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Yarmouth 9:54 Wed Apr 18
The match day experience..
Took the 'new' missus to the game on Monday, she's a 1st timer, had never been to the Boleyn as we hadn't got together then.

Got £20 tickets in block 233, row 71, I think 4 rows back from the top..

Drove down to Redbridge, tube across to Stratford, popped onto Broadway for a couple then over to the ground to pick up the tickets.

For what it’s worth, observations from her.

Why –
1. is it such a long walk from the station to the ground
2. don’t the stewards know where they are sending you (we wanted to go to the ticket office and was sent the wrong way)
3. don’t they seemingly give a f***
4. are the crowd so far from the pitch
5. aren’t the players running & trying harder
6. didn’t you have those players (Lanzini & Carroll) on from the half way break
7. is it so quiet, I thought you told me the crowd would be real noisy tonight
8. is everybody on their mobiles instead of watching the players
9. (on leaving) does it take so long to get out
10. do we have to wait for the stop/go people to let us walk
11. can’t we stop & get a drink anywhere

I’m not making this up. Granted, she doesn’t ‘get’ football, but her comments rung a chord with me.

The whole matchday experience is shit nowadays. The ground is sterile and cold, there’s no real atmosphere, & nobody associated with the club from the fucking stewards on the ‘death march’ to/from the ground to the owners seemingly give a fuck. Add that to a large proportion of the crowd aren’t really supporters, they’re just there to watch a ‘game of football’ with the half/half fucking scarves and mobile phones.

We’ve got a crap side, with a negative, gutless manager and a money grabbing board and the result is a once proud and strong club has been reduced to a money making exercise with no soul whatsoever.

The upside is she never wants to go again, the downside is – I’m not sure that I want to either. And that’s fucking sad for a 60yr old bloke who has supported the Irons since I was 6.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Fifth Column 9:16 Fri Apr 20
Re: The match day experience..

THe 50000 turning up week after week thing is a line from the Board. The reason we all turn up every week is because we support West Ham. I turn up every week but still find the stadium awful - solely due to how far we are from the pitch and I'm only in row 11... having loyal support does not equate to most people being happy,

Northern Sold 11:53 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
wanstead_hammer 9:18 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
And at least you both joined the mile-high club.

Ha Ha Ha!!!

Buster 9:50 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
London Stadium in shithole shocker.

wanstead_hammer 9:18 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
And at least you both joined the mile-high club.

wanstead_hammer 9:07 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
Sounds all too familiar, Yarmouth.
I'm sure it would've got the same reaction from whoever you took over there.

Hope you explained to her about the lying, cheapskate scummy board.

Sydney_Iron 6:48 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
The Stadium isn’t that bad, I know I may have rose tinted specs being an expat so not going to many games, and then when I did against Southampton, we won, won well with the crowd and team well up for it.

It’s not Upton Park and never will be, all this whinging and bellyaching is down to the board and team performance in my opinion, the Stadium is an excuse to give them more grief.

If your back in London in the future PD, and there is a game on, go along, don’t take it as gospel it’s a shit venue because a few on WHO say so, plenty of other fans are ok with it, and maybe why over 50 thousand turn up week in week out even though we are playing shit!!!! Just don’t get shit tickets, like all big stadiums if your way up the back, its will be pretty shit, learnt that at the Sydney stadium, want a decent experience, get decent tickets.

Oh, and as well as decent toilet facilities, the seats are more comfortable and you have bit more room…………….

arsegrapes 3:17 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
Only natural the LS would have the best palatial urinals being shaped like a toilet bowl.

Private Dancer 2:50 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
I don't think I will ever go to that shithole. Sounds like a day from hell. Imagine if it was raining too.

stepney hammer 1:46 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
Iconic Next Level Toilets

Northern Sold 1:40 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
`The Toilets at the LS are good though, a 100% improvement on UP, plenty of them, no queuing up, clean and not that strong stench of stale urine`.


I have honestly read it all now.... we have sold out for some nice shiny PISSERS!!!!

Lily Hammer 12:58 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
That wasn’t moaning, it was questioning after perceptively observing.

Probably just as good a reason to dump her, to be fair.

Dicko75 12:46 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
Dump her. She moans too fucking much

Pagey 12:33 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
That’s a bloody long way of telling everyone that despite being 60 you’re still getting your cock wet.

Side of Ham 12:31 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
Nextime you take your cousin out take her Whine tasting, think you’ve both got a great pallet for that.

JohnnyL 12:23 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
But the toilets in blocks 103 to 106 were packed out on Monday ... as the bloody barrier they put in on the concourse to protect the Board is stopping fans use the (lovely ) numerous bogs on the other side .

fraser 12:21 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
Why is it so shit would have sufficed

El Scorchio 12:19 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
If you thought it would be shit and she wasn’t up for it then why did you bother going?

You should have stayed at home and watched it on telly.

factory seconds 12:13 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
i was at a meal in hackney wick the other night and wasn't exactly on top form, couldn't think of much to say for whatever reason.

that all changed when someone i was with started talking to me about how i'm west ham, the stadium and how it'll take a couple of seasons to feel like home.

i positively burst into life at that point. poor bloke was only trying to be optimistic but i reckon he'll gladly never hear another word about that bastard place again.

J.Riddle 12:12 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
Never given it much thought but the bogs are next level from UP, next time I go I will treat it as my last and curl one out in the traps (would love to do it in style like the Sunderland lad but timing is key) on Sidders recommendation and leave it unflushed as my LS legacy.

, 12:11 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
So where is the link to this new Doris?

Yarmouth 12:11 Thu Apr 19
Re: The match day experience..
I called them on Friday morning and asked if there were tickets available. The 1st ones they mentioned were the £20 I brought.

I thought about getting 'better' tickets but at the time thought wtf, it'll be shit anyway + she'd never been and wasn't really up for it so bollocks to paying more.

But it's fucked it for me now, I think the only way I'd consider going back again is if the team really improves and we play good football again.

Shame to say that because I would & did always go for the love of the club but it's just a pain in the arse now.

Maybe it's an age thing, maybe just fucked off with the whole board bullshit ruining our club and taking UP away etc but the desire has almost gone and I never, ever thought I could feel that way about West Ham..

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