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charleyfarley 3:33 Fri Mar 17
⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread


    London Stadium
    Thurs 20th April 20:00 GMT
    Roi Reinshreiber ISR

Orel Grinfeeld ISR
: (6) - 22 1

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West Ham 7/11: Draw 16/5: Gent 5/1


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

mallard 8:24 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
On a one on one situation, he goes a bit FLAKEy

Jasnik 8:17 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
Also what happens to Cornet when he get close to the goal.

Jasnik 8:15 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
Did it touch his hand for Bowens goal. I couldn't see it even after the replay.

MrSnoogans 2:47 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
I thought their centre-back dealt with Antonio very well, the two goals aside obviously.

Did laugh when Dec came off, and went to give the armband to Zouma 'no, I'm coming off', then to Antonio, 'no, I'm coming off' then finally to Soucek.

Soucek then proceeded not to make a peep and leave the captain stuff up to Aguerd like pressing the ref and backing up Paqueta from their brute Number 8.

Also, Fornals looked very upset by the whole time he was on the pitch. Booting the ball into the ground then not giving a fuck wasn't very Fornallsy. To be fair, he did immediately go to the fan and apologise at full time and give him his shirt (after the drama queen performances of the fans during the match when he did it) but then went down the tunnel very upset.

El Scorchio 2:39 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
Don;t know if it was because he was fatigued after sunday or had a knock, but I thought Antonio didn't get much change out of their centre back(s)

They handled him unusually well when lots of sides in Europe have really struggled with him over the last two seasons.

yngwies Cat 2:29 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
Was a good night and good performance well 2nd half anyway

Nice to have something to cheer about the bowl for once.

Good atmosphere and half.

cholo 2:24 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
Gent looked like a typical lower to mid level continental team, technically good footballers but physically weak, not that fit and mentally will crumble under pressure, which is exactly what happened, hopefully Alkmaar will follow suit

13 Brentford Rd 2:20 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
Yeh their fans were good, kept supporting their team and having a laugh even at 4-1. Sold their allocation out in 2 days.
They were dancing around to the DJ before the game, and started the poncy phone lights which our fans copied.

El Scorchio 2:11 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
Also, all yellow cards are wiped now, aren't they?

Not that it is really a problem for us with only a few players on one anyway.

lowlife 1:51 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
In addition to the result and second half performance (great to see but we shouldn’t get carried away with it) I was delighted that Orban did fuck all. Hate it when players (that nobody has really heard of before) all of a sudden become flavour of the moment with commentators who jizz themselves every time they get the ball.

Maybe I’m just miserable, but I don’t want to hear about how great he is when he’s not proved himself against top teams and players.

Full Claret Jacket 12:43 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
I not sure the media should be bigging us up for winning against poor sides in a competition we are favourite for. On the other hand Man Utd were expected to do much better in a credible competition and took a hammering so are rightly getting the coverage.

You really can't take much from games like this. Yes it's welcome to see smiles on players and fans faces but there is still a lot wrong with our side and how fragile it is. On top of that it looks like our depth on the bench is also looking very rusty and out of form. This Gent side were awful and once they had to attack it was so easy to pick them off and we missed loads of really good chances.

It's more important to put in a strong showing against Bournemouth and kick on.

Haz 12:43 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
Loved that bit at the end, where the Gent fans were ironically ole-ing their players when they were 4-1 down! Class. Determined to enjoy the night, no matter what.

Northern Sold 12:37 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
After a iffy first half it was quite a breeze the 2nd half... Paq' and Declan ran the show... some of Paq's passing was Bishop'esque...

... and credit where it's due... for the pelters Moysie has had this year thought he got it spot on last night... well done to him and the players.

62Hammer 12:36 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
I love watching Paqueta play. He gives us those little moments in games Brooking used to give us.

JOHNNY V 11:57 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
Souchek and Paqueta definitely looked like that swapped positions in the 2nd half and we looked much better for it.

JayeMPee 11:48 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread
Yet another turnaround at half time, great performance in the second. Its not just goals but fitness, team spirit, possession and shots at goal. Major change and maybe players have forced it on moyes (eg Paqueta penalty) or he has changed tactically. Whatever if we continue playing like that we will soon move clear of the relegation zone, well done and keep it up!

Rossal 11:48 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread - Preview
Great night, fantastic performance

Rice was unbelievable and what a goal to cap it off

Thought Bowen, Aguerd and 2nd half Paqueta were also very very good

Usually we start a season strong then limp over the line under Moyes..... this year hopefully we are finishing strong and peaking just at the right time

El Scorchio 11:38 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread - Preview
Buy him some time and space on the ball and he will cut teams apart.

On the whole our movement off the ball is so poor and with normally only 1-2 men in advance of him, he’s been feeding on scraps most of the season. We have to be better at putting him in the right positions for us to get the most out of him.

Manuel 11:38 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread - Preview
miike - Yea a bit of an ask there still, there's a very good chance we will fuck it up, Man City/Madrid is probably 50/50 and if Mourinho delivers another European trophy for Roma, that's him with a statue before he leaves.

fraser 11:35 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread - Preview
Rice said in his post match interview he loves being West Ham captain and long may it continue... Surely he's not expecting to lose it before the end of the season :-)

paulon 11:31 Fri Apr 21
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Gent - Official Match Thread - Preview
fraser 10:49 Fri Apr 21

Great video of a class player who obviously needed a bit of time to adapt

Trouble on here is he'll do that for 90 minutes then a couple of bad passes and he's shit

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