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LeroysBoots 9:41 Wed Oct 11
Education in the UK
Any of you lot have kids at school or college ?

Do you think you know what is being taught to your kids, without your permission ?

My wife is a personal tutor at a college

They have an HR department that instructs the staff to call all the kids they

They insist on a virulent woke agenda throughout everything they do

Latest, they all had to stay behind ( in their own time ) to listen to a trans in pigtails talking about how great it is to be them.

99% of all staff hate this agenda but are being bullied to accept it or face "consequences".

I said to my wife it sounds like indoctrination akin to the Nazi regime

I said to her thank god we don't have kids at school these days

The head has assemblies where she doesn't address the kids as boys or girls

What the fuck happened to our country and why is this allowed to continue dye to a vocal minority of cunts

She leaves at Christmas as she's had enough

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Hammer and Pickle 8:25 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
Finally a political backbone👍🏾

Mad Dog 8:11 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
Seeing as it's a school thread.. I'll be teacher.

Any comments like "tope yourself" and "hope.you die"

Will result in cards. Possibly a detention.

We all know this site is almost anything goes...

ALMOST. Being the key.

Wishing suicide is.past that line.

Anyway... carry on (just not with that)

Mike Oxsaw 8:02 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
Manuel 7:52 Wed Oct 18

Run out of meds again, is it, or has the wife gone back to the job she had when you first met her?

Mike Oxsaw 8:00 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK

joyo 7:50 Wed Oct 18

You're more than welcome to come down to Belvedere any time.

Don't follow the smell though, you'll end up cycling in a circle and ending up back at your squat if you do.

Manuel 7:52 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
Haha, you sad old man. You ain't kidding anyone, least of all yourself.

joyo 7:50 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
I don't want Oxbore to die,I'll like to tip him out of his wheelchair in the sewer in Belvedere,not to drown but to catch sepsis

Mike Oxsaw 7:44 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
and...bang on script as well as bang on cue...

Manuel 7:32 Wed Oct 18

Mike Oxsaw 7:23 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
The mud hut?

Nailed on improvement on your squat in an abandoned Upminster lock-up.

You should visit sometime...if, with your self-confessed "real man" history, they'll let you back in again, naturally.

joyo 7:12 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
Touch a nerve there did l creep?
How's the mud hut retirement home coming along?

Mike Oxsaw 7:06 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
Why is it that whenever Manuel goes off on one, you go off on one at the same time?

However, you're still advertising your paranoid fear about ladyboys, I note - pulling that fit bird in SE Asia and taking her back to your hotel room only to find out that "she" had better wedding tackle than you must have been pretty traumatic, seeing as you've displayed that obsession on here constantly for at least 20 years.

joyo 6:34 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
Oxbore I'll thought a bit of ladyboy spunk added to your cuppa would be more you're taste seeing as you want to retire to the land of the chick's with dicks

Mike Oxsaw 6:21 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
Debs - the trick with many of these Alt. Teas is to use honey and not sugar or saccharine as a sweetener. Fresh lemon juice often works with some of them, too.

With a little practice you can get a decent balance; they also need to be brewed almost to the point of stewed to get most flavour out (>5 minutes).

I found camomile tea as a last drink of the evening used to help me get a good night's sleep, but no longer take it on account that it interferes with the warfarin I'm on.

Darlo Debs 6:02 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
Mike I assume the same rules apply to.camomile. Why do.people drink.these things....do they just hate themselves?

Hammer and Pickle 5:03 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
So it was a joke?

You had me genuinely worried for a moment, Nurse.

REALGSA 4:59 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
The main Education is at HOME.

You tell you kids from day 1 the real life, how it is. What to say behind closed doors then we can get through this.

Mike Oxsaw 4:56 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
Debs, Nurse.

You're clearly drinking Earl Grey the wrong way - it has it's own set of protocols.

The correct way is to pour it straight down the toilet and flush firmly.

Nurse Ratched 4:50 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
MPI - thank you, it's kind of you to say so. Mates rates?

Debs - Earl Grey is like drinking warm Zoflora. Revolting.

Darlo Debs 4:41 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
WHU the worst of teas has to be Earl.Grey. it has the colour of dirty dishwater.....and is truly vile

Mike Oxsaw 4:40 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
By "formal maths" do you mean arithmetic, geometry, trigonometry, algebra & calculus?

WHU(Exeter) 4:35 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK
Branded, what are they? Not natural teas is it? I tried them once, tasted fucking horrible.

Moncurs Putting Iron 4:25 Wed Oct 18
Re: Education in the UK

A notable exception.

In the telecoms industry in 86 I spoke to my Union rep on my 1st day before I even got to meet my line manager.

These days I wouldn't even know who they are without looking it up

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