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The Stoat 10:36 Wed Nov 29
The Hammers Public House
Renaming it the Red Lion when it re-opens


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Gavros 3:02 Fri Dec 1
Re: The Hammers Public House
The cock looked fucking awful in it's final years.

Looked like the sort of place you'd drink yourself to death in.

the last eastender 2:56 Fri Dec 1
Re: The Hammers Public House
The cock closed early 90's drank in there myself in the 80's. It was looking past its best then probably was a tidy pub in days of yore.
The drum eh? Drank in there once or twice was a bit cliquey as it was all the vicarage lane crowd who drank there.
As for Manor Park and the conquered yeah remember it well only went in there as I knew people in the area otherwise I would'nt have gone in there otherwise.

ManorParkHammer 2:58 Fri Dec 1
Re: The Hammers Public House
Both awful.

Gavros 2:49 Fri Dec 1
Re: The Hammers Public House
Never been in the conqueror. Been in the balkesney? A few times pissed.

Always used to enjoy Sundays in the fleece followed by a ruby in the now sadly long gone Empress.

CasualKen 2:14 Fri Dec 1
Re: The Hammers Public House
Not sure of your age MPH but I’m 42 and a E12 boy. my brother is 10 yrs older. He always says the Conqueror was a blinding pub years ago.

ManorParkHammer 12:04 Fri Dec 1
Re: The Hammers Public House
Lord Morpeth is pretty much my local these days.

The Hammers is like most pubs in the east of Newham. Empty and shit. Everyone ran away from it. No one cares about it.

Percy Dalton 11:57 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
Lord Morpeth was a good boozer years ago when John Cartwright x West Ham ran it.

Gavros 10:01 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
No chance. I was still a kid when they pulled that down.

CasualKen 9:50 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
Gavos, had a little look up and some site reckons the Cock shut in 1996 ?! Sounds a bit late to me, I would of been 21. Reckon it was well before that cause I never used it. Use to go in the Roding after football on a Sun at Gas board ground, Southend Rd, after their bar had shut! Played for Ludlows FC who were all out of East Ham. A lot of them used the Drum and Monkey as well. Good days.

jim@chickenrun 6:06 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
Thought they might re name it..ramadammers!

lowermarshhammer 4:00 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
Lived pretty much opposite that pub in 93/94.

Must be horrific around there now.

Probably not shit enough for a hipster takeover.


Gavros 3:49 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
I also remember the Cock but was far to young to drink in there. that closed about 1990 I reckon?

Gavros 3:48 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
Our local was the Roding, though to be honest I was too young to drink in there until a couple of years before I left the area for good. It not a pub anymore, just like the vast majority of them.

I had my first proper piss up in the Hammers when i was 16 with my mate Frank and his old man and his mates. It was Christmas eve 1993 I think.

CasualKen 3:23 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
Drum and Monkey was a blinding pub, had a few lock in there back in the day. Who remembers the Cock in High Street North or the Roding tucked away near the gas board ground?

Don Ravioli 2:41 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
Had some proper funny nights down there when Steve had it late 90’s early 00’s.
Shithole but a funny shit hole. Surprised it’s still open to be honest.

gph 1:40 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
, loads of pubs used to do cheap pub food. A few used to do good cheap pub food.

Now they do expensive food, which restaurants do better

paulon 1:16 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
Upstairs at EHWMC is supposedly being converted into flats so the club can remain on the current site

Bit shit but gives them some security

w4hammer 1:04 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
decent boozer that. Lord Morpeth is a cracking pub too.

The Boleyn will be a hipster pub before you know it. FACT

1964 1:03 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
Gavros 11:59 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
what did you think of the drum and monkey ....
The Perseverance?

Used to drink in there with my Father-in-Law back in the 70s

REALGSA 1:00 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
All those new build flats and town houses have been bought up by hipsters so they will be flooding the Boleyn, Red Lion, nathans and kens cafe in years to come....

Northern Sold 12:08 Thu Nov 30
Re: The Hammers Public House
Gavvy... never heard of it... did I miss much...

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