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Cor Blimey 8:32 Mon Sep 12
Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
Or is it just them c*nts the other side of the park?

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Wilko Johnson 9:46 Tue Sep 20
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
It sounded to me like our lot on the concourse forgot that there would be a minutes silence so a few in the seats were shussing them. Then a couple of Irons shouts were met with "Shut the F Up, you C's".

It looked like the majority of Everton on the Park End didn't sing the National Anthem, but quite a few did.

BillyJenningsBoots 6:07 Tue Sep 20
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?

which of his 34 sons are you referring to?

⚒️ 5:47 Tue Sep 20
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
The way Paul Weller’s son has turned out tells you all you need to know about Paul Weller.

BillyJenningsBoots 5:43 Tue Sep 20
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
I assumed it was partly the hatred of the Thatcher government in the 80's and her apparent objective to dismantle the working class, plus the fact that so many Liverpool fans are Catholic Irish and hate the UK and the National Anthem...

Unfortunately Paul Weller (who as he grows older is becoming a greater twat than he ever was when he was relevant) was reported to have praised the booing at the Cup final which saddens me....


Pub Bigot 4:52 Tue Sep 20
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
From where I was, a tiny minority from both sides ruined the minute's silence, and for the most part, the Everton fans were respectful. There were several Union flags being held aloft in their end as well as ours, and both sides' supporters clapped on the 70th minute.

I couldn't make out the national anthem on their side as our lot were belting it out proudly but as Filth said, aggressively.

Mace66 4:51 Tue Sep 20
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
I’m afraid that’s the way the world is and isn’t exclusive to scousers. Just the same as being cunts during a minutes silence doesn’t appear to be exclusive to scousers. As NS alludes to, not surprising considering some of the absolute retards we have as fans, home, away and everywhere infact

Gary Strodders shank 4:43 Tue Sep 20
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
A good example of the scouse victim mentality is the attitude of the mother of the kid who had his hand slapped by Ronaldo as he came off the pitch at Everton.
He was of course out of order for doing this and recieved a police caution and ordered to pay £200 compo for a phone that the boy dropped.
The mother was also contacted by his agent at first and then Ronnie himself with an offer initially of a meeting with him at Old Trafford as way of an apology I guess
Now most parents although angered by his actions towards there child would probably accept that he'd been reprimanded by the old bill and take up the offer of a meeting and day out with one of the greatest players ever
but not this woman she wants to take out a private prosecution and has sold her story to the Daily Mirror.
She claims Ronaldo was arrogant and asked her what she wanted from him to put things right as well as claiming the boy suffered a bruised hand and was traumatised by the whole affair although despite his traumatised state she is quite prepared to have him photographed in a national newspaper.

Northern Sold 4:34 Tue Sep 20
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
Not a surprise if you go by some of the planks on the Queen is Dead thread... so yeah we are no better

, 3:58 Tue Sep 20
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
Sadly, whether we like it or not, there is no exception as supporters for our fans and we can be as bad as the opposition.

⚒️ 3:55 Tue Sep 20
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
Yeah expect it from the Scousers but disgraceful from our lot.

Grumpster 3:45 Tue Sep 20
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
Yeah our fans were cunts through the so called minutes silence as well.

Not hard to shut the fuck up for a whole minute and only thick cunts can’t wait for the minute to be over to then boo the oppo.

Fifth Column 3:11 Tue Sep 20
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
Well that was entertaining before the match. A couple of our fans shouting "Irons" at the beginning of the minute's silence and then our lot shouting them down.

Then 2 or 3 Everton fans boo during the silence and our lot just go mental with 3000 of us screaming "shut us you Scouse ####s"... and I'm sure they ended the minute's silence early as a result.

Then we did the most aggressive rendition of God Save The King ever heard sung towards the Everton fans as they were silent and didn't join in the song. And some of them still sitting down throughout it. At least they didn't boo the anthem although maybe some of them did but you couldn't hear it from amongst our lot.

Some of the haircuts from the Everton fans though - fuck me are they always 20 years behind the rest of the western world?

boleyn8420 6:03 Thu Sep 15
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
Well Martin Samuel was wrong wasn't he the scummy cunts cat called and shouted throughout the minutes silence but anyone saying that is obviously in the same camp as the Sun after Hillsborough or the European Cup Final where no scouse are ever to blame. Yet we all heard the video. Probably dubbed over by the Tories I expect.

Everywhere else the minutes silence is impeccably kept by everyone. But apparently its okay for the MAJORITY of scousers to behave. No it fucking isnt.

RM10 5:45 Thu Sep 15
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
Hating the sun and the tories, the only good thing about them

arsene york-hunt 4:20 Thu Sep 15
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
* victim

arsene york-hunt 4:20 Thu Sep 15
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
Round up all the scousers in the UK and deport them to Ireland. They can take their victin mentality with them back to where it came from.

tonka 1:13 Thu Sep 15
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
boo the anthem, but won't tell the police who shot a child. scumbags

smartypants 12:25 Thu Sep 15
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
Yeah they are very selective and extreme in there views/stance on certain things. No consistency

Feed Me Chicken 12:17 Thu Sep 15
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
Hate the sun because of something that happened decades ago yet won’t let it go even though no one that was there still works there.

Hate the tories because of something that happened decades ago yet won’t let it go even though no one in the cabinet is there that was there at the time.

A 9 year old girl was shot dead by a scouser a couple of weeks ago, gonna assume they don’t all want to be tarnished as child killers for the rest of their lives?

martyboy 12:16 Thu Sep 15
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
Martin Samuels is a fat nonce. Fuck his opinion, who cares.

Northern Sold 11:57 Thu Sep 15
Re: Do Everton boo the National Anthem?
arse... totally agree fella... I just stuck it up as it was topical...

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