WHO Poll

ammerman 2:26 Thu Jun 13
Life of riley
It looks like a massive West Ham legend is going to pass away shortly I love him like a brother he has always been a top West Ham man and I will always hold him close to my heart bless him and his family I love him forever ️ ❤️

This is the wreath we sent on behalf of WHO with the message

RIP Lee from all your friends on West Ham LIne

https://i.imgur.com/QMbQ81i.jpg width=540

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

CamHam 11:06 Thu Jul 25
Re: Life of riley
Lovely service, absolutely packed.

charleyfarley 9:37 Thu Jul 25
Re: Life of riley
We sent a wreath with the message

RIP Lee from all your friends at West Ham on Line

RM10 9:24 Thu Jul 25
Re: Life of riley
Good send off RIP.

We sent a wreath on behalf of WHO withthe nessage
RIP Lee from all your friends at West Ham Line

Joe C 7:15 Thu Jul 25
Re: Life of riley
Indeed. Unfortunately my travel schedule meant I couldn’t get back in time, but Skerrit informs me there were easily 500+ people there, standing room only and the service was really nice

Manuel 6:53 Thu Jul 25
Re: Life of riley
I hear that Lee had a nice service and send off today, well attended with bubbles played at the end.

charleyfarley 8:00 Sat Jun 29
Re: Life of riley
Joe C can you email me on



charleyfarley 3:07 Sat Jun 29
Re: Life of riley
Thanks Joe have all the details I will arrange a wreath from all of us at west ham online, will post a picture of the wreath when sorted

Joe C 2:12 Sat Jun 29
Re: Life of riley
Sorry, that should have been ‘You can post tributes here:”


Skerrit’s put a lovely one up. I’ll get my head in the game and do one myself soon

Manuel 3:52 Thu Jun 27
Re: Life of riley
Thanks Joe.

I was planning to go and pay my resects when I'm back next, but can one even do that with a cremation? Anyway, hope you can make it on the day.

Joe C 3:39 Thu Jun 27
Re: Life of riley
Tribute here:


Joe C 2:11 Thu Jun 27
Re: Life of riley
Still can’t get into Whomail even though I can see I have at least one - so putting it here.

Lee’s funeral will be on 25th July, 2:30pm at Chelmsford Crematorium

I’ll be away, but am trying to change those plans so I can attend

Manuel 1:50 Sat Jun 22
Re: Life of riley
I first met Lee in 87 I think it was, so we go way back and were very good friends. After moving overseas I obviously didn't see him much at all and the contact faded out, I heard and read on FB etc that he had become a bit ''connected'' which surprised me a bit, as back then he just had regular jobs, mainly in sales and finance, so someone he found a way of working within football, albeit U think pretty much on the periphery.

I've learnt more since his passing about the background of his demise and to be honest it's pretty sad, so obviously won't share on here, but let's just say that Lee lived for the day. Will take a bit of sinking in this.

CamHam 1:31 Sat Jun 22
Re: Life of riley
I’m absolutely devastated to hear this news. I knew LoR for a long time and he was a top bloke, very generous. Like Joe C, I have a story that sums him up.

A few years back he called me. “You ever been to the player’s awards?” I hadn’t. “Well, I’ve got a place for you on my table next to a player” He wouldn’t take a penny for the ticket. Turned out I was next to Javier Hernandez who was an absolute cunt (I’m pretty sure LoR knew this and put me next to him on purpose!) but we had a great laugh.

LoR always had a story, always put you at ease and couldn’t do enough for you. I will miss him.

charleyfarley 1:41 Fri Jun 21
Re: Life of riley
Thanks Joe, with the difficulties with site you can always email me on

Joe C 12:11 Fri Jun 21
Re: Life of riley
Charley - I can’t get the whomail page to load as this site is awful now, but it’s not set yet. Will let you know as soon as I find out

charleyfarley 7:50 Thu Jun 20
Re: Life of riley
If anybody has any details regarding the funeral arrangements can you let us know please on here or via whomail. Thank you

charleyfarley 2:55 Thu Jun 20
Re: Life of riley
ammerman you have whomail

Oh dear 2:45 Thu Jun 20
Re: Life of riley
I never knew LoR, but I did know who he was.

Never heard anyone utter a bad word in his name.

A real shame


BillyJenningsBoots 12:59 Thu Jun 20
Re: Life of riley
I heard the Lightening Seeds on the radio last night and raised a glass for LoR...

I didnt know him but its always sad to hear of one of ours passing away...


cholo 9:54 Thu Jun 20
Re: Life of riley
RIP Life of Riley.

Didn't know him personally but remember him well on here and especially remember him championing Missing Andy.

Condolences to all that knew and loved him. Which was a lot of people by the looks of it.

smartypants 5:50 Thu Jun 20
Re: Life of riley
Didn’t know him but very sad news, obviously another very well liked hammer gone too soon. I remember him mentioning about missing Andy and listening to them a lot. RIP mate

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