WHO Poll

gph 1:29 Sun Mar 19
Games in hand
On the one hand, logically, it's better to have points on the board.

On the other, they make life exciting...

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Robson 12:58 Tue Mar 21
Re: Games in hand
It's nuts how close it is. 4 points separating the bottom 9 teams. And all averaging almost exactly a point a game.

A bit pointless working this through as a win here or there could completely change the picture, but if you carried on with a point a game (ignoring the actual fixture list, just assuming average fixtures) to let all the teams catch up to 28 games played, it would be even closer between the relegation candidates:

P Team Played GD Points
12 Leeds 28 -9 27
13 C Palace 28 -16 27
14 Wolves 28 -19 27
15 Nott For 28 -27 27
16 Leicester 28 -9 26
17 West Ham 28 -10 26
18 Everton 28 -18 26
19 Bournemouth 28 -29 25
20 Southampton 28 -23 23

So there you go. Statistically, our games in hand take us out of the bottom 3 on goal difference. And there is just 1 point between 12th and relegation.

Eerie Descent 1:54 Mon Mar 20
Re: Games in hand
Yeah, there's nothing quite as threatening as a Moyes team that's going away to a top 4 teams looking for something...

nychammer 12:55 Mon Mar 20
Re: Games in hand
nothing wrong with Joyo's logic if its a dead rubber for them at that point AND we go their looking for something.

The problem with it is that Moyes never goes to the likes of Man City and plays to win. Also we may have out own cup final on our minds :)

Eerie Descent 11:42 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
Stop the press, get the bunting out, joyo has spoken and we're gonna win our game in hand at Man City away.

joyo 11:39 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
Listen by the time we play city Aresnal would have won the Premier and City constraining on CL,so we will get a draw against their reserves

onsideman 11:07 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
The one game in hand is Man City away. I'd rather just not play that than suffer a GD battering
The second game is the barcodes. No gimme
Fulham's best 2 players are suspended against Bournemouth
One is suspended against us (and Everton)
No time for celebration

joyo 10:55 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
2 games in hand over 4 teams,and game in hand over other 4 plus aren't Fulham's best 2 players now suspended against us?
We are definitely staying up and winning a European trophy

Stevethehammer 6:22 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
He won't change the way we play, he won't change tactics and he will still continue to play the likes of Soucek who has been out of form for the best part of 18 months because he doesn't have a plan B
Plan A has seen us sit 18th in the league so all this talk of going on a run, we will get out of it etc etc to my kind doesn't have much substance to it and there is no evidence to back it up.
I still believe we are going down and still waiting to see anything different from Moyes to suggest we will get out if it.

Sir Alf 5:22 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
Well that’s my opinion too aside. He doesn’t know another way to play or how to implement it ( training methods, tactics etc). He bought players using his judgement based on what he has always done so did not prioritise speed and athleticism. He wanted to improve our possession ( he said that end of last season ) but simply got players with a better technique and plays them in the same formation, with the same tactics ( sit deep, keep narrow, keep the shape etc) and thought he could change the way we play?

He’s proved that he is completely out of depth.

Side of Ham 2:32 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
The biggest negative we have is that even if ‘The Winner’ was to change the way we play we haven’t got the players to do that ….lack of pace is the example of where it isn’t going to end well for us. He or any other manager has to get us back to playing his shit way well.

Hoping that someone can now lecture me on how the above is not true……please….

Stevethehammer 2:15 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
Well we will see won't we
I hope I'm wrong but doubt it

mallard 1:47 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
‘….. yet a good 90% of this board seem to think we are going down.’


Stevethehammer 1:33 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
What makes people think we are too good to go down
Moyes isn't going to just change overnight admbd start playing 2 upfront, or take the shackles off the team. He will be ultra cautious just like he was against Villa. He bottled it when they were there for the taking. Whats to say Southampton don't roll up on the next 2 weeks and take the game to us.
Most clubs around us baring Forest and Bournemouth seem to have actually started pulling out some results.
Just because I am a West ham supporter doesn't mean I can't look at and think we are fucked. Most fans will look at it with rose tinted specs. There has been nothing ALL SEASON to suggest Moyes will change tactics, nothing to suggest we will go on a run and get out of it. I've looked at our games predicted quite cautiously and been realistic and I think we have left it too late to get out of it, of course i want us to, but I simply can't see us getting enough points to do so.

JayeMPee 1:19 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
Games in hand are no good whatsoever if the stubborn, clueless imbecile who 'manages' our lot doesn't recognise we need to score goals and win matches.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this morning we apparently have 17 internationals in our squad, you really have to be one of the worst managers of all time to be in a relegation fight with that talent. As for bloody sullivan, who is he kidding when he says there is nobody better, all we need is someone to get them fit and working together and the goals and points will come.

Manuel 12:32 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
I'm not, I'm taking the piss you daft sod.

And no I don't follow you around at all 'all the fucking time' so get that out your head, and 90% of this board don't think we are going down, or even close to 90%, you have simply made that up. I have agreed a lot with you in the past but the last few weeks you have ebcome ultra negative to a point when you are no longer even thinking subjectively.

And you don't really believe we are going down do you, there is almost a third of the season left still.

Stevethehammer 12:24 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
So how can you state it so blindly as fact that we are staying up mystic Manuel.
Every fucking time Manuel you take exception to me, yet a good 90% of this board seem to think we are going down. its starting to fucking grate now

Side of Ham 12:17 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
Manuel you seem to already know the lotto numbers…..

Manuel 12:13 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
Steve - Since you can predict the future so accuratley what are this weeks lotto numbers? You state we are going down like it's a fact, laughable. We can all do that, son. Look below:

We are not going down.

See, easy innit.

Stevethehammer 12:10 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
Both games in hand we will lose
There is a points predictor up on a few websites
I have us going down
Draws against Southampton, away at Leicester and Palace
And a win against Leeds and Bournemouth is all I can see

We are going down

onsideman 11:53 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
Some teams have played the Queen's death postponement games so we have Newcastle at home in hand on them, and then City away from the game rearranged from today. As mentioned, I don't see that one as anything other than nil points and a dent to the GD

Sydney_Iron 8:37 Sun Mar 19
Re: Games in hand
The game in hand is Man City away, is it? FMOB thats like a forgone conclusion really all it will do is see our goal difference get worse.

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