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jfk 3:12 Tue Aug 29
Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Fuss over nothing or absolute fucking wrongun ?
I’n my humble the blokes a pervy cunt.

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LeroysBoots 11:31 Sun Sep 10
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Tonight even

LeroysBoots 11:31 Sun Sep 10
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Finally resigned gonight

ATBOG 6:05 Thu Sep 7
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
For all the shit this guys getting he may as well have gone full sexist, patted her on the arse as she walked away and called her pussy cat. More coverage on this than the actual ladyball WC. It's fucking insane

Lee Trundle 5:53 Thu Sep 7
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Nothing has happened to Alison Hammond after she forced herself on Jason Donovan on This Morning this week.

Where the crusade for justice for that incident?

violator 5:01 Thu Sep 7
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
I wonder how those who want Rubiales burnt at the stake feel about the woman who slammed a cream pie in Michael O'Leary's face, imagine the uproar if in the kerfuffle he blindly lashed out and put her on her arse...

Far Cough 5:01 Wed Sep 6
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
They were all joking about in the bus going "beso" beso beso

now all of a sudden she's complaining about it

Mind you the geezer is a cunt and no mistake

Lee Trundle 4:44 Wed Sep 6
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
"Jenni Hermoso has filed a legal complaint over the kiss by Spanish football federation president Luis Rubiales after the Women's World Cup final."

Mike Oxsaw 12:00 Wed Sep 6
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
The cock grabbing may well have been an in-joke, something all the men do at private social events attended by those at that level of society.

He may have simply forgotten, being in a private box only with his peer-group, that he had the cameras of the world trained on him.

threesixty 12:00 Wed Sep 6
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
The thing that gets me about all this is not that there isn’t a problem with men taking advantage of women etc that’s obvious.
It’s that they alway pick the wrong event to go mad about! The protest is always based on the level of “scalp” that can be had, and not on the incident in question.
Their approach in effect actually makes dealing with abuse situations for normal people even harder. Because most normal people would look at the amount of ruckus caused as not actually warranted and will end up looking negatively at these type of protests.

The whole of Latin culture is a kissing one. Men with men, women with women. This stuff doesn’t mean exactly the same thing worldwide.

I just think he was excited and happy that he’d won a major tournament and there was nothing sexual about any of it. That’s what I could see. But because it was a major scalp .. boom. Let’s get him!

And just look other parts of these movements people have to be back one side or the other pretty sharp or you’re seen as an enemy and your career is done.

Would the woman have made the non consensual statement if the protest group wasn’t so extreme? We see this stuff with all the “cancel culture” movements. They have no mercy whatsoever. And if they are found to be wrong you won’t hear a word of apology for destroying someone’s life. They’ll just say it’s collateral damage and forget about them.

It’s all a bit like lord of the flies … the good in their “do gooding” end up becoming evil themselves.. the j k Rowling thing is particularly bizarre. I just don’t many of these movements anymore. I don’t think their motives are honorable.

A movement without mercy is potentially the same as the oppressor.

Far Cough 11:46 Wed Sep 6
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
The fraternal Kiss was quite common amongst Communist leaders but perhaps not quite as extreme than this one between Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and East German leader Erich Honecker.


fraser 11:14 Wed Sep 6
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
I go to clubs a lot I often get kissed on the lips, it really isn't a big deal.. Especially in a moment of celebration.. Grabbing his cock, well that is of course just weird

Council Scum 11:06 Wed Sep 6
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Norflundon 10:27 Wed Sep 6
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss

Someone European kissing a women on the lips in celebration is noncey? You don't get out much do you.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 10:30 Wed Sep 6
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Norflundon 10:27 Wed Sep 6

'If the men’s team had won it he wouldn’t have kissed one of them on lips.'

You really don't know anything about the Spanish, do you?

Norflundon 10:27 Wed Sep 6
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Council Scum 3:13 Fri Sep 1
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss

I would know because she would tell me then I would do something about it because it wasn’t just celebrating was it? If the men’s team had won it he wouldn’t have kissed one of them on lips.
Let’s all be clear any self respecting man who is not a mince knows that kissing a woman on the lips like that without the woman giving you any encouragement is noncey

From 2leftfeet comments he clearly doesn’t think so but that kind of proves my point perfectly

Manuel 4:14 Wed Sep 6
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Standing up and grabbing your bollocks when sat next to your own (female) royal family is ''nothing''? Yea, right.

Sydney_Iron 12:26 Wed Sep 6
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
So has this fella been sacked, ridiculed and sent to Coventry on a permanent basis for this Heinous crime yet?

bit of an odd ball and deserves a bollocking but the way some carry on he is the Spanish Harvey Weinstein.

fuss over nothing about a bloke being an idiot.

Mad Dog 12:02 Wed Sep 6
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
So nurse. By that rationale If this Spanish fella was better looking this wouldn't be an issue?

On The Ball 8:52 Tue Sep 5
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
eastend joker 6:56 Tue Sep 5

No idea why, but the entire squad wanted him out before the WC. That's why they're a good story.

twoleftfeet 8:39 Tue Sep 5
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
His crime?

To be a straight, white, middle aged male in a world of degenerates is his only crime.

Manuel 7:26 Tue Sep 5
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Dog - Let's keep it real, son.

Nurse Ratched 7:18 Tue Sep 5
Re: Luis Rubiales “Spanish Kiss”
Margot is a GODDESS, that's why you won't hear any complaints from men she has kissed, randomly or otherwise.

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