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fraser 10:15 Sat Dec 23
First time at stadium today
Getting off at Stratford and maybe visiting Westfield, anything I should know..any tips.


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Takashi Miike 9:38 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
what bits Len?

its a shithole - TRUE
its a route march from the station and back - TRUE
you need binoculars to see the game properly - TRUE

ted fenton 9:25 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
Hahaha your on your own there Gavros.

Gavros 9:12 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
What bollocks?

I fully believe everything ive said.


Leonard Hatred 9:01 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
Ive just read all the posts on this thread and would like to offer an alternative point of view.

Take a step back from your personal agenda, read it objectively, and consider just what a massive load of SHIT AND BOLLOCKS has been spouted on this thread.


It's fucking ridiculous.

Turn it in you cunts.

Gavros 8:46 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
Everyone knows Sold0 is a fantasist

mashed in maryland 8:29 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
Gavros 8:15 Sun Dec 24

Apparently it happens. Ask your MATE s0ldo, s0n.

Mex Martillo 8:27 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
Ornchurch, upton park was a proper football stadium, but we are in the OS now and it is actully a very nice stadium even for football

Gavros 8:26 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
You want to see Westside at Upton Park? 🤔🤔🤔

ornchurch ammer 8:19 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
Some may like the new stadium. That's up to them. Me, I hate it. Give me the Upton Park with original North and South Banks and West Side any day of the week. A PROPER football ground.

Gavros 8:15 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
Why would you have a season ticket for a club you didn't support?

MiM in Shit Chat shocker!

mashed in maryland 8:12 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
So what if someone is from an E postcode and lives there and their family were from there but they support Arsenal and have a ST at the OS?

Gavros 8:04 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
It's all about the ROOTS.

bruuuno 8:02 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
Then they are probably hipster scum and their opinion is not valid

mashed in maryland 7:57 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
What if one was born in Surrey but lives in an E postcode?

Gavros 7:55 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
Buster is from Surrey.

Tells you all you need to know about the bloke.

Mex Martillo 7:52 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
I think it is a great stadium. Yesterday it seemed pretty full to me, although I was surprised I could see some of the better seats lower down were empty. I should have moved down but could not be bothered as I was too interested in watching the game.

Swindon do not waste your time justifying your support to arseholes. If you want to support West Ham you are a West Ham supporter. I gave up justifying myself as a West Ham supporter many many years ago. I could not give a shit what anyone thinks of my support of West Ham.

swindon hammer 7:21 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
Well as far being out of town goes I would suggest that I am just as much of a supporter as anyone from East London/Essex because I wasn't forced or encouraged to support West Ham I CHOSE to support West Ham over the likes of Tottenham (my old mans team) Liverpool, Man Utd etc and i spend a lot of money just in travel to watch the club.

Maybe hundreds but your suggestion that there are thousands of non West Ham season ticket holders is exaggerated especially where I normally sit in the East stand.

Don't have an issue with you Johnson but I do think you take some of the comments the board make a bit too much to heart. Of course they exaggerate things as far as demand for tickets go but is that much different from any business doing the same?

Personally I would've preferred to stay at UP with a 50K capacity but not sure they could of gone beyond 42k. I understand why they wanted to move to a bigger stadium but unfortunately they have made bad decisions in regard to appointing the right managers and signing the right players to justify the bigger capacity.

Buster 7:14 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
Gavvy turned his back on his beloved stadium after ONE season.

Tells you all you need to know about the bloke.

Gavros 7:07 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
Correct. As I've pointed out before:

Live in an E postcode - very important opinion

Live in an IG or RM postcode - important opinion

Live in a CM or SS postcode - slightly important job in.

Live in none of those - opinion doesn't count.

Johnson 7:00 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
We were told that we were too big for Upton Park Swindon despite there NEVER being a waiting list for season tickets even the last season made general sale. That number was 26k

Then we are expected to believe that over 100k (ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND) die hard West Ham fans want to go every week all whilst the actual attendance hovered around the 47k mark last season?

You might cry your eyes out at people pointing the obvious bullshittery going on somewhere, but I won’t.

Besides you’re not allowed an opinion according to some of the chief OS cheerleaders as you’re from out of town. I’d ask them why they’ll slag off West Ham fans from out of town but turn a blind eye to hundreds if not thousands of neutrals and fans of other clubs in the “home” sections instead of worrying about a few FACTS being pointed out.

Gavros 6:47 Sun Dec 24
Re: First time at stadium today
Moaning and criticising our own fans is what some people do.


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