WHO Poll

Blunders 5:08 Wed Apr 20
What's your favourite beer?
What's your favourite BEER?

Blunders' top ten tipples:

Black Betty (black IPA) by Beavertown

Gamma Ray (yank pale) by Beavertown

Old Thumper (English bitter) by Ringwood

Stout Milk Shake by Wiper and True

Bosko (yank ipa) by Pressure Drop

American Rye by Harbour

Gollem's Precious IPA (Belgian IPA) by Brouwerij

Conqueror (black IPA) by Windsor & Eton

Punk IPA by BrewDog

Bibble (yank pale) by Wild Beer

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

VirginiaHam 4:24 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite BEER?
, 11:07 Thu Apr 21

Guinness made my shit go black.

VirginiaHam 4:22 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
When in England.........

Young's mixed (Special and Ordinary); I grew up near the Foley Arms in Claygate, a Young's pub, then later lived not far from the Windmill on Clapham Common and the Ship by Wandsworth Bridge.

London Pride from Fullers. My brother lives in Kew, so most pints with him are dispatched nearby.

Marston's Pedigree. Just a tasty pint, but creates significant windage.

Here in the US, it has to be Stella Artois. Inbev (own the Stella brand) had the foresight to rescue me from completely shit American beer (Evolution is very tasty, btw, but hard to find) and bought Anheuser Busch, and overnight they started selling Stella on draught at every Budweiser bar/pub.

Thank you, God.

the_bigot 3:49 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
Ch'ti - As much fun to drink as it is to say

BRANDED 3:43 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
URQUELL you spell checking cunt

BRANDED 3:43 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
A larger can be bitter. Oracle for instance is very bitter. Some lagers are very malty and not too bitter. The only real difference is colour, fizz, temperature served at and the yeast is more bready.

gph 3:21 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
There's lager and then there's lager.

The lagers around when I was young were piss-weak and unpleasant brewed-in-the-UK imitations of proper ones.

Many people got smashed out of their minds when Löwenbrau pitched up, having grown accustomed to the rubbish around before.

My favourite beers are bitters, but proper lager is worthy of respect.

Takashi Miike 3:15 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?

tennents super is rank

Takashi Miike 3:13 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
i always loved tennants extra (black) on draught, but I stopped seeing that in pubs. maybe it caused too much violence

JonWHUFC 3:08 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
If all lager drinkers are poofs how do those who drink 10 pints of Stella go home and beat their wives? Solve that one!

BubblesCyprus 3:01 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
UK ...........Boddingtons

Stickleback 2:26 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?

BRANDED 2:23 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
Bitter drinkers who drink ales that glorify Britishness are known to host paedo images on their computers.

SDKFZ 222 2:18 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
Erdinger dunkel (dark) weisbier, or any dark German beer.

Russ of the BML 1:21 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite BEER?
, 11:07 Thu Apr 21

You don't actually really think all lager drinkers are poof's do you. You're just playing up to the stereo-type of a bitter drinker who feels they have to say that about lager drinkers aren't you.

But it is common knowledge that all bitter drinkers touch children.

, 11:07 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite BEER?
My generation were brought up on drinking bitter as a staple. Some back then would drink mild, brown and mild, light and bitter etc. Lager was only consumed by ladies who drank out of effeminate half pint glasses that had a dash of lime juice cordial added. To this day I think that all lager drinkers are poofs.

I like Fullers, Adnams and Green King bitters but sometimes go off piste and drink a pint of Guinness.

BetterthanKaka 11:03 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
Estrella or SAM ADAMS

*nods at Sold0*

Al Jolson 11:03 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?

Mr. Burns 11:00 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite BEER?
Dos Equis XX

Razzle 10:54 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
Top ten in no particular order

Sharps Wolf Rock
Skinners Porthleven
St Austall Proper Job
Morland Old Golden Hen
London Pride
Shepherd and Naeme Golden Spitfire
White Horse Brewery - Village Idiot
Loose Cannon Brewery - Abingdon Bridge
Piddle Brewery - Slasher
Meantime London Pale Ale

Grumpster 10:48 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
Only drink lager and the odd cider.

Simple creature so the general common ones do me.

Estrella and Peroni are overpriced and seem to always give me the shits.

Russ of the BML 10:46 Thu Apr 21
Re: What's your favourite beer?
London Pride is decent.

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