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Northern Sold 12:10 Fri Jan 29
Watched the film last night... thought it was Ok... got me thinking... supposedly 1 in 7 chance IF you go for the summit you stay up there on the Mtn.... Our old Sunday League goalkeeper eventually reached the peak after the 2nd attempt (was sponsored by his Bank he worked for)... never really talked a lot about it only that the Sherpas could drink anyone under the table. Had to give up Mountaineering as our dopey Scottish stuck his knee in his skull in training and that was the end of that.

Anyone on here done it or attempted it??

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Far Cough 10:01 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
I'm fascinated by the 14 eight thousanders

kylay 9:38 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
Nurse Ratched 8:56 Fri Jan 29

That would be akin to fighting children and going on to challenge a professional heavyweight boxer.

bruuuno 9:29 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest

Nurse Ratched 8:56 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest

I will have a butchers at that nurse. I am fascinated by afghanistan and the Hindu Kush and am sad that its unlikely I will ever be able to visit. A beautiful country

VirginiaHam 9:24 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
He's not on his jack......

normannomates 9:10 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest

Yes mate..and he's still up there..tragic story

normannomates 9:09 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
Certainly does cough mate.

Ridiculous carry on isn't it.

VirginiaHam 9:06 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
At the time of the Krakauer book I think you could summit for $50k.

VirginiaHam 9:05 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest

You are correct. Rob Halls died on that climb too. The entire book is arse clenching.

Dragging shit climbers to the summit of the highest mountain on the planet devalues every summit by a proper climber. All you need is supplemental oxygen and off you go.

Far Cough 9:02 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
...but then again, money talks

normannomates 9:02 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest

Yea. I agree.
I've heard of the book..think ill purchase it..the Author was in Rob Halls party wasn't he.?
The Josh Brolin character..how he survived is incredible really.

Far Cough 9:01 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
Agreed, the Nepalese authorities should put strict limits on the amount of climbers at any one time, I know it's a short season but it has to be done

VirginiaHam 8:58 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest

"Into Thin Air" details commercial trips to the summit of Everest and the dangers they cause by dragging inexperienced but wealthy climbers to the summit just so the 'climbers' can say they've summited Everest at another boring dinner party with their friends.

The story is a clusterfuck from start to finish.....

Nurse Ratched 8:56 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
Has anybody else on here read 'A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush'? It amused me. A couple of Englishmen in the 1950s take it into their heads to be the first to reach the summit of Mir Samir (bit of a tricky mountain in a really remote region). Except neither of them has climbed before. So they prepare themselves by spending a weekend in Wales learning to climb. Then they take off to Afghanistan to conquer the beast. Lots of mishaps on the way. Marvellous. The older generation were better than us.

normannomates 8:50 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
Also watched it recently.
The real events were tragic..I dont understand why so many are allowed to climb at the time..causing a bottleneck near the summit.

I appreciate the window of opportunity to climb is narrow..but even so, should be limited surely.
Interesting and quite errie just how many bodies are up there..mummified.
Rainbow alley or something.
And Green Boots.

Far Cough 8:48 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
Comma, yes, Godwin Austen, I remember that

, 8:47 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
When I was a boy it was called mount Goodwin-Austin.

On The Ball 8:44 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
100m high

Far Cough 8:44 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
One climber notes on it's impersonal name...

... just the bare bones of a name, all rock and ice and storm and abyss. It makes no attempt to sound human. It is atoms and stars. It has the nakedness of the world before the first man – or of the cindered planet after the last.

Very apt, in fact it has no local name as you would have to go to the end of a glacier to see it

VirginiaHam 8:36 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
K2 is meant to be a far harder technical climb, not that I've done it. Hardest of the lot, in fact.

Far Cough 8:20 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
K2 is supposed to be a cunt of a mountain to climb, Everest in comparison, is a cake walk

kylay 8:10 Fri Jan 29
Re: Everest
The netflix film about K-2 is a good shout too. Allegedly it's a more difficult climb (certainly claimed more lives). It's difficult for me to comprehend wanting to risk your life in such a way, but unto each their own I suppose. Would need a large wedge of disposable income too.

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