WHO Poll

joe royal 12:00 Thu Jul 25
Happy Birthday Norway Tipzzzz
Have a good one.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Manuel 7:02 Sat Jul 27
Re: Happy Birthday Norway Tipzzzz
Do old people celebrate birthdays, lol. I don't like birthdays at all, another year older and you have grown ups singing a silly song to you and somebody usually buys you socks or some other shit gift that you don't want. Not for me.

But belated happy returns tips, old bean.

norwaytips 3:06 Sat Jul 27
Re: Happy Birthday Norway Tipzzzz
Yea Mike O, I still read the posts and comment occasionally.
Thanks for the greetings. I’ve had a couple of weeks, being mad a fuss of.

Mike Oxsaw 6:29 Thu Jul 25
Re: Happy Birthday Norway Tipzzzz
Does he still read/post on here?

If so - and even if not so - have a good one.

rumford 5:37 Thu Jul 25
Re: Happy Birthday Norway Tipzzzz
Enjoy your day fella.

Coffee 1:42 Thu Jul 25
Re: Happy Birthday Norway Tipzzzz
Many happy returns, Tips old boy!

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