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claret59 4:05 Sat Oct 22
Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
63 yrs old and my first trip to scotland next sunday - 4 nights in the capital (maybe one in glasgow) with the wife. would appreciate advice on traditional pubs in central/castle and royal mile areas. we're partial to live music and open mics but the wife says no sports bars please.
beers to look out for? i love real ales and even local keg bitters around 5% but am not a fan of craft ales which i find too hoppy.
ps can you still ask for a 'pint of heavy'?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

claret59 6:54 Sun Oct 23
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
i have no idea why i just used the word passion - i hate when other people do.

claret59 6:30 Sun Oct 23
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
i do like scotch but have a real passion for american whiskey

cheeses cruyf 3:19 Sun Oct 23
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
Ship on the Shore in Leith is very good. Champagne bar and sea food restaurant.

BRANDED 3:13 Sun Oct 23
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
I’d go to a whisky bar and try whiskies.


Swiss. 2:47 Sun Oct 23
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
I spent 4 months working in St Andrews Square in 2012. Thought the City has a bit of a shithole tbh. Always wet and windy. Massively overrated.

Best moment for me was Friday afternoon boarding my 1st Class carriage from Waverley Station to KingsX.

simon.s 12:02 Sun Oct 23
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
Have a walk down to Leith have a look round there. Few nice traditional boozers, and away from the touristy bit.

Grumpster 2:19 Sun Oct 23
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
Biddy Mulligans in the grass market was decent and its a quality city.

And climbing Arthur's seat shear face at 4am pissed is a must 👌

Raymond Duck 2:01 Sun Oct 23
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
The Abbotsford is worth a visit if you’re down in the new town. In Rose St just off St Andrews Square. Traditional pub with an island bar and decent beer from memory

jfk 1:44 Sun Oct 23
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
Great City went there for my 50th loads of great pubs new town and grass market.
Good restaurants a plenty from memory Angels with bagpipes(royal mile) and mussel inn (new town) fish .
Brilliant place for eating and drinking have a blast.

⚒️ 8:45 Sat Oct 22
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
Drouthy Neebors is probably my favourite watering hole in Edinburgh.

The owner’s a big WHU fan.

Northern Sold 8:32 Sat Oct 22
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
Had a couple of brilliant nights in the 3 sisters when we visited for a stag/rugby...

Leonard Hatred 8:08 Sat Oct 22
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
The Waverley Bar is a good old fashioned boozer

They do good PIES.

Billy Connolly started out there, they have live folk music, comedy etc in an upstairs room.

claret59 6:23 Sat Oct 22
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations

sounds good, thanks, we're in waverley street prem inn
i was thinking of music separately, happy to have either or.

dm 4:43 Sat Oct 22
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
The Wetherspoons by Edinburgh Waverley Station. ( think it's called The Ticket Office) did an absolutely bloody lovely pint of Deuchars IPA when I was in there last year.

cambsiron 4:14 Sat Oct 22
Re: Edinburgh pubs and beer recommendations
Guildford Arms for decent real ales. Tucked up an alleyway near Waverley Station. Or the halfway house which is up some long steps on the other side of Waverley. Won't be any music of any kind.

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