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Far Cough 8:12 Thu Jan 11
This Post Office / Horizon thing
What a load of fucking scumbags the higher ups at the Post Office are.

I mean if more than 50 sub postmasters say there's something wrong with the system, you'd take a deep look at it wouldn't you?

At least Nijinsky has handed her CBE back then.


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Fauxstralian 7:57 Wed Jun 19
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
I see the forensic accountants were at the inquiry on Tuesday.
Understand they got too close to the truth so got sacked by the Post Office who wanted them to whitewash things
Senior people HAVE to be going to jail surely

Alan Bates knighted in the latest honours

onsideman 5:27 Wed Jun 19
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
No, that's Royal Mail

nychammer 4:45 Wed Jun 19
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
isnt Kretinsky about to become owner of the post office?

Fauxstralian 3:25 Sat May 25
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
Yes, importing blood from AIDs ridden junkies in American prisons … so UNLUCKY that that went shit shaped.
Like all these things it then comes down to the cover up and the utter contempt for the innocent people affected.

Far Cough 11:59 Sat May 25
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
John Major described the contaminated blood thing as "incredible bad luck".

Bloke was a cunt, is a cunt and always will be a cunt.

mashed in maryland 11:32 Sat May 25
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
30 seconds i think

Sure its happened to me

Google brings this up https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/12m5jqg/forgot_to_take_cash_at_atm_will_it_get_sucked/

Manuel 11:27 Sat May 25
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
I didn't think ATM's swallowed cash back, could be wrong though.

mashed in maryland 11:27 Sat May 25
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing

Nurse Ratched 10:23 Sat May 25

And people will look you dead in the eyes and tell you its impossible for medical professionals to ever be anything other than perfect

*bangs pots and pans*

mashed in maryland 11:24 Sat May 25
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
PwoperNaughtyButNot 9:56 Sat May 25

Got chatting to a bloke who's parents ran a post office;

A little scam that worked for ages apparently was if you go go a cash machine and withdraw a largeish amount, say £200, if you manage to take out the middle notes and leave the top and bottom in there, the machine doesn't think any money has been taken. It just swallows what's left and your account isn't debited.

Victimless crime stealing off your scumbag bank right? Nope. The losses went to the postmaster.

He said a lot of the discrepancies came from stuff like that, but head office or whatever wouldn't have it

Fauxstralian 10:57 Sat May 25
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
After her performance this week it makes you astonished that such a gibbering no-mark like Pinhead Paula could be in charge of a major public institution
In the private sector she’d be some whimpering HR underling at best

Nurse Ratched 10:23 Sat May 25
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
"...Same with the contaminated blood..."

I'm reading a book about the infected blood scandal at the moment. God it was bad. Really bad. In the early days, doctors were diagnosing haemophiliacs with AIDS and not telling them, becausedoctors wanted to keep administering the dodgy imported Factor VIII and didn'twant patientsto panic and refuse treatment. At that specialist school for haemophiliacs, the doctor at the medical unit told two 17 year old boys they had AIDS and 'we don't know if you'll be alive in 2 year's time'. The doctors left it to the boys to break the news to their parents. This was in the early 80s at the very height of the AIDS paranoia before treatments.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 9:56 Sat May 25
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
I can’t help but wonder if a small number of postmaster that were dipping the till are rubbing their hands together.

I think we might see some senior bods doing jail time though.

Mike Oxsaw 8:22 Fri May 24
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
Not trying to play devil's advocate here but wasn't Horizon actually purchased by another government department who then decided that, after a considerable investment, they didn't actually need it after all?

That probably left the government's procurement office with the task of trying to hawk the project off so as not to lose money/face.

(Non IT literate) managers at the Post Office were probably told that the system would be ideal for them "with a few minor tweaks", and they went all-out for it, believing that it could offer them a cheap/free short-cut into introducing some sort of financial management system for remote Post Offices.

Turned out that these "minor tweaks" needed were not so minor at all and legally constituted a requirements redefinition, effectively writing off the whole project and starting again. No one it top management was prepared to lose that much face, so they decided that "minor tweaks" was the way forward, even though none of them could resolve the underlying core issues.

And, again, as with all projects let and managed by government departments, there would have been constant interference and requests to add/change functionality, adding more & more delay/complexity to the whole task.

None of this excuses the actions taken to dump the system problems on the users, but it's typical action of senior (and many middle) level civil servants (in search, probably, of a gong at some point in their career).

Far Cough 6:04 Fri May 24
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
They probably audited themselves?

zebthecat 3:22 Fri May 24
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
Swiss. 1:01 Thu May 23

It is astonishing that they never did that.
Where I work we have complicated set up with a database backing web transactions which feeds to Satesforce and then into Sage.
We run a monthly reconcilation comparing the feed we get from our payment provider to what is in Sage and backwards from there, This pointed up flaky data and buggy code in Salesforce (our implementation was written by contractors) instantly and fixed the code. In the mean time we wrote scheduled tasks to automate the data fixes that were tested by deliberately adding duff data in to our non-production environments and testing against before going live.
Our auditors would definitely have picked it up if we had not fixed it.

Swiss. 2:55 Fri May 24
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
Dead right about the auditors .

Oneard 1:25 Fri May 24
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
They double entry alright just a suspense account full o them poor cunts dough auditors need fucking hanging

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 9:56 Thu May 23
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
It would appear that double entry book-keeping was(/is) not a thing in the Post Office.

, 8:31 Thu May 23
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
Time and again the people in charge have exposed their ignorance of how the company, paying them an enormous salary, really runs.

What has been going on here is analogous to how many big public companies are run by here today gone tomorrow charlatans.

WHU(Exeter) 5:18 Thu May 23
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
Mashed, I agree.

Surely an organisation like the Post Office would have been monitored by another government body of some sort. Other responsible people/bodies outside of the PO would definitely have seen a HUGE increase in charges and convictions of their staff going on, and known that something was seriously wrong. A significant % of any organisation don’t suddenly become criminals in such a short timescale.

Nothing about the culture of all that has changed since, and nailed on that in a few years time, we’ll be hearing about another clusterfuck involving another public body and AI.

Swiss. 1:01 Thu May 23
Re: This Post Office / Horizon thing
Also I work in IT finance systems and the Book to Bank reconciliation is key to any successfully implementation . So who the fuck was doing that ? There would have been a big difference between the system/Book and the bank statements showing the true position . Unbelievable

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