WHO Poll

Alwaysaniron 9:39 Sat Jun 15
Site goiing to the dogs
This site is very very slowly going to the bloody dogs..

It takes forever to load up and even longer to send a post. is it just me??

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Stubbo 1:18 Thu Jun 20
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
@Phall I tend to agree. Since there is no true arbiter/decision maker, my view is someone like Wils in collaboration with Northbank should just be empowered to set us up on a new system.

I suspect there'd be a way to use the DB to migrate some threads for posterity, even if they then just used WayBackMachine links to retrieve them.

We then would just need a pre-published date where the new site goes live, the old site switches over and the current domain name (.net) either point to the new site or dies, with the .co.uk site going live as the new site address.

Like you say, we don't have THAT many users to migrate, and whilst the look and feel is 'nostalgic', a functioning tool would be better, and it's the community and its standards (or lack of) that is what makes the site, not the tool itself.

From my perspective, the sooner this all happens the better, as at the moment it's very much like death by a thousand cuts.

BillyJenningsBoots 1:10 Thu Jun 20
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
Weirdly I just opened the Life of Riley thread and had options to edit, delete and yellow card appear under each of the comments!!!!!

Must've been some sort of glitch in the matrix 😳

Phall Throw 1:10 Thu Jun 20
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
Stubbo. I'm sure I read that a previous owner of the site has completely fucked off and not contactable. I'm no IT expert but I think without his back end (oo we!) credentials having full access to the site is impossible. I don't really understand it but from what I gather without these elements there isn't much that can be done.

It's evident the last week or so that traffic on here is falling. I don't think there's more than 30 users posting because people have evidently got pissed off trying to get on and post/read.

Yes the site is free BUT sooner rather than later if it's unusable people will give up. Let's be honest, the site has been left to rot anyway. Logos out of date, layout awful, inability to post hyperlinks/pictures etc. It's stuck in a time warp.

If this actual site can't be improved then it needs killing off completely and started again

, 1:05 Thu Jun 20
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
One positive of this Board’s degraded operational state is that there is almost a total absence of the must have the last word squabbling that has bedevilled us in recent years.

Stubbo 12:55 Thu Jun 20
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
@Phall...does North not have 'the keys' so to speak then if he's able to trim databases, move servers etc?

With that level of access I'd have thought between him and Wils they'd be able to get us into a more modern situation, without hitting the 100% purge button.

LJC 12:26 Thu Jun 20
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
I don’t think anyone is having a pop North Bank, more just frustrated cause they love the site. I do think we need to do a bunk to a new site if this is costing you. Whoever sorts out the new site (I’m happy to chip in) I’m sure can do a social media drive and get new members. I think it just comes down to people not wanting the site to die.

Alwaysaniron 12:00 Thu Jun 20
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
North Bank 12:47 Tue Jun 18

Firstly North Bank, I, like many on here appreciate the site for what it is and has been. I wasn't picking on anybody and my IT skills finish at just about being able to log in anyway. However, the site has for whatever reason become very slow and this has led I am sure to many users fucking off to other sites (which for most of us we don't want).

This wasn't in any way a moan at your and we're all grateful for the efforts anybody puts in to keep the old girl up and running.

Perhaps pin a thread at the top to keep us thick and it ignorant twats updated and we won't then get all 'cockly' and start a thread without knowing some facts.

Love you xx

Wils 12:28 Thu Jun 20
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
Stubbo wrote...

"Wasn't Wils open to taking the site into the 21st century, if whoever it is with the keys to the kingdom engages with him to make it happen?"


Phall Throw 9:43 Wed Jun 19
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
Thats thr problem though isn't it - the owner has fucked off with the keys and let the site rot rather than hand over the credentials. If that is the case the best solution is a new site as this one has a terminal illness and cannot be saved long term

Stubbo 9:20 Wed Jun 19
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
Wasn't Wils open to taking the site into the 21st century, if whoever it is with the keys to the kingdom engages with him to make it happen?

Already done sterling work on the mobile version and .co.uk domain.

Knicker Wetter 7:28 Wed Jun 19
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
COYI and yet here you are

Come On You Irons 1:13 Wed Jun 19
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
I think the look and feel is shit. It's like a late 90's/ early 00's time-warp.

The icons haven't been updated for years to the extent that there are loads of icons for former players but none for existing players.

No wonder no one botthers with the site anymore, given the above and the fact that it is as laggy as fuck most of the time,

nychammer 4:48 Wed Jun 19
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
i like the look and feel, no need to change that, just make it work

Manuel 4:23 Wed Jun 19
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
COYI - Not strictly true, we have hyper links now and maybe one or two more small changes. Also, when in the past upgrades to the 21st century etc have been mentioned it usually gets met with ''no leave it how it is''

As for KUMB, I very rarely look on there but that looks old too and I don't know how the fucker works anyway, don't like the layout.

the coming of gary 3:32 Wed Jun 19
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
Endless threads need locking. Its boring

Eight thousand limericks

Seventeen thousand posts on what Marillion record someone listened to today

Come On You Irons 2:34 Wed Jun 19
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
This site is pretty depressing these days. It hasn't been upgraded in 20 odd years and the number of posters is dwindling due to deaths, people giving up and the constant bickering on here.

It either needs deleting or upgrading to get with the 21st century. KUMB might be WHO's boring cousin, but at least that is a modern looking website which actually works and generates traffic.

charleyfarley 1:59 Wed Jun 19
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
Have discussed with Darren (MPI) and have messaged North Bank and said, once he knows the costs involved we can make a contribution from the WHO fund and I'm sure most on here would be Ok if we used some of the WHO fund to cover North Bank's costs

yngwies Cat 10:55 Tue Jun 18
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
Get a 'What's your Favorite Crisp' thread going...
That should pump some life into the thing.

On The Ball 10:45 Tue Jun 18
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
Can you not dip into the WHU Fund? Without WHO there is no fund, after all....

Mike Oxsaw 8:00 Tue Jun 18
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
The site is as good as it always was. The dominant posts & posters, however...

Lee Trundle 7:53 Tue Jun 18
Re: Site goiing to the dogs
Grow some thicker skin, keep dreaming.

If you want a heavily moderated site and safe spaces, then you should probably go over to kumb.

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