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TonkaToy 12:35 Thu Aug 25
'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
Just for dm...

Rubber Soul - Beatles
Anything by The Rolling Stones
Off the Wall - Michael Jackson

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munkyfunk 8:31 Tue Aug 30
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
This will upset a few but
Floyd-The wall.
Love floyd, but just cant get this album.

zebthecat 11:29 Sun Aug 28
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
You are right Oxsaw.
More than a feeling is great but that is the best song they ever did by a country mile.
Quite sad really. First song on their first album and that was as good as they ever got. Compare and contrast with Black Sabbath.

Mike Oxsaw 10:15 Sun Aug 28
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
Boston - their first album.

It's just too sterile; the sort of sound I'd only expect to hear in a supermarket aisle.

dm 10:07 Sun Aug 28
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
I'm not keen on Pet Sounds as an album but it does have some good tracks.
God Only Knows is an excellent track.
I certainly wish I could sing as good as that.

ted fenton 3:34 Sun Aug 28
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
Mr Anon 4:33 Fri Aug 26
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
It's all subjective and the spirit of the question I know, but I'll never understand someone that could listen to God Only Knows and think it's shit!

IMO it's one of the purest songs ever. Get shivers from the opening chords still today

Totally agree one of the best songs ever written.

Claret Badger 3:23 Sun Aug 28
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
Daft Punk

Takashi Miike 1:43 Sun Aug 28
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
watch the few live performances of gentle giant on youtube, then you'll get it. love rush up until they increased the synth use. agree about dream theatre, don't get it - same with tool

dm 1:33 Sun Aug 28
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
Fuck Everyone And Run by Marillion

I still find that album pretty impenetrable, even after 6 years.

dm 1:18 Sun Aug 28
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
I can understand that. A few people get put off by Geddy Lee's voice. I personally really like Rush from 1976's 2112 up to 1982's Signals. But cannot get into anything they did after thar.

There are quite a few progressive rock bands that I tried but could never get:
Flower Kings
Dream Theatre
Gentle Giant
Big Big Train. etc
All very talented bands, musically, but their albums never did anything for me subjectively

munkyfunk 11:46 Sun Aug 28
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
Anything by rush- tried many times and i love my rock prog music.

claret59 12:11 Sun Aug 28
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
another one for pet songs - but did like the like the surf stuff

Mike Oxsaw 9:43 Sat Aug 27
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
ALL the singles in the 1970s were fucking hits???

BRANDED 9:40 Sat Aug 27
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
There wasnt any filler on loads of singles acts in the seventies cos they were all fucking hit records.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 9:26 Sat Aug 27
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
Side of Ham 3:00 Fri Aug 26

'Never into albums, always find most I do try to listen to were full of fillers apart from their obvious 'hits' they were sold on.....'

That's certainly true pre-1966 and post, hmm 1985 maybe.

That's why the late 60s through to the mid eighties were the heyday of the album. Many of the biggest acts either didn't release singles often or at all (Led Zep, Floyd, ELP, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Van Morrison, etc) or didn't include them on albums if they did (notably the Beatles). Plus the way music was consumed changed. The technology, two 20 minute sides, lent itself to making a piece of 'art' that long and the track ordering was hugely important. The advent of, first, CDs, which allowed bands to drone on for too long and the audience to skip or shuffle, and later and even more tellingly, streaming (you just buy the hits) rendered albums redundant.

For instance, I'd argue that, like them or not (and I can take or leave them) there isn't much filler on a Led Zep album.

Mr Anon 4:55 Fri Aug 26
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
Take that back!

Eerie Descent 4:46 Fri Aug 26
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
God Only Knows sounds like a song made to advertise package holidays.

violator 4:44 Fri Aug 26
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
PwoperNaughtyButNot 3:30 Fri Aug 26

I love New Order, its handy seeing them live cos you know the encore is generally gonna be 3 JD songs, so I get my arse out of the place and beat the crowds.

Mr Anon 4:33 Fri Aug 26
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
It's all subjective and the spirit of the question I know, but I'll never understand someone that could listen to God Only Knows and think it's shit!

IMO it's one of the purest songs ever. Get shivers from the opening chords still today

BigDingus 4:31 Fri Aug 26
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
I agree with a lot on here. Like some I don't really get certain artists (Prince, Joni Mitchell, Elvis Costello for me) but I can appreciate them for what they are.
Oasis ? Surely nobody other than their fans regard them as 'great' ?

Some critically acclaimed albums that I really don't get are

Blue - Joni Mitchell
A Love Supreme - John Coltrane (after much trying)
Loaded - Velvet Underground
White Album - The Beatles
The Clash - The Clash (it was a bit of a let down for me after seeing them live first)
Holy Bible (or anything else) - Manic Street Preachers

But generally I'll give anything a whirl

Eerie Descent 4:10 Fri Aug 26
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
See, I love Joy Division, but would rather listen to Pigs trough on hedgehogs than listen to Pearljam. That style of singing grates me like nothing else.

It's horses for course, but I'm obviously right on this.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 3:30 Fri Aug 26
Re: 'Great' Albums that leave you cold...
I’ve never understood the legendary status given to Joy Division and New Order. I just don’t like it but I know they are loved.

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