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Come On You Irons 1:56 Wed Jul 24
Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
Let me guess. An adherent of the 'religion of peace' was the perpetrator?

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Hammer and Pickle 11:53 Fri Jul 26
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
He has a good point about the dangerously divisive nature of identity politics making it impossible to form and carry out sound government policy, so even a stopped clock…. Doubt you’ll be aware how good it is, mind you.

The Fonz 1:38 Fri Jul 26
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
Murray is a class act. The fact pickle doesn't like him is a great endorsement.

Scummy cunt who did this. Hope he gets the deserved treatment when he goes prison.

Hammer and Pickle 1:29 Fri Jul 26
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
Gotta say project managers make me howl at the moon too.

Nurse Ratched 1:01 Fri Jul 26
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
Pickle 8:19

I heard he's alright now-OOOOOO.

goose 12:44 Fri Jul 26
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
Careful, Pickle has YouTube videos with 85 views.

only1billybonds 12:38 Fri Jul 26
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
Poor Douglas.

He must be devastated that he doesn't have the approval of a pointless pissed up ponce who spends his free time getting dogs abuse on a football forum.

riosleftsock 12:38 Fri Jul 26
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
Really Pickle?

Have you read his books or watched any of his interviews? What leads you to this conclusion?

riosleftsock 12:36 Fri Jul 26
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life

Murray is brilliant in parts and comes across as a whet in others; a curates egg. His book, The Strange Death of Europe was one of the most brilliant and depressing books I've ever read.

Clever bloke, many good ideas but far from ideal.

Hammer and Pickle 12:18 Fri Jul 26
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
Been looking at Murray - clearly a master of the straw man, especially when he builds a castle of bullshit on a false binary between the West and Islam.

RootsRadical 12:12 Fri Jul 26
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
This happened the same day that Anjem Chaudary was convicted, again. The extremist who knew Lee Rigby's killers and refused to condemn them.

only1billybonds 12:10 Fri Jul 26
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
Murray is among the most important commentators in the UK, talks total sense on every issue he addresses.

Dwight Van Mann 11:41 Thu Jul 25
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
riosleftsock 11:36 Thu Jul 25

Fan of the great Douglas Murray?

riosleftsock 11:36 Thu Jul 25
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
Nutsin 7:47 Thu Jul 25

Because they have been conditioned to look at every issue through a single lens; there is an oppressor and an oppressed group. One is inherently good and one is inherently bad, irrespective of the actions of either.

Its why they can never resolve mildly complex disputes because they need to categorise each proponent first with a binary label.

Unfortunately pretty much all western civilisations have been completely submersed with this idiocy, which is why Gramsci was always more dangerous than Marx or Lenin

Hammer and Pickle 8:19 Thu Jul 25
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
zebthecat 1:23 Thu Jul 25

What happened to the project manager?

Dwight Van Mann 8:11 Thu Jul 25
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
zebthecat 1:23 Thu Jul 25

just not on a full moon night?

Nutsin 7:47 Thu Jul 25
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
What really gets my goat is the total lack of empathy or sympathy for the victims and their families by the morons that defend these heinous acts.

All they care about is labeling people prejudice, no mention of the evil that has occurred, it’s as if they are devoid of any compassion.
It’s Fucking mental and bizarre behavior if you ask me.

Then to cap it off they try and claim the higher moral ground, the retards have absolutely no shame.

Which is why I believe we are heading for some dark days ahead because what we are dealing with is too evil and too stupid to comprehend.

Mike Oxsaw 6:23 Thu Jul 25
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
Have the blown-up fans been blown away by this benefit concert?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 6:03 Thu Jul 25
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
Talking of the genius that is Ariana Grande, I see her response to her fans being blown up by Islamic fundamentalists in Manchester is to do a benefit concert for Hamas's 'Education Ministry'.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 6:00 Thu Jul 25
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
I see the perp is employing the old 'wibble' defence. Pencils already securely in place up each nostril.

Anyway, it's Allahu Akbars all round, I guess.

Mike Oxsaw 5:53 Thu Jul 25
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
More officially deniable dots to join.

mashed in maryland 5:23 Thu Jul 25
Re: Soldier stabbed - fighting for life
"I had a project manager who was stabbed by a Paranoid Schizophrenic who had stopped taking his meds who though he was a werewolf due to his monobrow"

😂😂😂😂 fuck sake

Honestly sounds like something from a stand-up set

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