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smartkev 12:21 Mon Mar 20
Obiang out for season
Reid 4-6 weeks at least
Antonio 3-4

According to Jack

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Jasnik 11:38 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
Give ginger a chance .

Vexed 8:13 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
I think that's the idea you fuckin LENGTH. A player that has the longest good spell is the HOTY. It's not who is the best player over the length of their career.Jesus wept. Obiang or Antonio for HOTY all day long.

di_kezio 7:57 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
I'm (bizarrely) siding with Alex V on this one. Obiang has been solid and with the occasional decent pass through midfield. Most consistent midfielder this season, but far from Hammer of the Year material. I'm not sure why everyone is so worked up about him. We have a midfielder every so often who has a good season, like Diame or Behrami, who I thought both had good spells. I put Obiang in that group. Happy to have him here, not going to be fussed if he moves on.

chim chim cha boo 7:52 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
I'd have to say I'd have real trouble if at this point we had to pick Hammer Of The Year.

I kind of want to say Reid but can you give it to a defender when we seem to ship 3 goals a game? I thought Lanzini would step up to the plate when the frog-who's-name-I-cannot-utter fucked off but he only seems to be getting into his stride now.

Antonio doesn't know what day it is at the moment, bless him. Maybe stick him in goal next as it's the only position he hasn't played. Saturday he was a left-winger apparently.

I'm sick for Pedro though. A credit to the club, never moaned about not being picked (and criminally underused), plays his way into the team with some performances we've always known he's capable of, and now this. Fucking football. Fucking West Ham.

charleyfarley 7:47 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
Thankyou Alex you have made me happy

Alex V 6:16 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
>>> Have you ever been happy with any aspect of West Ham? be it transfers, players managers tactics coaches training grounds owners etc etc

Yes of course. I've been broadly supportive of the owners in recent eras. I like a lot of our players - it's a tragedy to see them so poorly managed. I've been critical of the poor focus on facilities that seems to have continued over the past 20 years and more.

Although I do think our transfer policy is half-baked, I was delighted with a bunch of our signings over the 2014-2016 period and have said so regularly - it seemed like a mostly coherent strategy to buy younger promising players to develop at the club that brought real success. I have no idea why we didn't see that through - whoever was responsible for abandoning what was working so well needs their head checked imo.

El Scorchio 6:13 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
Agree about no-one really standing out this season!

Lanzini and Antonio have definitely been two of the brighter sparks. I love the way Lanzini glides past players.

I hope there's a player there with Quina- looks like he really needs to bulk up or fill out though.

Alex V 6:08 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
El Scorchio 5:39 Mon Mar 20

>>> Who has impressed you particularly?

Lanzini. Antonio going forward, not so much defensively. Masuaku. That's about it. Though Fletcher, Quina, Fernandes look very promising - I'd like to see them play more.

With Obiang I'm not saying I think he's been bad. Far from it - clearly our best midfielder and one of our best performers over the season. I just think that's not saying much right now.

charleyfarley 5:59 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
Alex V I am trying to be positive but!!

Have you ever been happy with any aspect of West Ham? be it transfers, players managers tactics coaches training grounds owners etc etc

In case you didn't realise it's International Happy day, so just for once give us something, anything over the last week or last 20 years, that has made you happy about West Ham. Give us as many as you can

Biggie Biggs 5:53 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
I imagine Alex has decided to be contrary to what everyone else thinks as per usual

El Scorchio 5:39 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
Alex V 4:12

Who has impressed you particularly?

Northern Sold 5:38 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season

Sven Roeder 5:37 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
Obiang has been one of our few good players but had a poor game on Saturday
Dithered over the ball which led to it getting to Mahrez for the first and things weren't much better after that

claret on my shirt 5:34 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
Don't worry we have Nordvedt, Fenghouli and Ginge to the rescue, hahahahaha what a fucking shower of shit our squad is. Fuck off Sullivan

Alex V 4:12 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
It sounds horribly negative but I've just not been as impressed with Reid and Obiang as others on here seem to be. Obiang has done a decent-ish job in defensive midfield - I still just don't think he passes the ball well enough to get too excited. I think Reid is pretty much as culpable as the rest for our poor defence this season - he did have a good run of form around the turn of the year and that's about it.

Rossal 4:07 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
I thought Obiang has played quite well this season 13 ;)

Willtell 4:07 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
Except Snodgrass and Fonte were Bilic choices....

The owners just pick up the tab...

13 Brentford Rd 4:02 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
Horrible signing, journeyman who has the odd goid game like many, was never in favour of it and will be one we are trying to flog next season.
That's our clueless cunt owners for you.

Pee Wee 3:52 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
We could have 12 injuries and I still don't think I'd start Snodgrass

Rossal 3:35 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
Collins in for Reid

Get Oxford back if we can

Kouyate in the middle, he shouldnt be anywhere near CB he is a box to box midfielder

Struggle to see where the goals are going to come from though, Andy will be starved of service

Don't think we'll go down but we'll be bottom 5 on current form

13 Brentford Rd 3:33 Mon Mar 20
Re: Obiang out for season
How surprising more injuries only to key players. I'm so shocked.
Lanzini is due another injury soon surely.

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