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Send Gentile a WHOmail

Status: I am a TwinHammer affiliate,activated member 143 and have rights to attend all functions, but cannot change policies.

I can wear the emblem without getting shriveled and i am Cliffs closest ally on WHO,and Dave will make contact with me on a regular contact frame, as will ToAs.

I am the only poster on WHO who has received President Bert WhiteHouses Silver cake fork for services.

Hobbies: I often privately pray for many people from this site. I often scout.

Heroes: George Parris . A true West Ham Legend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qe_qRr7cbs

A guide to Zoltaneering

Some of you are still struggling with Zoltaneering, just follow this guide and you wont go far wrong.

1. Take the fact that you want to impress WHO-ites with. For the sake of this example you can use the fact that you are being sent to Hong Kong on business in a few weeks. Remember, it matters little that you have not got a passport, it matters less that you haven\\\'t got a job. Thats the beauty of Zoltaneering, and the reason that it remains the fastest growing passtime on WHO.

2. Think of a question. It should be a question which provides maximum flexibility in terms of combining other questions. For the purpose of this example, we can use a question relating to the purchase of a PSP.

3. Combine the fact you wish to tell everyone about (part 1) with the mundane question (part 2) MAKING PART 2 THE FOCUS OF THE STATEMENT.

Correct:- \\\"Will I be able to buy a PSP when I\\\'m in Hong Kong next week?\\\"

Incorrect:- \\\"I\\\'m going to Hong Kong on business. Will I be able to buy a PSP whilst there?\\\"

Again, I am quite prepared to offer this thread as a Zoltaneering school, offer up your examples and I will attempt to help you along. So long as while I am typing I dont have one of my many page 3 girlfriends attempting to suck me off, of course.

"You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD."
(Leviticus 19:18)

Bless You
User Posts:

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Re: The war in Ukraine (2024-02-22 01:24:37)
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Re: Moyes Out (2024-02-20 22:28:15)
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Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake? (2022-10-12 14:21:25)
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