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maverick180 1:31 Sun Aug 18
I was thoroughly looking forward to the start of this season
Was also prepared that things might take some time and wasn’t expecting miracles over night
What I didn’t expect was a manager who after spending 6 weeks with the total dross he’d been left by Moyes would deem them fit to start in a premier league game
And low and behold all of them played absolute shit
We’re now 1 game in and none of our new players are any closer to bedding in or learning anything from their new team mates cos they barely spent a second on the pitch, half of them not at all
I think it’s gonna take somewhere between 6-10 games before we see the team anyone with an ounce of sense would play cos this bloke can’t identify shit when he see’s it
I thought we was handed a miracle at half time when we went in level and low and behold he changed nothing
I’m sure people are gonna make excuses for him and say it’s too early to judge
But from what I’ve just seen today, this cunt is David Moyes in a mission impossible mask

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

joe royal 9:37 Thu Aug 29
200 new signings.

nychammer 4:23 Wed Aug 28
Re: Lopetegui
He is showing signs that more changes will be forthcoming. Kilman and AWB should now be starting others will be integrated more slowly. You can’t just replace half the team it will take time.

Coffee 4:00 Wed Aug 28
Re: Lopetegui
the exile 5:33 Sun Aug 25

What do you think it should be?

goose 1:59 Wed Aug 28
Re: Lopetegui
Paulo Fonseca (remember him?) is under pressure after only two games at Milan.
They drew at home to Torino after being 2 down until the 89th minute, then got beat at newly promoted Parma on the weekend.

Fabio Capello:
“Milan’s problems are much deeper than a defeat and can be translated into one word: balance. Fonseca’s team doesn’t have it, they are scattered on the pitch, three here and four there, as the Portuguese coach himself said after the match. You won’t get anywhere like this.”

Maybe those Milan fans shouldn't have protested about appointing Lopetegui.........
and they did just sign Emerson Roylol.

the exile 5:33 Sun Aug 25
Re: Lopetegui
We ought to make our minds up what we're going to call him. I've seen Lop, Lope, Lopu, Lapu, Loppy, Lopi and of course JLo.

Ron Eff 5:02 Sat Aug 24
Re: Lopetegui
Given he hasn’t seen fit to change a single player from last week, I might soften on my 10 game allowance! 😂

A very, very strange decision. If there isn’t an improvement in performance, it’s a decision that is absolutely open to criticism.

Manuel 4:15 Fri Aug 23
Re: Lopetegui
threesixty - Absolutely, at this fella is desperate to win. Moyes took defeat like a walk in the park, as for BFS he seemed happy to lose. A pair of absolute fucking charlatans.

Sydney_Iron 12:42 Fri Aug 23
Re: Lopetegui
Never mind 10 games before judging him, for some it took 4 minutes being the time it took Villa to get their first!

Personally, as disappointing as the Villa result (and line up) was i want to see improvement against Palace and a point at least, Man City is a tough one, under Moyes these games only had 1 outcome, he seemed to surrender them before a ball was kicked so i hope to see something different and we give it a go even though im not expecting a result.

Fans can have a short fuse with him bub expect the club, board and owners are more realistic, and 10 games would be a bare minimum to draw any conclusion and see them considering their options if we are looking dire and in the bottom 3, let's hope it doesn't come to that, don't think it will but anything is possible.......

threesixty 12:30 Fri Aug 23
Re: Lopetegui
The refreshing thing is at least he wants to win. Took off his captain and put two strikers on and went 3 at the back for your 1st league game. Moyes would have just folded his arms and made a sub at 85 minutes. Allardyce would have chalked it down to one of his games he’s meant to lose and couldn’t give a fuck either.

hopefully he gives it that for every game. Never convinced Moyes was ever bothered about losing. Nothing got to him. Slept like a baby he said when we lost… fuck that.

camel-with-3-humps 12:28 Fri Aug 23
Re: Lopetegui
FFS Jasinik

Are we going to crawl over his every word to have a dig or just let the fucking bloke play a few games before judgement day?

Jasnik 11:24 Thu Aug 22
Re: Lopetegui
Think he is a little bit deluded.
But I will gauge it not by what is said but how we play next ...

He said.

After reflecting on his first game in charge against Aston Villa: "Maybe in the last match we deserved to win - but that's in the past and I think we have to look forward. We have another big challenge against Crystal Palace, but we believe in ourselves and we have to show our qualities both with and without the ball in a difficult stadium."

scott_d 8:05 Thu Aug 22
Re: Lopetegui

Could it be that we were regularly playing on sundays last season because of Europe, so press conference was friday.

If playing saturday then maybe it's on thursday?

Could be something to do with europe.

Manuel 5:03 Thu Aug 22
Re: Lopetegui
Ludo - Totally agree about the Chilean clown, it was like looking at a sheet of paper, a man devoid of anything and an awful fit for us, the forgotten years with him.

Manuel 5:00 Thu Aug 22
Re: Lopetegui
Just seen his soundbites from his presser just now and it's an absolute waste of time, all he said on team news, including Alvarez, and transfers in and out was ''we will have to see'' but said he would like the window close before the season starts.

Btw, Moyes did these on Friday's, don't know if there is a reason this has changed, it was Thursday last week too.

ludo21 4:57 Thu Aug 22
Re: Lopetegui
, 3:48 Thu Aug 22

I absolutely hated Pelligrini's time in charge, terrible manager IMO. He was just going through the motions and the football was dire. At the time I had a seven hour round trip to get to a game, so a 9-10 hour day to watch that rubbish was the final straw and I packed in the ST which was one of the best decisions I have made... now pick and choose and much better even though probably spend almost as much on tickets as before (but save on travelling!)

Lee Trundle 4:23 Thu Aug 22
Re: Lopetegui
*That doesn't say to me he immediately went out looking for negatives

Lee Trundle 4:22 Thu Aug 22
Re: Lopetegui
10 games before we can criticise anything? I'd wager if we carry on the way we did the first game, the likes of Jaan will still be more of the balanced posters on here 10 games in.

I thought his post was extremely balanced, mixing the negatives (which were all laid out bare right in front of your own eyes on Saturday if you wanted evidence) with some positives.

That doesn't say to me he immediately went out looking for positives.

Ron Eff 4:00 Thu Aug 22
Re: Lopetegui
It’s giddy to say give someone 10 games and to not immediately look for negatives? Ok then. Happy to be on that side of the coin vs the alternative. If it doesn’t work out, so be it, we try someone else.

, 3:48 Thu Aug 22
Re: Lopetegui
We have had a manager who won the EPL with a previous club yet despite that record he could not outdo any of our other managers before or since his stewardship.

Lasting just over a season Pelligrini had one complete season for us where he lost more games than he won and we finished with a negative goal difference.

Posters can compare stats of previous performance but as Pelligrini has proved when a manager comes to us his previous cannot be taken as much of a guide.

goose 3:09 Thu Aug 22
Re: Lopetegui
COYI when you say 'loser' manager does that refer to a manager with a win ratio of almost 57% across his entire career?

even if you just take Sevilla it's 53%.
Sevilla only lost 21% of games he managed.

not bad for a 'loser'.

violator 2:43 Thu Aug 22
Re: Lopetegui
You're more than welcome

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