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KingandPaynter 11:26 Mon Aug 20
selling Tomkins was a shit decision
Tomkins had West Ham in his blood

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Vexed 11:59 Wed Aug 22
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
Swiss. 1:30 Wed Aug 22

I can certainly confirm that you're not me. That would be a monumental upgrade for you, you snivelling tapeworm.

Full Claret Jacket 10:38 Wed Aug 22
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
Yawn, this comes up time and again by the same old posters. When are some of you going to realise he wasn't good enough to be a starter and still isn't. I'd have Rice over him any day. Selling Tomkins for 10m was outstanding business both for us and him.

Lertie Button 8:55 Wed Aug 22
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
Is an fairly accomplished premiership central defender, something we are lacking on the evidence of our first two performances

Johnson 7:57 Wed Aug 22
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
El Scorchio - that horrible little mug Jack Sullivan or one of the ITKs he feeds posted some weird poll about whether fans would be sad to see Tomkins go no more than a couple of months before he left.

He was absolutely sold for profit,

Dwight Van Mann 7:39 Wed Aug 22
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
didn't make sense at the time and makes even less now

geoffpikey 7:26 Wed Aug 22
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
I think Bilic may get the sack because of this.

Swiss. 1:38 Wed Aug 22
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
Sorry what's the point of this thread? I mean Capt Hindsight at the rescue.

Swiss. 1:30 Wed Aug 22
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision

You going to confirm I'm not Vexed or not?

defjam 1:22 Wed Aug 22
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
El Scorchio 8:11 - Actually didn't think of it that way, good post.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 9:48 Tue Aug 21
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
I heard that bar Carroll we have no dealings with an agent that represented a number of players including Tomkins. This is by design.

Eerie Descent 8:40 Tue Aug 21
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision



brundal 8:31 Tue Aug 21
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
So was fonte , letting Ginge go was another mistake,

El Scorchio 8:12 Tue Aug 21
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
It could always be worse though. At least we didn't get rid of Salah, De Bruyne and Lukaku...

El Scorchio 8:11 Tue Aug 21
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
DJ- pretty much! Ogbonna and Reid were the two, and one of Collins and Tomkins was expendable.

The deciding factor? Tomkins was worth far more as a sellable asset than Collins. I think it literally came down to making a buck.

defjam 8:05 Tue Aug 21
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
Selling him and keeping Collins to be more exact.

I think the Kouyaté deal will probably bite us as well as he was the only box to box midfielder we had, despite his ability to go missing during games when he actually turned up he was better than most.

Vexed 8:05 Tue Aug 21
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
This again really? Fucking hell. Just imagine how shit our defence would be if we still had this chump lumbering around being good at heading and fuck all else.

Sorry I've done him a disservice, he could also do a shit job at right back.

El Scorchio 7:58 Tue Aug 21
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
Ideally we would have kept him, but at the time he was 3-4th choice, with Reid, Ogbonna and Collins all ahead of him in the pecking order, and (apparently) Oxford and Burke ready to step up. He expressed a desire to play more, which we couldn't guarantee, and we could command a decent fee for him.

We appeared to be sitting pretty and able to cope without him, BUT the continued injury problems and apparent regression of the three ahead of him, combined with the real lack of progress from the younger players has conspired to have made it the wrong choice in hindsight.

Basically everything that could go wrong with the players we kept HAS gone wrong. As it turns out, he would have been a mainstay of our defence over the last couple of seasons and we might well be better off for having retained him, but there was no way of knowing that at the time.

Hermit Road 7:22 Tue Aug 21
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
I thought it was a shit decision at the time. So did lots of others on this board and many I know. I don't think you needed hindsight although it is always handy. He was a ball-playing centre half who was strong in the tackle and in the air.

, 7:18 Tue Aug 21
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
If the OP had said “ with hind sight was the decision to sell Tomkins a mistake?†we could have had a reasonable discussion.

But the way it was written looks to have prevented that outcome.

chedylan 2 7:09 Tue Aug 21
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
The club have made plenty of much bigger shit decisions since then to be too bothered about this one.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 7:09 Tue Aug 21
Re: selling Tomkins was a shit decision
So EXACTLY as I paraphrased it, then. Thanks.

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