WHO Poll

Johnson 2:42 Thu Mar 16
Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
Jack Sullivan

Yes, that's right, a child.

I'm sorry Nobes (c) you were talking utter SHIT when you said we weren't run like a circus anymore.

Are they on some crusade to make us the laughing stock of English football or something?


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

On The Ball 9:25 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
What did this Tweet say, anyway?

oioi 8:29 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
When I was young my dad bought me a cowboy outfit.


Eggbert Nobacon 6:20 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
that 16 year old will very possibly be running the club one day, the more experience he has the better!

RichyP 6:08 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
not going to lose sleep over it, but I do think it is odd that a multi-million pound company that operates in the top tier of a multi-billion pound industry thinks it is a good idea to put a 16 year old in charge of a significant marketing event.

If the kid wants to get involved, great, but putting him in charge is a questionable decision.

Admiral Lard 3:52 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
How old is this "child"
Is he taller than his father yet?

Council Scum 3:44 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
Was a funny old day AOI

Lowestoft Hammer 3:29 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
You'd need a rocket launcher

Sven Roeder 3:26 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
I think they have ruled out the body paint models on the pitch option as NOONE has the throwing arm to be able to bottle them from the stands

Eggbert Nobacon 3:23 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
lashed right up on jugs of stella in the Boleyn beforehand, mate bet me a wouldn't down the bottle of bubbles

Promptly threw up all over the concourse and got thrown out

Swiss. 3:16 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
when's the last time you got laid Johnson...2005 ?

So much frustration

13 Brentford Rd 3:04 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
I can imagine Sulluvan and his kid searching through the Football Manager database for players together.

Any Old Iron 2:57 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
CS, sorry mate, just read your post. Great minds etc.

Any Old Iron 2:56 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
How about a return to the kit launch when they sent a couple of male models to ponce around the pitch. That was a great success, particularly when one of them stopped in the corner of the BML and chicken run to strike a pose and was then bombarded with hundreds of bubble bottles (which had been left under every seat).
That cracked me up and I'd like to see a re-enactment.

Side of Ham 2:43 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
There is NO ISSUE is the issue penners, it's a 16 year old kid in charge of promoting the FULL KIT launch which by maturity levels is for kids to get excited about.

Kit launches by their very being are cringeworthy PR bollocks, and if that is a concern to anyone it should be Umbro as they will have spent money already getting it to product stage for it to fucked up by said kid.

penners28 2:23 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...

Eggbert Nobacon 2:14 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
I got chucked out that day CS

Council Scum 2:11 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
Can't be any worse than the Fila kit launch where they gave us all bottles of bubbles and had male models walk out with the shirt painted on their torso's.

Think it was a minute before they got everything launched at them and they ran off the pitch.

Mike Oxsaw 1:59 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
Will they be launching is stand-wards from the pitch to the punters? They'll need to do it via a fleet of fucking ICBMs if that's the plan.

Pervy McBeer 1:58 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
He's the son of a successful businessman. And his dad has given him a job. Not the first time it's ever happened. Maybe he see's it as a time for him to step up, rather than just sit behind his keyboard spouting on twitter.

Huffers 1:51 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
I assume I will get an invite to defend my TITLE

Mike Oxsaw 1:42 Fri Mar 17
Re: Guess who is running our kit launch next season...
Will Sly & Robbie be doing an extended dub 12-inch limited edition version?

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