilst doing an apprenticeship elsewhere. He's now 25 and through his own hard work and ambition is earning a lot, for his age, in IT and has a bright future.

Me and his other coach have not raised him but always been there for him and encouraged him. He had fewer opportunities than those around him but still has achieved. And he also volunteers coaching football and won "young citizen of the year" for his efforts. A brilliant kid. Everyone should aim high... but you sometimes need to understand that you have to start low in order to get to your "high" ambition.

At my school in late 80s/early 90s there were a couple of people in my year who lived next door to each other, both had absent fathers. One went on to uni and to make a shedload working in investment banking. The other committed murder at 16 and got out of prison a couple of years back.

You make choices in life. Yes government etc can help and their environment has an impact. But you're making it sound like we have no free will.

Come On You Irons 3:22 Wed Jun 22
Re: Sorry for this thread but I’m fuming.
If you enter a country illegally on a small boat and 'jump the queue' so to speak, you are not here legally. The ass of the law is that they abuse the asylum system to claim 'asylum' and thus get to stay here and be sheltered and fed by taxpayers while their 'case' gets processed.

I advocate the Australian approach. Intercept them at sea and 'store' them on a remote, bleak island while their 'asylum' claims get processed.

We don't need any more scroungers on this small island of ours, thanks.

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