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Nutsin 3:09 Fri Jun 30
Watching scenes on Social media of the riots in France.

Paris and Marseille look like war zones.
What is going on over there?

How much longer will this be tolerated before they call in the military?

Looks like hell on earth.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

riosleftsock 12:33 Sat Jul 8
Re: France

The Dutch are not allowed to have a proper conservative government, WEF gauleiter will never allow it,

The Netherlands is the most productive agricultural producer in the world by a long way (worth looking up), so Rutte has been ramming through the legislation to seize and close down farms for "environmental reasons". The Farmers party are on the rise and he needs to nip them in the bud by having an election asap before they gain more traction and form a coalition with Geert Van Wilder.

goose 12:25 Sat Jul 8
Re: France

The Dutch government on Friday collapsed after failing to reach a deal on restricting immigration, junior coalition partner Christian Union said, a move expected to trigger new elections in the fall.

WHU(Exeter) 3:49 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
I'd forgotten all about the weights and measures etc at the back of those books. I too remember them being a distraction, gawping at them in a daze, in the middle of some boring lesson.

also used to love the format and snazzy plastic covering of the revision card sets that you got in WHSmiths, had a plastic flipop thing going on. Coloured vinyl and state of the art plastic encased revision cards.

we were spoilt.

Hammer and Pickle 2:15 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
So you’re just a feeble-minded groomee, and there’s no apology for that.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:39 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
I'll say one thing for those old red exercise books.

The tedium of ignoring Shimon Levinson's patented reading out loud from the history text book for an hour method was much reduced by looking at the back of the virgin exercise books and memorising the lengths and weights of delightful and arcane measurements like rods, poles. chains, furlongs, grains, pecks, pennyweights, scores, grosses, reams, quires, perches, roods and acres.

This as stood me in good stead, as two years of O Level History lessons taught me, if nothing else, exactly why a cricket pitch is 22 yards long.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:24 Thu Jul 6
Re: France

Since Pickled's benefit form translating for voddie business went down the shit-tubes, he has been forced to divert huge sums of zlotys in his personal P&L account from stationery purchased to alcohol purchased.

Hence, he is reduced to compiling his much feared DOSSIERS in WH Smith red exercise books. Doubtless, however, the authorities will continue to treat his intelligence with the same respect they always have.

Far Cough 1:21 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
WHU(Exeter) 1:18 Thu Jul 6
Re: France

ag ag ag

WHU(Exeter) 1:18 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
Not really. The state it's in now good or bad doesn't mitigate against that German led stance in 2016 (and before). It was one of the reasons I opted to vote out.

Besides my Jesuit Handler is most insistent that Thursdays are concentrated solely on Latin and Sudoku.

Hammer and Pickle 12:50 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
Whatever floats your bateau, Exeter. But maybe you are now ready to talk about the events from 2016 in the light of what is relevant today, like for example the EU’s Migration Pact?


WHU(Exeter) 12:38 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
will my name still be in the red exercise book.

perhaps with caveats?

Nurse Ratched 12:36 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
*smiles sweetly at WHU(Ex)*

Hammer and Pickle 12:16 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
Now we are dealing with the facts, I’m happy to say you were not lying.

WHU(Exeter) 12:12 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
Thank you.

so I wasn't lying or imagining things afterall then?

Hammer and Pickle 11:56 Thu Jul 6
Re: France

Now we are dealing with the facts, I have the pleasant opportunity to agree with you.

Yes, the EU did not respond appropriately to the migrant crisis in 2016 largely because the German government was too interested in keeping a lid on spending, especially by debt-ridden countries like Italy while other countries were not read to share the burden. The whole approach backfired then, however, we have good reason to believe that today EU members and institutions are in much better shape to offer a proper collective response. I like to be positive - the homework as set out in texts like this


may actually have been done.

only1billybonds 11:49 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
I see the Poles are to have a referendum on the EU migrant location scheme.

Wonder how that will go?

Badly ( for the eu) is my guess.

Side of Ham 11:44 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
No he’s not just asking for the benefits? And did anyone ask for these benefits when joint that common market…..until it had dealt with initial problems etc?….no they fucking didn’t so fuck off with that one….

BRANDED 11:42 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
He’s merely asking for the benefits. Obviously the downside to Brexit is the huge amount of bureaucracy and red tape.

Side of Ham 11:36 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
I don’t think Swiss is from the U.K. as he is constantly undermines our position and looks to lick arse Europe…..

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:31 Thu Jul 6
Re: France

Nice try, mate.

Those business investment figures have been drastically revised by the ONS. Business investment in the UK is now 1.1% above the level of the quarter before the pandemic - placing it almost exactly where that survey's 'counterfactual' level is.


goose 11:17 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
I've not read the article but have worked in and around the textile industry for years.

The only way Brexit has impacted is the flow of goods from UK into ROI stores, initially we were being charged double duty. Most retailers have got around that by setting up a bonded w/house in the UK with guidance from HMRC.

WHU(Exeter) 11:16 Thu Jul 6
Re: France
According to you, I lied about the Italy scenario?

"Renzi undertook several concrete diplomatic and juridical initiatives to tackle the refugee crisis at the EU level. In March 2016, he suggested that apart from new investments into FRONTEX and border controls, an EU “Africa Fund” should be established in order to promote infrastructure and investment projects across the continent, thus improving socioeconomic development to incentivise people to stay. The “Africa Fund” and its projects were to be supported by the European Investment Bank (EBI) and funded by the so-called European joint refugee bonds. In addition, according to Renzi, the EU should sign refugee pacts with other countries in the MENA region, modelled on the EU-Turkey agreement.

“Berlin did not take the situation seriously enough and framed the refugee crisis in Italy as a ploy by Renzi to increase Italian spending.”
Renzi’s proposal, in particular its financial aspects, were rejected by the German government in April 2016"


I distictly remember reading about that at the time and it was covered by the press pf all political pursuasion. I am not going to dig out other quotes from other sources for you, as I am not a librarian.

I thought you would know about all that, what with your obsession with everything EU and particularly Germancentric.

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