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Flannel 10:23 Tue Jan 9
Central midfield targets
We are again today linked with two Arsenal central midfielders and everyone can see this is the area Moyes wishes to strengthen , which hopefully everyone here has agreed is our weak area . However with so many different targets supposedly being identified I truely hope we buy quality. The main rumours so far surround the following players ;

So fellow hammers which of the above would you be excited about signing and which leave you slightly disappointed ?

A sad state of affairs but everyone in my book would walk into our central midfield and improve it !

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

unitedsound 12:32 Fri Jan 12
Re: Central midfield targets

Patience please ???

We know the history of our owners so we will have to wait till 31 Jan and then get some shits players on loan as they make out how hard they worked to get this and that.

master 11:24 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
Patience please. Some of you are grown men ffs.

ATHammer 10:46 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
Nigel Quasie still around?

Northern Sold 2:43 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets

Said a few days back we should go tits out for this lad.... looks like we just might be fumbling at the bra catch at the moment

daveyg 1:13 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
Arter for £15m FFS Bournemouth will be laughing there head off.Ridiculous signing,once again we look to be buying shit players who will get in the way of young players at the club already.He's not even in the Bournemouth team.
I give up if Moyes wants Shelvey and Arter.

easthammer 12:45 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
Reading the rumours (most probably all bollocks ) but it appears that we could get Shelvey but Moyes doesn't really fancy him. Moyes prefers Arter but Sullivan ain't going to pay £15m that Bournemouth want.

All the other midfielders that have been mentioned including Dedoncker are way off

Vexed 10:51 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
*starts writing application for midfield vacancy*

Coffee 9:18 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
Alfs 2:46 Thu Jan 11

Plenty on WHO to choose from.

cornish 9:15 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
Bloody hell Alfs you ain't putting Shelvey in the same bracket as Di Canio and Arnie are you?

nychammer 3:00 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
Shelvey would be a good signing, hes local, supposedly a supporter and I think he’s what we need. Would love to see Carvalho come too but we all know that ain’t gong to happen.

VirginiaHam 2:57 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
How about Shelvey and Dendoncker?

A bit more bollocks in MF, plus some creativity.

Alfs 2:46 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
I like Shelvey. Yes, he has a temperament but so does Arnie, and Paulo was no saint. If anything, our team could do with a bit of a cunt in midfield.

Full Claret Jacket 2:14 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
Shelvey is only as good as his common sense which he lacks. Moyes has done a good job with Arnautovic so far. Maybe he could get a more out of Shelvey but he isn't an exciting signing in the current scheme of things.

BRANDED 2:10 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
Cos he's a bit shit and would otherwise sit on the bench? Ish.

Tomsdad 1:57 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
Reply BRANDED 1:25 Wed Jan 10


stoneman 12:33 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
Carvalho wasn’t in the Sporting squad that played tonight.

Just saying.

sidneyshitcunt 12:28 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
I'd go for Shelvey as we are short of midfield passers, and he can thread a long pass through wide to our pacey wingers, or to the chest of a front man.

Coquelin is also a good holding midfielder who has lost his place in a Champions League regular team, but would nail the position down with us.

hacko 12:21 Thu Jan 11
Re: Central midfield targets
We don't need any more players who are smothered in tattoos. We have quite enough.

BRANDED 1:25 Wed Jan 10
Re: Central midfield targets
Shelvy would be good for cup games.

pdbis 1:18 Wed Jan 10
Re: Central midfield targets
Dowie was West Ham and he was dog shit. Shelvey is like a man possessed and got 2 or 3 red cards in him along with numerous yellow cards.Dildo brothers will not spend big as they hope we will crawl across the safety line.Not to sure who Moyes will sign or let go.

easthammer 6:48 Tue Jan 9
Re: Central midfield targets
Grumpster maybe you are right to think there should be a bigger spend but it just isn't going to happen in this window.

For the following reasons.

The real good players will want a better move than to a team in a relegation battle.

Moyes is only on a short term contract

Our owners are who they are

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