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The old c wing 4:45 Wed Jan 18
Brady and her fans meeting
Why no WHO representative?


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normannomates 11:54 Mon Jan 23
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
No mate...shes a grade A cunt..and no mistake.

Lily Hammer 11:03 Mon Jan 23
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
A man in a bedsit, with a green biro doing dick all, sounds like a poor man, hard up, facing tough times, maybe a bit apathetic, scraping by. There used to be lots of people like that in the East End, and many would find their only joy in life going to support West Ham. People like these are among those who helped build our club.

I'm not anti-Brady as a reflex action, I agree with her on many things, but there are some things that create an unbridgable chasm.

This bedsit/biro comment is a snooty condscending view of the lower classes and how she doesn't give a fuck what they think of how she is running the club the horrid oiks themselves helped make, over the generations.

Lady Bourgeoisie want a class war with West Ham., judging by that kind of talk.

CaptainBlueAndClaret 10:01 Mon Jan 23
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
As I have said before, I do believe the Duchess of Knightsbridge is having sleepless nights, about the problems at West Ham United. The picture of the Duchess of Knightsbridge in this article would appear, IMHO, to confirm this…

Karren Brady makes pledge to West Ham fans over outcome of Olympic Stadium proposals


CaptainBlueAndClaret 9:39 Mon Jan 23
Re: Brady and her fans meeting

RE: "Hope she doesn't think we all use Green Biro's."

Actually the 'thought process' of the Duchess of Knightsbridge is VERY complex...

Another 'strange' comment from the Duchess of Knightmares...

Karren Brady called out for harsh comments about Harry Kane


CaptainBlueAndClaret 11:24 Fri Jan 20
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
Northern Sold,

RE: "Green Biros at work.... our stationary cupboard run out and it was either buy your own or use what was left... green biros... it was known in work as the `green biro depression'"

Obviously the Duchess of Knightsbridge has a problem with 'green biros' and probably with the colour green... No wonder the Duchess of Knightsbridge is CURRENTLY having difficulties!!

All About the Color GREEN


Symbolism - Green stands for balance, nature, spring, and rebirth. It’s the symbol of prosperity, freshness, and progress.

CaptainBlueAndClaret 11:16 Fri Jan 20
Re: Brady and her fans meeting

RE: "Another in 3 months to see how much progress has been made."

The Duchess of Knightsbridge approach, I C&P her own words;

"It’s become a bit of a bandwagon which will disappear to the fading sounds of grumbling wheels once we start winning home games.”

Rossal 9:55 Fri Jan 20
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
Listened to the westhamway podcast on the way into work where they spoke extensivly on this meeting and said it was largely positive outcome.

3 hours with Brady where all where very honest in their criticism of the club, stadium and owners.

Another in 3 months to see how much progress has been made.

The seating stance is disappointing but the outcome of the meeting seems a step in the right direction.

Pub Bigot 9:05 Fri Jan 20
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
Exciting place, Sold0. I'll ask for a job even I leave my current burger flipping one.

Brady has a thick skin apparently. The one things she's told the truth about, the fat old moose that she is.

Northern Sold 2:18 Fri Jan 20
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
riosleftsock 11:06 Wed Jan 18
Re: Gank and her fans meeting
I like crisp threads.

Just had to check on whatever happened to Golden Wonder.

B&M's in Rochford.... just bought 10 packs S&V at 20p each...absolute kick arse crisps...

Re Green Biros at work.... our stationary cupboard run out and it was either buy your own or use what was left... green biros... it was known in work as the `green biro depression'

Mike Oxsaw 12:52 Fri Jan 20
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
I lost my green biro. Gutted I was. Still am.

Think one of the big boys from year 4 took it. He weren't even West Ham.

Ruined my childhood, it did.

epsom 12:28 Fri Jan 20
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
Hope she doesn't think we all use Green Biro's.

CaptainBlueAndClaret 12:19 Fri Jan 20
Re: Brady and her fans meeting

"Re: Brady and her fans meeting
North bank 10.09

Brady hates this site does she?
Keep up the good work chaps.."

So the Duchess of Knightsbridge reads this website and undoubtedly will be keeping her eyes peeled to this thread...

Must be during all those sleepless nights, when the Duchess of Knightsbridge is having her Knightmares...

With so many sleepless nights to come, in the years ahead, the Duchess of Knightmares, will be very tired and angry...


"And now in an interview with The Times, Brady has revealed how she deals with the abuse she receives.

“I get called terrible things, but it doesn’t matter what people say about you, it matters how you react," Brady told The Times.

"Nobody sets out to be disliked. But equally I don’t care what the man in the bedsit with the green Biro doing d**k all with his life thinks of me.

"Why should I? I just block, block, block. I am a very content person. And I’m insulated by a very thick skin.”

Karren Brady lifts the lid on how she deals with 'terrible' abuse


So there you have it, the Duchess of Knightsbridge doesn’t care what the man in the bedsit with the green Biro doing d**k all with his life thinks of her... Which may be something connected with G&S business 'operations'?

balders 9:11 Thu Jan 19
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
Think WHO messed up

It could have been Brady's fav forum

With Def being the token , Ged being the mad old bloke with loads of badges buying from the club shop

Blokes like Gank banned for 5 years off here

Just made for the new type of fans and atmosphere she wants,

riosleftsock 8:57 Thu Jan 19
Re: Brady and her fans meeting

If true....

RIP Karenson's dog.

Rossal 8:36 Thu Jan 19
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
are there minutes from this meeting ?

LAHammered 3:58 Thu Jan 19
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
As someone already said because of the threads on here and things like "Fuck off Board"
But the main reason is she was frightened that Tex would show up and try to fuck her dog.

Tomsdad 2:17 Thu Jan 19
Re: Gank and her fans meeting
I'll be very surprised if she is still at the club come the 2018/19 season!
She wants a lot more than CEO and is just waiting for the moment!

stomper 12:56 Thu Jan 19
Re: Gank and her fans meeting
Does Lady Brady eat crisps? Surely not.
An abortion of Pringles perhaps...

normannomates 12:53 Thu Jan 19
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
North bank 10.09

Brady hates this site does she?
Keep up the good work chaps..

defjam 12:41 Thu Jan 19
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
North Bank 10:09 - Did someone say free food?

Dwight Van Mann 12:12 Thu Jan 19
Re: Brady and her fans meeting
If Lady Brady was a bloke he'd get so much more shit - bleedin sexism ain't it

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