WHO Poll

Stranded 6:55 Mon Jul 17
Coaching kids
Who knew there was so much in it?


Verified account @westhamladies
We are looking for Junior Academy Coaches who share our pedagogical coaching methodologies


Volunteer Ladies Junior Academy Coaches (U10s – U16s) Hours: 6 hours per week; Wednesday (7pm-9pm), Friday (7pm-9pm),
Sunday (varied for matches) Location: West Ham United Foundation Beckton
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West Ham United Ladies are looking for coaches to join our elite girls Junior Academy program. We believe that:

Command-style or instruction based coaching stunts the creative development of a player. This method actually prevents players from learning
through their own problem solving.

Players learn from being challenged; such as playing against physically more developed players. We strive to develop players through a growth mind-set that values struggle over ‘success’.

Coaches don’t have the ‘right’ answer, and instead we encourage players to think creatively for themselves.

At West Ham United Ladies, we can offer an ambitious coach the chance to work in a constructivist way, within an elite player development program which has an exciting long term version. All too often elite programs are based on behaviourist models of teaching with sections of the game taught in linear, reductionist ways. Rather than approaching the contextual complexity of the game, allowing a player to solve
challenging problems in an enjoyable environment of a game.

We always believe that players learn best when they are allowed to solve football problems for themselves, even though this approach will mean they will make plenty of mistakes along the way. The football environment we provide is pioneering, it considers the principles of ecological dynamics, skill acquisition and a desire to understand the human brain and how it develops. We are inspired by educational pioneers such as Ken Robinson and Sugata Mitra in a hope that it will allow us to push the boundaries of creative player development.

Person Specification

The ideal candidate will have skills and experience in the following areas: -

 FA Level 2 – Essential
 FA Youth Module 1 & 2 - Essential
 FA Safeguarding Children Certificate – Essential
 FA Emergency First Aid Certificate – Essential
 Valid UK Driving Licence – Desirable


A feel that they could develop an interest in how the human brain works and how humans learn (the scientific disciplines of cognitive neurology and ecological dynamics) and seek to this understating to affect the learning environment.

Seek to use their imagination to see what each player could become in the future, rather than seeing them for what they are now. Look beyond who are the ‘best’ player with the ‘best’ attributes right now, and instead challenge and motivate players to learn over time.

Believe that learning, especially when it relates to something as complex as creativity to solve football specific problems, is not a linear process, and is best learnt through the constructivist approach of learner exploration.

Believe that skilled football performance is the product of constant perception of the environment and action. For this reason, prefer players to solve real football problems in their own way, as they have perceived it, and then to adapt their approach to solving these problems through a process of trial and error.

Always prefer to give players game based challenges rather than using instruction/command.

See opposition and direction as both fundamental to the specificity of any football challenge and therefore do not use unopposed, non-directional practices to teach football-specific skill.

Key Responsibilities
Responsible for planning, preparing and delivering coaching sessions in line with the Clubs philosophy.

 Responsible for match day preparation and performance within the Clubs guidelines.

 To liaise closely with the West Ham United Ladies Junior Academy Director in regards to player’s development through training.

 Communicate regularly with Management Staff to ensure match day preparations and team selections are in place.

 Engage in the necessary CPD training workshops to further your development.

 To support the development of West Ham United Girls Academy players through the Ladies pathway.

 To ensure that all delivery satisfies the clubs Safeguarding and Welfare procedures

Equal Opportunities

 To ensure that all departments are provided within an anti-discriminatory framework and take account of such issues as race, gender, sexuality, disability, religion and age.

 To carry out work in a manner which promotes equality of opportunity for both staff and clients.

Understanding and commitment to the Club’s Equality Policy and ability to promote anti-discriminatory practice.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Stranded 8:29 Mon Jul 17
Re: Coaching kids

charleyfarley 8:25 Mon Jul 17
Re: Coaching kids
Stranded i didn't have a scooby mate, i put it in there to save people having to google it

Stranded 8:05 Mon Jul 17
Re: Coaching kids
charley. I know what pedagogical means. But that whole thing is prime bullshit bingo territory..

pedagogical coaching methodologies

a growth mind-set that values struggle over ‘success’

behaviourist models of teaching with sections of the game taught in linear, reductionist ways

the principles of ecological dynamics, skill acquisition and a desire to understand the human brain and how it develops

an interest in how the human brain works and how humans learn (the scientific disciplines of cognitive neurology and ecological dynamics)

best learnt through the constructivist approach of learner exploration

charleyfarley 7:24 Mon Jul 17
Re: Coaching kids
relating to teaching.
"innovative pedagogical methods"

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